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The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116] [W:170] (1 Viewer)


Jul 11, 2016
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Afghanistan: The longest war, no end in sight – Workers World

As somebody who has served in the Army, it bothers me to see a prolonged overseas war, started and continued due to imperialist aggression, have no sign of stopping. Bush started this war, and Obama did little to stop it once he took office.

I've seen the type of people who support this war, both in the military and in civilian life. The soldiers who supported the war in the Middle East were often textbook sociopaths, very violent, prone to fighting in the barracks, blatantly misogynistic towards female soldiers, and all of them just couldn;t wait for the chance to kill a Muslim... any Muslim. The civilians who supported this illegal occupation of another country halfway around the globe were always poorly educated, got all their news from Fox, and often horded firearms so that they could "defend themselves" despite being the only ones in their town with a criminal record.

There is no good reason to keep sending troops to the Middle East, and no good reason to continue our illegal occupation of Afghanistan. Bring the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, etc. back to the U.S.A, and stop using "war" as a justification to bloat our military budget while our education budge and healthcare budget shrinks.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Afghanistan: The longest war, no end in sight – Workers World

As somebody who has served in the Army, it bothers me to see a prolonged overseas war, started and continued due to imperialist aggression, have no sign of stopping. Bush started this war, and Obama did little to stop it once he took office.

I've seen the type of people who support this war, both in the military and in civilian life. The soldiers who supported the war in the Middle East were often textbook sociopaths, very violent, prone to fighting in the barracks, blatantly misogynistic towards female soldiers, and all of them just couldn;t wait for the chance to kill a Muslim... any Muslim. The civilians who supported this illegal occupation of another country halfway around the globe were always poorly educated, got all their news from Fox, and often horded firearms so that they could "defend themselves" despite being the only ones in their town with a criminal record.

There is no good reason to keep sending troops to the Middle East, and no good reason to continue our illegal occupation of Afghanistan. Bring the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, etc. back to the U.S.A, and stop using "war" as a justification to bloat our military budget while our education budge and healthcare budget shrinks.
There's too much money to be made there. Plus if they are going to move against Iran they want to keep them surrounded. I'm not justifying that, just stating the reason.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Afghanistan: The longest war, no end in sight – Workers World

As somebody who has served in the Army, it bothers me to see a prolonged overseas war, started and continued due to imperialist aggression, have no sign of stopping. Bush started this war, and Obama did little to stop it once he took office.

I've seen the type of people who support this war, both in the military and in civilian life. The soldiers who supported the war in the Middle East were often textbook sociopaths, very violent, prone to fighting in the barracks, blatantly misogynistic towards female soldiers, and all of them just couldn;t wait for the chance to kill a Muslim... any Muslim. The civilians who supported this illegal occupation of another country halfway around the globe were always poorly educated, got all their news from Fox, and often horded firearms so that they could "defend themselves" despite being the only ones in their town with a criminal record.

There is no good reason to keep sending troops to the Middle East, and no good reason to continue our illegal occupation of Afghanistan. Bring the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, etc. back to the U.S.A, and stop using "war" as a justification to bloat our military budget while our education budge and healthcare budget shrinks.

Is there a chance you might actually start a thread that is more than just trolling? 5 bucks says the answer is no.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Afghanistan: The longest war, no end in sight – Workers World

As somebody who has served in the Army, it bothers me to see a prolonged overseas war, started and continued due to imperialist aggression, have no sign of stopping. Bush started this war, and Obama did little to stop it once he took office.

I've seen the type of people who support this war, both in the military and in civilian life. The soldiers who supported the war in the Middle East were often textbook sociopaths, very violent, prone to fighting in the barracks, blatantly misogynistic towards female soldiers, and all of them just couldn;t wait for the chance to kill a Muslim... any Muslim. The civilians who supported this illegal occupation of another country halfway around the globe were always poorly educated, got all their news from Fox, and often horded firearms so that they could "defend themselves" despite being the only ones in their town with a criminal record.

There is no good reason to keep sending troops to the Middle East, and no good reason to continue our illegal occupation of Afghanistan. Bring the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, etc. back to the U.S.A, and stop using "war" as a justification to bloat our military budget while our education budge and healthcare budget shrinks.

