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This is what an ass entitled politician looks like (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

Yeah, once you commit a crime or infraction, you can't decide that you changed your mind.

So he gets the additional charge.

Luce has a "top ten" list of things to say to cops if you want your day to get even worse.

#2 is "Do you know who I am?"
Yeah, once you commit a crime or infraction, you can't decide that you changed your mind.

So he gets the additional charge.

Luce has a "top ten" list of things to say to cops if you want your day to get even worse.

#2 is "Do you know who I am?"
Hey sometimes it works! I saw one video of a cop who pulled over a lady for driving while black. She was a DA. The second she said that "HAVE A NICE DAY MA'AM" and he fled the scene.
Nominate him for 2022 AHOTY award. I need to check who won last years contest
What came first, power or corruption?
Well, I want to know the outcome of this now.
His body language was enough to show you what an ass hat he is!
I love how he has the phrases all down, saying how he doesn't expect special treatment when that's exactly what he's demanding, how he makes up so many lies and insults - I think one of the insults with an implied threat was about her being an immigrant. I was very disappointed with how all the senior officers seemed to condone his behavior instead of defending her or criticizing him.
I love how he has the phrases all down, saying how he doesn't expect special treatment when that's exactly what he's demanding, how he makes up so many lies and insults - I think one of the insults with an implied threat was about her being an immigrant. I was very disappointed with how all the senior officers seemed to condone his behavior instead of defending her or criticizing him.
I think they were just pacifying him, as to not escalate the situation.
"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, you're INMATE #47762410"
That officer should get a medal.

And the senior people who placated him should get investigated. The guy's business should get a boycott.
This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

Deplorable pieces of shit need to go back under the rocks where they used to reside.
What a total dishonest self-important deek. I hope she gets promoted and he loses in a landslide.
Second one of them.

This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

Somehow, a part of me was hoping this would be a story about how some politician thought they were entitled to ass, as in getting some on a regular basis from the local prostitutes or some such.
Somehow, a part of me was hoping this would be a story about how some politician thought they were entitled to ass, as in getting some on a regular basis from the local prostitutes or some such.
Look up Madison Cawthorn.
This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

Vote for him. If he wins, he'll "enjoy" no more than 1/870 of the influence of Samuel Alito or Clarence Thomas. I doubt that will be enough to satisfy him.
This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

That guy was running for Congress? Can you imagine that asshole with real power?
That guy was running for Congress? Can you imagine that asshole with real power?
Yea. They are all over DC. And many are women. I mean real women not make believe women.
This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

God bless this police officer. She kept her cool in the face of a jerk desperately asking to get dragged out of the car, cuffed, and dragged to jail.
Here's a third one - the first I saw of these a few years ago. Skip ahead to 50 minutes when she shows up. You can't make this stuff up. Note the mentality - like she clearly thinks telling the cop he 'can't form a complete sentence' is just her favorite insult and says it over and over and over.

This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.


Who tf is he, actually?

She should have arrested him for extortion.

Who tf is he, actually?

She should have arrested him for extortion.
I don’t think he was committing a crime, but the “Do you know who I am?” line is a fantastic way of convincing a cop to throw discretion to the wind and write the offender up for every citation available. Frankly, the dude is lucky that the cop didn’t say, “Gee, I think I smell marijuana. Just sit tight while I call a K-9 unit to the scene.”
This is so extreme, if it were fiction I'd say it was badly written over the top. This jerk in his "$150,000 SUV" was driving 57 in a 40 and texting, so a very nice patrol officer pulled him over for a ticket.

Almost immediately he said the infamous line, do you know who I am. Over and over and over and over and over, he did many abusive things, calling her a liar, telling her he'd get her fired, calling himself a "law-abiding citizen", dropping names of the police chief and mayor, saying how he'd helped the police in negotiations, and so on.

The only questionable thing for her was that after he refused repeatedly to give her his registration and she wrote a citation, then he shoved it at her and demanded she accept it, but she still gave him the ticket for not producing it before.

I'm not quite sure what this meant, but he spoke to someone higher up on his phone and then told her, 'you know what he said about you? you know what he said about you? He said he's had you before like this and he'll have you again', and then smugly looked at her.

Since this was all on video, he 'got caught', and did the oily politician thing with a mandatory apology; he said he was quitting the race, but then went on *Tucker Carlson* who praised him, and said he was staying in the race. Ya, he's a far-right Republican trying to primary the incumbent Republican saying he's not right-wing enough. Luckily he's well behind. This guy is the picture of who you do not want elected with an insane level of sense of privilege.

Sheesh. Mr. "I have a $150K car" has an expired registration for it. Also he seems unable to do up his fly. :ROFLMAO:

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