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The rumored bomb shell about Mueller is breaking. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m thinking “wrong sub-forum!”
In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea, right. Let's see what happens. Wasn't Mueller as a sexual harrasser last month's scandal that wasn't?
***looks for credible links, doesn't find any***
In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christ right wingers are so pathetic.
I hear that Mueller also owns a secret covfefe plantation.
In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You didn't link your source for this "breaking news", so I did a quick search. All I found was this:


So..."according to sources", eh? If you don't mind, I'll place this in the same category that I place all such stuff from unnamed sources: Rumor.

Moving on...
In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might buy it if you'd used 21 exclamation points, but as you only used a mere 20, you're obviously far less credible.:lamo
In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You need a cite for this reporting. Who is reporting this story? Took $500k for doing what, when?

I did see some Q Anon freaks on Twitter over the weekend predicting a bombshell today. Guess this is it. :roll:

In promised monday breaking news it is being reported that Mueller took $500,000 in the Uranium one deal. If this is true, it is the end of him, and he needs to be jailed. It really whacks the democrat party too. Lets see what becomes of this.

Then it is time to jail the crooked Hillary too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still waiting for hill charges?
It's been 40 years.
I missed what you did for 911 families
Seen putins golden shower video of Don the con yet?

As much as what we know so far does lead to one question Mueller motives in his investigation. To fling claims he is on the hook or the true criminal is counter productive.

If he has connections to an illegal deal that is a bold claim in need a bold evidence. Start investigating. It is best to ask questions not make claims until as you say the real story breaks.
I might buy it if you'd used 21 exclamation points, but as you only used a mere 20, you're obviously far less credible.:lamo

Zero college white rubes.
This is their pathetic life
I hear that Mueller also owns a secret covfefe plantation.

And wasn't he the operator of that DC pizza parlor that was so infamous?
The musical theme from the old TWILIGHT ZONE needs to play over this thread.

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