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The South's Economy Is Falling Behind (1 Viewer)

Not really. I surely hope you are not saying a tax cut is somehow 'raiding the Treasury"?

Option A - I forgive a debt you owe of $10
Option B - I cut you a check for $10.

It doesn't matter which option you choose - we're both in the same boat at the end either way. Same thing with tax cuts, with me being government and you being a taxpayer. There's a cost to them, it's just hidden. We either raise taxes somewhere else or cut spending somewhere, but that cost is just as real as if the treasury cut checks to those getting tax cuts.

It's a nice trick the GOP has done to obscure this truth, to convince voters that there is no "cost" to tax cuts, but it's still a lie.
Finish the story.....

That further education (Doer) makes you pay for the Non- doer?

Isn't that awesome?

Politics is rough , but I'm sorry, I'm tired of being ruled by my inferiors

I have no idea what your going on about I have no idea who you think your inferiors are....nor do I care.
I thought it was interesting to see the differences in 2 counties I personally live and lived in.
Politics isn't rough....people just like being assholes but need an excuse so politics it is.

Helix, this is just standard Democrat agitprop.There are no benefits 'showered "on anybody. A tax cut means they have to pay less. Period. They are not 'raiding the Treasury" , as in taking money FROM the Govt.
Tax rates are always. The way you word it- there is some set amount that rich people rightfully owe and anything below that is a 'giveaway"

BTW did your link address the tax benefits showered on ~45 of taxpayers? That is - they payNO taxes. Can't beat that for a benefit ,eh?

Also. You might want to drop the condecension.
I have no idea what your going on about I have no idea who you think your inferiors are....nor do I care.
I thought it was interesting to see the differences in 2 counties I personally live and lived in.
Politics isn't rough....people just like being assholes but need an excuse so politics it is.

It's a fair point. A tax cut NOW may necessitate a tax increase in the future but that tax increase will almost certainly be levied on the wealthy.
Option A - I forgive a debt you owe of $10
Option B - I cut you a check for $10.

It doesn't matter which option you choose - we're both in the same boat at the end either way. Same thing with tax cuts, with me being government and you being a taxpayer. There's a cost to them, it's just hidden. We either raise taxes somewhere else or cut spending somewhere, but that cost is just as real as if the treasury cut checks to those getting tax cuts.

It's a nice trick the GOP has done to obscure this truth, to convince voters that there is no "cost" to tax cuts, but it's still a lie.

It's a fair point. A tax cut NOW may necessitate a tax increase in the future but that tax increase will almost certainly be levied on the wealthy.
I know it's a well worn lw cliche that tax cuts are just a pay back to rich supporters but that doesn't pass the logic test.
Politicians do things becuse they are motivated by self interest- that is getting elected .
The assumption on tax cuts is that it engenders economic growth. If a GOP pol didn't belive that, hey would not be acting in their self interest as a tax cut that ONLY benefits a very small minority would not get them elected.
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Helix, this is just standard Democrat agitprop.There are no benefits 'showered "on anybody. A tax cut means they have to pay less. Period. They are not 'raiding the Treasury" , as in taking money FROM the Govt.
Tax rates are always. The way you word it- there is some set amount that rich people rightfully owe and anything below that is a 'giveaway"

BTW did your link address the tax benefits showered on ~45 of taxpayers? That is - they payNO taxes. Can't beat that for a benefit ,eh?

Also. You might want to drop the condecension.

feel free to scroll past my posts if they bother you.
It's a fair point. A tax cut NOW may necessitate a tax increase in the future but that tax increase will almost certainly be levied on the wealthy.
I know it's a well worn lw cliche that tax cuts are just a pay back to rich supporters but that doesn't pass the logic test.
Politicians do things becuse they are motivated by self interest- that is getting elected .
The assumption on tax cuts is that it engenders economic growth. If a GOP pol didn't belive that, hey would not be acting in their self interest as a tax cut that ONLY benefits a very small minority would not get them elected.

The small minority of the wealthy know how to propaganda to get the masses to vote against their own self interest. They cry "communism" if taxes are raised on them. They tell people that they got wealthy by lifting themselves up by the bootstraps and they can too. They don't tell them the bit about the elite private college prep ivy-league-feeding boarding school or the family connections or daddy's "little" investment to get the business started.
But if this is communism and communism doesn’t work, why would it work for the agricultural sector?

It isn't communism. Is the government controlling these farms? No.
If they all go out of business, it means we can get all the quality corn and other products we want, cheaper, from a foreign supplier. They won't all go out of business, of course, but even if they did, why are you against the free market? Dozens of other industries are forced to sink or swim in this new global economy - why should farmers be any different?

And if you want to bring up subsidies to wind and solar, you also need to recognize that the nuclear industry wouldn't exist without ongoing federal subsidies, or the decades of subsidies, including a few wars and several foreign military bases, to oil and gas industries.

