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The Nightmare Scenario (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
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This is the stupidest article I've read in a while. I long-winded fantastical set of election chaos scenarios. The media keeps trying to drum up a constitutional crisis over the presidential election where Biden ultimately wins but Trump won't concede. Huh?

Americans will almost certainly go to bed on Nov. 3 without knowing who won the presidential election. Since millions of people will vote by mail, constraints on time and resources will slow ballot counting into potentially a weeks-long process. Voting patterns suggest it’s likely that President Donald Trump could end Election Day in the lead in certain key states, only to be overtaken by Democratic opponent Joe Biden when more votes are tallied.

This could create a nightmare scenario during the three months stretching from Election Day to the Jan. 20 inauguration: a battle on the state and congressional level over who is the legitimate winner. This could include Congress reconvening on Jan. 6, presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, with no consensus over its potential role in choosing the next president.

This is arguably the most likely of the contested-election narratives, and now the Supreme Court — which would likely have to rule on the legal arcana at issue in this epic battle — has been thrown into its own nightmare scenario with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
There is nothing nonsensical about it. The Democrats have pushed mail-in ballots to maximize potential election fraud and to raise as many legal and legitimacy issues with the election result as possible. Mailing out 80 MILLION unrequested ballots - with no way to know if the voter even lives at the same address - is just the start of that plan.
There is nothing nonsensical about it. The Democrats have pushed mail-in ballots to maximize potential election fraud and to raise as many legal and legitimacy issues with the election result as possible. Mailing out 80 MILLION unrequested ballots - with no way to know if the voter even lives at the same address - is just the start of that plan.
How does mailing out ballots translate into fraud?
How does mailing out ballots translate into fraud?
There is no way to know if who voted is the voter - plus they eliminate assuring secret voting. There is no way to know who filled out and signed a mail-in ballot. It's not like partisan election divisions have 100,000 handwriting experts. There is no way to know if ballots are just thrown away too - or anything that can be done about it if they are. The votes are still no counted.

This is the stupidest article I've read in a while. I long-winded fantastical set of election chaos scenarios. The media keeps trying to drum up a constitutional crisis over the presidential election where Biden ultimately wins but Trump won't concede. Huh?

Americans will almost certainly go to bed on Nov. 3 without knowing who won the presidential election. Since millions of people will vote by mail, constraints on time and resources will slow ballot counting into potentially a weeks-long process. Voting patterns suggest it’s likely that President Donald Trump could end Election Day in the lead in certain key states, only to be overtaken by Democratic opponent Joe Biden when more votes are tallied.

This could create a nightmare scenario during the three months stretching from Election Day to the Jan. 20 inauguration: a battle on the state and congressional level over who is the legitimate winner. This could include Congress reconvening on Jan. 6, presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, with no consensus over its potential role in choosing the next president.

This is arguably the most likely of the contested-election narratives, and now the Supreme Court — which would likely have to rule on the legal arcana at issue in this epic battle — has been thrown into its own nightmare scenario with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Anybody who lived through 2000 shouldn't see this scenario as so unlikely. Why do you?
Americans will almost certainly go to bed on Nov. 3 without knowing who won the presidential election.

So this election will be like the majority of elections that occurred in American history.

People here do realize that radios and the internet didn't exist until the 20th Century, right? Hell, even gathering the tallies by telegraph took several days and that didn't start happening until halfway through the 19th century.
There is nothing nonsensical about it. The Democrats have pushed mail-in ballots to maximize potential election fraud and to raise as many legal and legitimacy issues with the election result as possible. Mailing out 80 MILLION unrequested ballots - with no way to know if the voter even lives at the same address - is just the start of that plan.
I'll raise you ballot harvesting and extending the date to count votes 2 WEEKS beyond Nov. 3rd.
It's going to be rife with fraud and lawsuits.
Which is why Republicans should vote on Trump's SCOTUS pick asap.
There is no way to know if who voted is the voter - plus they eliminate assuring secret voting. There is no way to know who filled out and signed a mail-in ballot. It's not like partisan election divisions have 100,000 handwriting experts. There is no way to know if ballots are just thrown away too - or anything that can be done about it if they are. The votes are still no counted.

