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The republicans had the Birthers, the Democrats are now going to have the Taxers (1 Viewer)

Peter King

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Feb 19, 2012
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In like "hey Mitt, why do you refuse to release your tax returns for over the past 12 years".

Jan Brewer the republican said it was just a distraction, but I think if Romney continues to refuse to release them it will become a big distraction in the media and in campaign material.
Good analogy.

The Democrats also have the Bain issue, whether Romney worked for Bain after '99 or not.

the Bainers!
Anything to distract from the fact that they are both clueless and mainly concerned with rewarding themselves and their puppet masters.
In like "hey Mitt, why do you refuse to release your tax returns for over the past 12 years".

Jan Brewer the republican said it was just a distraction, but I think if Romney continues to refuse to release them it will become a big distraction in the media and in campaign material.

O's refusal to make public his college transcripts has never bothered the media.
Good analogy.

The Democrats also have the Bain issue, whether Romney worked for Bain after '99 or not.

the Bainers!

Is this going to a trend now? And are we really comparing wanting to find out about the workplace record of a candidate to a conspiracy theory that says the President was born in another country? Personally I think the Bain issue is getting way too much attention, there are some questions there but any answers aren't as important as answers to questions which are relevant today. However, being crazed about Romney's Bain record and being crazed about Obama's birth certificate are too different levels of partisanship, and one is quite obviously more crazy than the other.
O's refusal to make public his college transcripts has never bothered the media.

It's not uncommon for a candidate to not release his college transcript to the public anyways :shrug:

Whereas birtherism got fifty times more coverage in the media than it ever deserved.
I think the taxers are much less crazy, but only slightly less petty.
It's not uncommon for a candidate to not release his college transcript to the public anyways :shrug:

Whereas birtherism got fifty times more coverage in the media than it ever deserved.

Dubya managed to do so.
Is this going to a trend now? And are we really comparing wanting to find out about the workplace record of a candidate to a conspiracy theory that says the President was born in another country? Personally I think the Bain issue is getting way too much attention, there are some questions there but any answers aren't as important as answers to questions which are relevant today. However, being crazed about Romney's Bain record and being crazed about Obama's birth certificate are too different levels of partisanship, and one is quite obviously more crazy than the other.

There are different levels of being crazy.

If only we didn't have to hear from the left wing loons or the right wing nut jobs, either one.

Which of the two potential asylum inhabitants do you consider to be the more crazy?
Wasn't the birther crap started by Clinton supporters in the Democrat primary?

Anyways, I don't think Bain (or the tax records) are as toxic to the accusers as the birther fiasco is.
Personally, I feel that Romney's tax returns and Obama's school records are none of our damn business.
Personally, I feel that Romney's tax returns and Obama's school records are none of our damn business.

School records are irrelevant unless they cheated some how. Plus there is no real tradition in releasing such material, and since it did not matter that Bush bought his diplomas with his fathers money and influence, then I dont see how it matters when it comes to a Democratic candidate.

Taxes are not irrelevant, since there is a long history of candidates publishing these returns. And refusing to disclose tax returns, especially for a very wealthy man, only hurts his case as it is seen as if he has something to hide. Add to that, that everyone knows he has bank accounts off shore, and multiple homes (except in the state he supposedly lives in), then you have a candidate in serious trouble to be "part of the people" and "down to earth", and any Presidential candidate needs this to win. The more cold, and out of touch you seem to be, the less of a chance of winning. Al Gore had that problem against Bush, as did Kerry. Dole had that problem (and his age) against Clinton and so on.
O's refusal to make public his college transcripts has never bothered the media.

Yes, but Obama did not run on a message: "hey, look how good I did in school". Mitt already has a cloud over him as a habitual tax underpayer, combined with the stinking rich virus and the overseas tax paradise bug. Add to that the Bain inconsistency, his refusal to release his taxes and you have got months of cannon fudder to toss at Romney IMHO.

And more troubling than that, all Obama's henchmen have to do is make room for doubt, just like the swiftboaters did. What is Romney hiding that he refuses to release his tax returns? That will be a topic often suggested by Democrats.
Wasn't the birther crap started by Clinton supporters in the Democrat primary?