Have you ever heard of something called "9/11"?
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

The poor Iranians. Clearly, they should be allowed to annex half the Middle East to make up for other countries being allied with the US.

re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

The poor Iranians. Clearly, they should be allowed to annex half the Middle East to make up for other countries being allied with the US.

Iran hasn't attacked another country since 1798.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Iran hasn't attacked another country since 1798.

I see your not counting Revolutionary Guards/Quds Force operations, or 1979?
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

How about in 1979 when they attacked the United States of America? Or does that one not count?

The U.S overthrew a democratically elected leader in 1953, and had propped up a dictatorial Shah since then. By overthrowing the Shah and driving the U.S off their land, they were preventing another repeat of the 1953 Coup d' Etat
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

As somebody who has served in the Army, ...

Who's army? Where were you posted? What rank? What MOS? How long were you in service? What Division? Which Battalion? Under what commanding general? Just wondering. Maybe we ran into each other?
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

I see your not counting Revolutionary Guards/Quds Force operations, or 1979?

Even counting those, Iran has not attacked NEARLY as many countries as the USA or Israel
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

The U.S overthrew a democratically elected leader in 1953, and had propped up a dictatorial Shah since then. By overthrowing the Shah and driving the U.S off their land, they were preventing another repeat of the 1953 Coup d' Etat

What did that have to do with my two questions?
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

There were Iranian troops in the US? Was that in response to the 1953 CIA sponsored overthrow of their democratically elected government?
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

If you ever have a hope of ensuring that Iran honors the nuclear deal they and Obama made, having troops in both Iraq and Iran would be the way to do it.

Yeah, that secret deal that Obama and Kerry made with Iran, which we continue to find out the secret parts to. The ones that were never revealed to anyone, not the congress, not the media, not the electorate.

The US will need to maintain a fairly strong troop presence in both countries, at least as long as the Iran deal is in place, as well as how long the Islamic militant extremists continue to attack.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Who's army? Where were you posted? What rank? What MOS? How long were you in service? What Division? Which Battalion? Under what commanding general? Just wondering. Maybe we ran into each other?

The U.S Army. I was posted to Fort Bragg, 37th Engineer Battalion, part of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Edit: my MOS was 12B, combat engineer
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Even counting those, Iran has not attacked NEARLY as many countries as the USA or Israel

Gotta bitch about the Jooz don't ya.

And Quds Force has operated throughout the Middle East and even in India, so.....
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

There were Iranian troops in the US? Was that in response to the 1953 CIA sponsored overthrow of their democratically elected government?

Does that mean that Iran is justified in supporting terrorist groups? Nope.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Gotta bitch about the Jooz don't ya.

And Quds Force has operated throughout the Middle East and even in India, so.....

I'm not anti-semitic. I'm anti Israel. If Israel were Christian or Buddhist or Atheist, and carried out the same genocide against the Palestinians that they are doing today, I would still oppose them.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

The U.S Army. I was posted to Fort Bragg, 37th Engineer Battalion, part of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Edit: my MOS was 12B, combat engineer

Thank you for your service. We may have in fact run into each other, depending on when you were in and how long you served.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

I'm not anti-semitic. I'm anti Israel. If Israel were Christian or Buddhist or Atheist, and carried out the same genocide against the Palestinians that they are doing today, I would still oppose them.

There's no genocide against the Palestineans. Frankly, if there was the Palestineans would be gone by now.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Thank you for your service. We may have in fact run into each other, depending on when you were in and how long you served.

And thank you for yours.
re: The war in Afghanistan: 15 years with no end in sight [W:116]

Afghanistan: The longest war, no end in sight – Workers World

I've seen the type of people who support this war, both in the military and in civilian life. The soldiers who supported the war in the Middle East were often textbook sociopaths, very violent, prone to fighting in the barracks, blatantly misogynistic towards female soldiers, and all of them just couldn;t wait for the chance to kill a Muslim... any Muslim.

Which barracks did you serve in, in Afghanistan? Where were you stationed?

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