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The results are in Liberals won't acknowledge (1 Viewer)

Jack Dawson

Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
All Time Movie List

#9 The Passon of Christ $370,000,000

#214 Farhenheight 9/11 $117,000,000

Excellent point!

Interesting how Moore got the awards... isn't it?
Why compare "Passion" with "Fahrenheit "? What does this prove? There are eight other movies that made more money than "Passion." What is it exactly that liberals won't acknowledge, that Jesus kicked Michael Moore's ass?

"Passion" was a gruesome, gory, ham-handed blood bath. Instead of focusing on Jesus's teachings and philosophy, we get a mind numbing two-hour primer on Roman torture techniques. Just because it's about Jesus and it set box office records doesn't make it a good movie. Go rent Franco Zeffirelli's "Jesus of Nazareth": infinitely better (especially if you want to teach your kids anything about Jesus other than what kind of whips they used to flay him) or "Jesus Christ Superstar" and get great kitchy rock music to tap your foot to.

"Fahrenheit " on the other hand was a documentary---a notoriously difficult and obscure genre---and the most successful documentary ever. In fact, every one of Moore's documentaries have been the most successful in history. (Name one other famous documentary filmmaker.*)

One is an over-rated biopic, the other a highly entertaining political satire.

Republicans, since they represent the wealthy elite, and can often be insufferably pompous, sanctimonious hipocrits, are just more fun to skewer. And since Republicans run everything now, they should stop acting like sore winners and learn to take it. :violin

*Errol Morris's "The Fog of War" is brilliant.
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You might have an ounce of credibility IF it was a documentary. It has to be truthful to be a documentary enough said. There are MORE RICH, ELITIST DEMOCRATS in Congress than Republicans and there or more RICH ELITISTS in Hollywood than Republicans so actually NOT ONE OF YOUR ARGUMENTS IS VALUED. Just bigotry is all I see. P.S. I saw and enjoyed the other two films on Jesus. I hope Jesus' followers are delivered from people like you. By the way, this will be the year that Christians fight to KEEP their rights as a MAJORITY view in America. It has been a practice of the majority to respect the rights of the minority but that has not been the case with the ANTI-JESUS BIGOTS and by the way the word BIGOT is the correct word to describe their actions. Save your LW Wack Job drivel for someone else, I ain't buying in and neither are the vast majority of Americans.
pompous, sanctimonious hipocrits,

Must be Left Wing NEA taught I believe that is hypocrites
argexpat said:
Why compare "Passion" with "Fahrenheit "? What does this prove? There are eight other movies that made more money than "Passion." What is it exactly that liberals won't acknowledge, that Jesus kicked Michael Moore's ass?
Liberals seem unable to acknowledge Michael Moore's (and their own) irrelevance from the looks of it.

"Passion" was a gruesome, gory, ham-handed blood bath. Instead of focusing on Jesus's teachings and philosophy, we get a mind numbing two-hour primer on Roman torture techniques. Just because it's about Jesus and it set box office records doesn't make it a good movie. Go rent Franco Zeffirelli's "Jesus of Nazareth": infinitely better (especially if you want to teach your kids anything about Jesus other than what kind of whips they used to flay him) or "Jesus Christ Superstar" and get great kitchy rock music to tap your foot to.

"Passion" was an incredible look at what Jesus went through so that we, even though we're sinners, could be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God. It puts into perspective the sacrifice of a loving and caring God that His own Son to suffer like He did in order to save people like you and me. It's a shame you're unable to see that, but I'm really not surprised either.

"Fahrenheit " on the other hand was a documentary---a notoriously difficult and obscure genre---and the most successful documentary ever. In fact, every one of Moore's documentaries have been the most successful in history. (Name one other famous documentary filmmaker.*)

A documentary? Sorry, a documentary has a factual basis, and nothing Michael Moore ever put out has a factual basis.

One is an over-rated biopic, the other a highly entertaining political satire.

You need to make up your mind. Was F-9/11 a documentary or political satire? It's pretty sad that even people dumb enough to believe Michael Moore's crap can't figure out what it is.

