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This poll whips butt! (1 Viewer)

Is "caning" a viable option to prison if it's the defendant's choice?

  • Roger Miller sang "Do-wacka-do-wacka-do"...Heck yeah!

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Please Hammer...Don't hurt him...Heck no!

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Torn between two lovers...Heck I don't know!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Is capitol punishment the "moral base" that everyone is talking about.....

It seems the "moral base" is not allowing women, or blacks to vote, oh yeah and anyone else who votes for opposition suing a diebolt machine, civil rights, ecology and everything else to be set back 30+ years. It was a real good time back then. I could really understand this for the "Have's and Have Mores".
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Is capitol punishment the "moral base" that everyone is talking about.....

It seems the "moral base" is not allowing women, or blacks to vote, oh yeah and anyone else who votes for opposition suing a diebolt machine, civil rights, ecology and everything else to be set back 30+ years. It was a real good time back then. I could really understand this for the "Have's and Have Mores".

And this is relevant to this topic how?
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Capitol Punishment was removed for a reason.

A) Not removed...

B) Nothing to do with this thread...

C) You debate like an epileptic on meth...haphazard and incoherant...
cnredd said:
A) Not removed...

B) Nothing to do with this thread...

C) You debate like an epileptic on meth...haphazard and incoherant...

Cane im...
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Capitol Punishment was removed for a reason.

Capitol Punishment also wasn't voluntary.
When you get into voluntary things you start to lose arguments like "Look how brutal it is" or "it's inhumane". If a guy (or girl) says it's okay with her, then whatever. Their body, their choice (cnredd, look how I twisted it! You're pro choice!).
ncallaway said:
Capitol Punishment also wasn't voluntary.
When you get into voluntary things you start to lose arguments like "Look how brutal it is" or "it's inhumane". If a guy (or girl) says it's okay with her, then whatever. Their body, their choice (cnredd, look how I twisted it! You're pro choice!).

But in this case, it's man & woman...so everyone should get to decide...:smile:

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