Wait until the Democrats pull the "systemic, structural racism" card over black-voter ballots getting tossed due to technical issues.
There is no way to know if who voted is the voter - plus they eliminate assuring secret voting. There is no way to know who filled out and signed a mail-in ballot. It's not like partisan election divisions have 100,000 handwriting experts. There is no way to know if ballots are just thrown away too - or anything that can be done about it if they are. The votes are still no counted.

Not according to these guidelines. It sounds like states, individually, are going to make it difficult to vote erroneously.

Mail in ballots are going to be screwed up because the fascists will ensure that counterfeit ballots will mailed in by the millions.

Its not like the Russians for instance haven't stolen the voter rolls in most states. Its not like they can't duplicate the ballots. And Cheatin' Donnie has already asked them to do it. Just like he asked them to hack Hillary.

But of course Trump nor the Russians would stoop to do such a dastardly, yet relatively simple thing. election day confusion. Millions of rejected fake ballots and trump going apeshit that is all an evil marxist socialist leftist loonie plot to steal america from real americans.

Its coming and guys like these pond scum are going to be gunnin' for joy.

Militant neo-nazi group surfaces in Colorado
Anybody who lived through 2000 shouldn't see this scenario as so unlikely. Why do you?
I don't see Trump attempting a coup as much as a close election being contested. And that's practically what Dems claim is going to happen.
There is nothing nonsensical about it. The Democrats have pushed mail-in ballots to maximize potential election fraud and to raise as many legal and legitimacy issues with the election result as possible. Mailing out 80 MILLION unrequested ballots - with no way to know if the voter even lives at the same address - is just the start of that plan.

Spot on. Their hiring 600 lawyers is in no way preparing for the post election step of their plan. Right?

Democrats are the ones who are degrading the electorate's trust in US institutions, and then have the gall to project and accuse others of doing the same.

Pity those who believe these con men.
Spot on. Their hiring 600 lawyers is in no way preparing for the post election step of their plan. Right?

Democrats are the ones who are degrading the electorate's trust in US institutions, and then have the gall to project and accuse others of doing the same.

Pity those who believe these con men.

Now that is a masterful projection of projection.
Not according to these guidelines. It sounds like states, individually, are going to make it difficult to vote erroneously.

That's conflating that's going on by some. Very little issues with the absentee ballot process.
There are checks and verifications as part of the process.
Not so with mail-in voting, where live ballots are spewed out into the wild, with far fewer checks and verifications.
How does mailing out ballots translate into fraud?

To the right wing no matter how the election goes it will be only rigged if a Democrat wins. In the States that have mail in voting there is no indication of fraud. Just another trump hoax.

BTW, it was trump that raised the specter of violence if he loses.
Spot on. Their hiring 600 lawyers is in no way preparing for the post election step of their plan. Right?

Democrats are the ones who are degrading the electorate's trust in US institutions, and then have the gall to project and accuse others of doing the same.

Pity those who believe these con men.
Goebbells got nothin' on Democrats.
Look at this section:
Security Features of Voting by Absentee/Mailed Ballots
on> https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/absentee-and-early-voting.aspx

Thanks for making my point.

From the citation:
All-Mail Voting: In a handful of states, a ballot is automatically mailed to every eligible voter (no request or application is necessary). Polling places may also be available for voters who would like to vote in-person. Other states may permit the all-mail option for specific types of elections.

Already well known that huge number of voter rolls are woefully inaccurate, i.e. containing many ineligible voters, duplicates of eligible voters, so much so the risk of large scale voter fraud is a legitimate concern, especially when there are ballot harvesters running after all those 'spare' live ballots.

Although, not by much, beyond the initial ballot request.
Absentee Voting: In two-thirds of the states, any qualified voter may vote absentee without offering an excuse, and in one-third of the states, an excuse is required. Some states offer a permanent absentee ballot list: once a voter asks to be added to the list, s/he will automatically receive an absentee ballot for all future elections.