Anyways, I don't think Bain (or the tax records) are as toxic to the accusers as the birther fiasco is.

I am afraid the tax issue might be more damaging than the birther fiasco. The independents and democrats didn't bother about the birther stuff, whereas the republicans already were not inclined to vote for Barack so that didn't hurt him. Independents might be more easily swayed by the notion that Romney is hiding something in his taxes, that he pays way less than their paying even though he makes much much much more than them and that he will keep that situation in practice when he comes into power. Why else would all these rich buddies be plowing millions and millions into this race? Say that enough times and some independents might be swayed not to go and vote for Romney.
I am afraid the tax issue might be more damaging than the birther fiasco. The independents and democrats didn't bother about the birther stuff, whereas the republicans already were not inclined to vote for Barack so that didn't hurt him. Independents might be more easily swayed by the notion that Romney is hiding something in his taxes, that he pays way less than their paying even though he makes much much much more than them and that he will keep that situation in practice when he comes into power. Why else would all these rich buddies be plowing millions and millions into this race? Say that enough times and some independents might be swayed not to go and vote for Romney.

How is it a negative to ask for proof that a candidate meets the Constitutional qualifications to be president?
How is it a negative to ask for proof that a candidate meets the Constitutional qualifications to be president?

It's negative when there is absolutely no evidence that he doesn't meet the qualifications. It makes you think there's something else at work....
Is this going to a trend now? And are we really comparing wanting to find out about the workplace record of a candidate to a conspiracy theory that says the President was born in another country? Personally I think the Bain issue is getting way too much attention, there are some questions there but any answers aren't as important as answers to questions which are relevant today. However, being crazed about Romney's Bain record and being crazed about Obama's birth certificate are too different levels of partisanship, and one is quite obviously more crazy than the other.

I agree, the birther's are a horrible comparison in regards to this one.

If people wanted to compare it to the college records things, I can at least understand that. In both cases it's talking about records that aren't required to be released that relate back to the some of the individual camps base suggestions as to why the individual is qualified and should be considered (Obama's intelligence / Romney's business experience).

However, the birther issue is more closely resembling 9/11 truther's then it is this....the notion of an intricate and elaborate conspiracy theory spanning multiple individuals and government agencies all working to cover a gigantic thing up.

However, the METHOD that is being used to go after the tax things is the same used by birthers and the college transcript people....but that's hardly a new method and isn't worthy for comparison of the two groups entirely.
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How is it a negative to ask for proof that a candidate meets the Constitutional qualifications to be president?

It isn't, but to the satisfaction of those people who had to check his identity to allow him to run must have been satisfied.
I think "Bainers" would be more of a fitting name. No matter how much independent analysis comes out stating the opposite, they're gonna continue the lie up to election day. Wonder if the media will do as much reporting debunking the Bainers as they did the Birthers.
I don't mind folks asking for tax records, even if it is kind of an obvious attempt to distract. The funny thing to me is the ones that keep claiming that all recent presidents have released their returns. According to Tax History Project, most only release the ones that they are required to release as part of their time in office. Is there another source that shows otherwise that I'm unaware of?
I agree, the birther's are a horrible comparison in regards to this one.

If people wanted to compare it to the college records things, I can at least understand that. In both cases it's talking about records that aren't required to be released that relate back to the some of the individual camps base suggestions as to why the individual is qualified and should be considered (Obama's intelligence / Romney's business experience).

However, the birther issue is more closely resembling 9/11 truther's then it is this....the notion of an intricate and elaborate conspiracy theory spanning multiple individuals and government agencies all working to cover a gigantic thing up.

However, the METHOD that is being used to go after the tax things is the same used by birthers and the college transcript people....but that's hardly a new method and isn't worthy for comparison of the two groups entirely.

Yup, "prove me wrong" is a classic.
It's negative when there is absolutely no evidence that he doesn't meet the qualifications. It makes you think there's something else at work....

To become a US president does not require a candidate to provide any tax returns. It does require a candidate to be born a US citizen. Unless I'm missing something.
No he didnt. His transcripts were leaked.

yeah and what was really funny was when everyone saw bush had slightly better grades than Kerry-and a higher score on the military IQ test too

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