Republicans, since they represent the wealthy elite, and can often be insufferably pompous, sanctimonious hipocrits, are just more fun to skewer. And since Republicans run everything now, they should stop acting like sore winners and learn to take it.

Wealthy elite? Give me a break. Apparently you mistake "pompous, sanctimonious hipocrits" for people who have more intelligence than the average houseplant. Judging by your posts in general and your spelling of "hypocrites" specifically, I'd say you definitely belong in the houseplant category. Hopefully somebody is watering you on a regular basis and making sure you get plenty of sunlight. With luck you may even grow up someday.
Here is further PROOF of the power of the Passion

Domestic: $370,274,604 60.6%
+ Overseas: $241,000,000 39.4%


= Worldwide: $611,274,604
Re: Here is further PROOF of the power of the Passion

argexpat said:
To paraphrase John Lennon, Shrek, Harry Potter and Spiderman are all more popular than Jesus.

Is that supposed to have some sort of relevance? You can take all the Spiderman comics, all the Harry Potter books, and all the Shrek DVDs and combined they still won't equal sales of the bible.

What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular. -- Somebody whose name I don't remember.
Re: Here is further PROOF of the power of the Passion

OK, how about this, I'll admit that "Fahrenheit" is fiction if you'll admit that "Passion" is fiction. Deal?

P.S. You misspelled Fahrenheit in your original post.:duel
You can turn your back on Jesus if you want too. I won't

Stop and think for a moment. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have outlived every single one of their critics. That will include you (I hope that is a long time from now you are a good debater) :)
Re: Here is further PROOF of the power of the Passion

argexpat said:
OK, how about this, I'll admit that "Fahrenheit" is fiction if you'll admit that "Passion" is fiction. Deal?

P.S. You misspelled Fahrenheit in your original post.:duel

F-9/11 was proven to be fiction. The basis of The Passion wasn't, hasn't, and never will be.
Re: You can turn your back on Jesus if you want too. I won't

Jesus died two thousand years ago, and I'm older than he was, so I've already outlived him. As for God and the Holy Spirit, it would be nice if they exist, but I have a sinking suspicion that we invented them up to make us feel better.

In the meantime, hope we both RAWK as long as possible!:rock
Re: You can turn your back on Jesus if you want too. I won't

argexpat said:
As for God and the Holy Spirit, it would be nice if they exist, but I have a sinking suspicion that we invented them up to make us feel better.

What's interesting is that no matter what culture you come across, and no matter how secluded or insulated they are from other cultures or outside influence, each and every one of them had some concept of God. A study done in the last couple of years actually suggested our brains are hard-wired to believe in God. I don't expect you to believe it, but I personally have seen too many instances that proved (to me) the existence of God. But it requires faith to believe, and some people just refuse to believe.

In the meantime, hope we both RAWK as long as possible!:rock

No worries there, I refuse to grow up. I still have a stereo system in my Jeep that can set off car alarms! :eek:
Re: Here is further PROOF of the power of the Passion

argexpat said:
To paraphrase John Lennon, Shrek, Harry Potter and Spiderman are all more popular than Jesus.
Speaking as a Beatles fan (see signature), I can only assume that you do not know the context in which John Lennon was speaking and trying to make a point that is irrelivant. Many Christains at the time, used his words against him - even though he was on thier side.

He was saying that we are in a sad state when rock-n-roll'rs are more popular that religeon.

A study done in the last couple of years actually suggested our brains are hard-wired to believe in God.
I wonder, if the homosexuals can claim DNA as a reference for thier unusual activity; can Christians claim DNA for thier religious faith?
Re: Here is further PROOF of the power of the Passion

vauge said:
Can Christians claim DNA for thier religious faith?

Oh dude, you mean like a Jesus gene? That would be awsome...that way I'd know if I'm spawning a Jesus freak.
Damn republican owned corporations they ruin eveything.
Kevin Johnson said:
"Passion" was an incredible look at what Jesus went through so that we, even though we're sinners, could be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God. It puts into perspective the sacrifice of a loving and caring God that His own Son to suffer like He did in order to save people like you and me. It's a shame you're unable to see that, but I'm really not surprised either.