Frankly, if a voter wants an absentee ballot, they should have to ask for one each and every election, without fail, just as a confirmation and check that an eligible voter is making the request.
Thanks for making my point.

From the citation:

Already well known that huge number of voter rolls are woefully inaccurate, i.e. containing many ineligible voters, duplicates of eligible voters, so much so the risk of large scale voter fraud is a legitimate concern, especially when there are ballot harvesters running after all those 'spare' live ballots.

Although, not by much, beyond the initial ballot request.

Frankly, if a voter wants an absentee ballot, they should have to ask for one each and every election, without fail, just as a confirmation and check that an eligible voter is making the request.
I'm sick of leftists insisting that minorities are incapable of doing this. It's bigotry.
Thanks for making my point.

From the citation:

Already well known that huge number of voter rolls are woefully inaccurate, i.e. containing many ineligible voters, duplicates of eligible voters, so much so the risk of large scale voter fraud is a legitimate concern, especially when there are ballot harvesters running after all those 'spare' live ballots.

Although, not by much, beyond the initial ballot request.

Frankly, if a voter wants an absentee ballot, they should have to ask for one each and every election, without fail, just as a confirmation and check that an eligible voter is making the request.
Making your point? You cherry-picked some sentences to twist out of context with your editorializing. How about a few of the security procedures listed...

Paper ballots allow for post-election audits and cutting edge election security methods such as risk-limiting audits (RLA). An RLA compares a random sample of ballots against the vote tally to ensure the outcome of the election is correct.

The identity of every absentee/mailed ballot voter can be verified through signature verification.

The act of sending out absentee/mailed ballots also allows election officials to ensure they have up-to-date addresses for voters.

Security mechanisms to prevent double-voting can be required. For instance, ballot envelopes are barcoded for individual voters, allowing election officials to be sure that they are only accepting one ballot per voter.
This is the stupidest article I've read in a while. I long-winded fantastical set of election chaos scenarios. The media keeps trying to drum up a constitutional crisis over the presidential election where Biden ultimately wins but Trump won't concede. Huh?

Americans will almost certainly go to bed on Nov. 3 without knowing who won the presidential election. Since millions of people will vote by mail, constraints on time and resources will slow ballot counting into potentially a weeks-long process. Voting patterns suggest it’s likely that President Donald Trump could end Election Day in the lead in certain key states, only to be overtaken by Democratic opponent Joe Biden when more votes are tallied.

This could create a nightmare scenario during the three months stretching from Election Day to the Jan. 20 inauguration: a battle on the state and congressional level over who is the legitimate winner. This could include Congress reconvening on Jan. 6, presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, with no consensus over its potential role in choosing the next president.

This is arguably the most likely of the contested-election narratives, and now the Supreme Court — which would likely have to rule on the legal arcana at issue in this epic battle — has been thrown into its own nightmare scenario with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

He's ALREADY called the election rigged.
There is no way to know if who voted is the voter - plus they eliminate assuring secret voting. There is no way to know who filled out and signed a mail-in ballot. It's not like partisan election divisions have 100,000 handwriting experts. There is no way to know if ballots are just thrown away too - or anything that can be done about it if they are. The votes are still no counted.

There is zero evidence of statistically significant voter fraud, despite dozens of attempts to find any - including a commission Trump himself set up and had to be disbanded without finding anything. It's remarkable how willing people like you are to keep repeating these fantasies of rampant liberal voter fraud despite zero evidence to support it.
That's conflating that's going on by some. Very little issues with the absentee ballot process.
There are checks and verifications as part of the process.
Not so with mail-in voting, where live ballots are spewed out into the wild, with far fewer checks and verifications.
mail in and absentee ballots are processed in the exact same way. Neither have issues with fraud.
Any idea how long it will take to check 80 million ballots?

40% of ballots cast in the 2016 election were by early / absentee / by mail. In several swing states, including Florida, the number was over half (Florida was over 60%). Elections are basically already determined by mail ballots and have been increasingly so for quite some time.

Republicans are against free, fair and open elections because they can't win without voter suppression.

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