So if you want a world without subsidies and government handouts, that's fine, but at least not be a hypocrite about opposing some handouts but supporting others, which mostly go to the 1% and above. Farm subsidies for example mostly go to a few massive farming conglomerates. They don't need your money.

Allowing the country to become dependent on imported food would be the most idiotic decision in United States history.
It's a fair point. A tax cut NOW may necessitate a tax increase in the future but that tax increase will almost certainly be levied on the wealthy.

The goal of course is to reduce spending, or drown the government in deficits and debt so far that we can't do things like expand ACA or other benefits. That will be the call from the GOP the second a Democrat wins the WH, months before he or she is sworn in - deficits are awful, sorry poors and olds, you'll have to take fewer benefits. We all KNOW the GOP will cut off their right arm before voting for tax increases.

I know it's a well worn lw cliche that tax cuts are just a pay back to rich supporters but that doesn't pass the logic test.
Politicians do things becuse they are motivated by self interest- that is getting elected .

The assumption on tax cuts is that it engenders economic growth. If a GOP pol didn't belive that, hey would not be acting in their self interest as a tax cut that ONLY benefits a very small minority would not get them elected.

Sure, tax cuts increase growth a bit, and especially in the short term when they're financed with deficits (and they always are), which are also in the short term expansionary. The "tell" about the GOP position being fraudulent is lower taxes come with the downside (or upside!) of lower government spending, but none of the tax cuts in recent history have been offset with spending cuts. So you get the benefits of lower taxes, Keynesian stimulus from huge increases in deficit spending, and none of the downsides of making tough choices. So there's no immediate downside, and donors are happy, voters are happy. The Obama stimulus was $750 billion or so over 3 years, at the depths of the Great Recession, and the GOP tax cuts will almost get there - $600 billion or so in stimulus in the first 3 years. The difference is that stimulus is at full employment at the end of a decade-long expansion.

Again, priorities for the GOP will change overnight when Democrats take power. Then we'll start hearing again about hyper inflation, etc. And of course lowering deficits with spending cuts or tax increases is in the short term at least contractionary, which is of course good politics for the GOP. Hang the contractionary policies around the Democrats' necks, and run on that. It's really great politics, to be honest. And it works because Republicans voters don't care about deficits, and never have.

And as far as the "well worn lw cliche" it's possible of course that GOP positions on taxes just happen to perfectly align with the often expressed preferences of their biggest donors! It's just a happy, joyous coinkydink! Or they are doing what donors pay them to do, which is lower their taxes. I'll go with the latter...

Take their position on estate taxes. They're certainly not committed to getting them zeroed out to improve growth, there's no evidence heirs are particularly good with inherited money, but to make their seriously wealthy, as in private jet wealthy, donors happy. It's the surest way to guarantee an American aristocracy by eliminating estate taxes, and keeping step up in basis rules, which is what the GOP position has been on estate taxes.
It isn't communism. Is the government controlling these farms? No.

So government subsidies are OK? Can they be OK for housing for disadvantaged minorities?

So like government help for the drug problem in Trump company isn't communism, but help for the drug problem in urban centers is. It's communism and it's unconstitutional!

Got it! Thanks!

So government subsidies are OK? Can they be OK for housing for disadvantaged minorities?

So like government help for the drug problem in Trump company isn't communism, but help for the drug problem in urban centers is. It's communism and it's unconstitutional!

Got it! Thanks!

View attachment 67258005

Some are.
Trump country where the uneducated vote against their own self interests , where education is the lowest as health outcomes and bible thumping is king

The South's Economy Is Falling Behind: 'All of a Sudden the Money Stops Flowing'

I'm going to drop in on the Southern bashing... I grew up in rural South Ga. Enjoyed the hell out of my childhood. The people are super SUPER nice.

The downside is that it is a very distrustful society. And distrust breeds division. And division impedes growth. Don't **** on the people. They are much better than the stereotypes being thrown at them.
I'm going to drop in on the Southern bashing... I grew up in rural South Ga. Enjoyed the hell out of my childhood. The people are super SUPER nice.

The downside is that it is a very distrustful society. And distrust breeds division. And division impedes growth. Don't **** on the people. They are much better than the stereotypes being thrown at them.

don't exaggerate. you know it only takes about three generations until your family is eventually accepted as 'locals' by the other locals
four generations in the blue ridge ... maybe
The sised on them. They tell people that they got wealthy by lifting themselves up by the bootstraps and they can too. .

What a horrible message.
Yeah. Nobody EVER got wealthy on their own. " You didn't build that".
It's all the Government.

The system is rigged . Nothing's your fault. Only the Government can help you.

That's the Dem message. Sadly
Socialism is the Right Wing's best friend when white people get the handouts. We know.

i'm sorry, how do only white people get the benefit of cheap food again?

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