So it's a shame I don't believe the fairy tales you take literally? This is the kind of Christian pomposity that the rest of us have had to put up with for two millennia. Jesus was an influential rabbi that ran afoul of the authorities. The ensuing history of Christianity is riddled with brutality and atrocity. Jesus died for nothing. Besides, I don't need Jesus to save me, I've got Buddha!


Kevin Johnson said:
A documentary? Sorry, a documentary has a factual basis, and nothing Michael Moore ever put out has a factual basis.

Have you seen his films? The cornerstone of "Fahrenheit" is the cozy, intimate and well-documented relationship between the Saudi Royal family and the Bush clan. If you have evidence that contradicts this please present it.

Kevin Johnson said:
You need to make up your mind. Was F-9/11 a documentary or political satire? It's pretty sad that even people dumb enough to believe Michael Moore's crap can't figure out what it is.

It was a film. A very funny, entertaining film that made me LOL many times because it ridiculed Bush, who is an ignorant, incompetent fool. What's really sad is that you can't seem to make an argument without resorting to name calling.

Kevin Johnson said:
Judging by your posts in general and your spelling of "hypocrites" specifically, I'd say you definitely belong in the houseplant category. Hopefully somebody is watering you on a regular basis and making sure you get plenty of sunlight. With luck you may even grow up someday.

I rest my case.
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I have myself not seen F-9/11 but i am familiar with the michael moore and though i agree with the fundemental points he is trying to make i think that watching one of his movies is like banging ones head repeatedly into a brick wall.

However he is verry funny even if he comes on a bit heavy. I myself prefered the movie Controle Room to any Michael Moore movie i have ever seen.
Kevin Johnson said:
"Passion" was an incredible look at what Jesus went through so that we, even though we're sinners, could be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God. It puts into perspective the sacrifice of a loving and caring God that His own Son to suffer like He did in order to save people like you and me. It's a shame you're unable to see that, but I'm really not surprised either.

A documentary? Sorry, a documentary has a factual basis, and nothing Michael Moore ever put out has a factual basis.

You need to make up your mind. Was F-9/11 a documentary or political satire? It's pretty sad that even people dumb enough to believe Michael Moore's crap can't figure out what it is.

Wealthy elite? Give me a break. Apparently you mistake "pompous, sanctimonious hipocrits" for people who have more intelligence than the average houseplant. Judging by your posts in general and your spelling of "hypocrites" specifically, I'd say you definitely belong in the houseplant category. Hopefully somebody is watering you on a regular basis and making sure you get plenty of sunlight. With luck you may even grow up someday.
So if someone misspells something you use that as proof to call them a "houseplant?" So should someone proof read your posts and find typo's or other mistakes you're okay with name calling? Not sure I see how this advances your logic or arguements. I think it takes away from any credibility
your arguement may have had. If anything it makes you look dumm (feel free to call me whatever you like for misspelling dumb).

I'm guessing from your comments regarding Moores film you've never actually seen it. I did and I did some fact checking. I didn't like everything I found but there are a lot of factual events in the film. Basically Moore does to the right what they've been doing to the left for years. Though I'm not sure he out and out lies (though his portrayal of how and when the bin Laden family members were allowed to leave this country might well be untrue) he does draw conclusions that are a hard sell at times. Pick any book by Hannity, Coulter or Limbaugh and I'll find you some blatant lies, more then one or two. But you like the lies those guys are telling you so that's cool, right?
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Rhadamanthus said:
I have myself not seen F-9/11 but i am familiar with the michael moore and though i agree with the fundemental points he is trying to make i think that watching one of his movies is like banging ones head repeatedly into a brick wall.

However he is verry funny even if he comes on a bit heavy. I myself prefered the movie Controle Room to any Michael Moore movie i have ever seen.
I was a little taken aback after seeing "control room" I would recommend it.
I found the movie refreshing. It may be uncorrect for me to think so but I found it to have very little of the hype found in many other movies.

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