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The Most Amazing Thing To Me (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.


is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.

I know how much you love Bernie but he isn't even a Democrat. Maybe you'll get a chance to vote for him in 2020. ;) Trump won't be on the ballot.
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.

Who could have guessed we'd end up here:

1) Russians? What Russians. No meetings with Russians! NO COLLUSION!!
5) OK, so everyone in the campaign was knee deep in Russian contacts and there were lots of meetings, but we didn't talk about campaign issues. NO COLLUSION!!
10) OK, so collusion might have happened. Who cares?
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.

Who could have guessed we'd end up here:

1) Russians? What Russians. No meetings with Russians! NO COLLUSION!!
5) OK, so everyone in the campaign was knee deep in Russian contacts and there were lots of meetings, but we didn't talk about campaign issues. NO COLLUSION!!
10) OK, so collusion happened. Who cares?

10, 9, 8... #butHillary!@
Who could have guessed we'd end up here:

1) Russians? What Russians. No meetings with Russians! NO COLLUSION!!
5) OK, so everyone in the campaign was knee deep in Russian contacts and there were lots of meetings, but we didn't talk about campaign issues. NO COLLUSION!!
10) OK, so collusion might have happened. Who cares?

When all else fails, and the guy who you support unquestioningly is up against the ropes, deflect! Bring up someone else! Hillary!!
10, 9, 8... #butHillary!@

Yes, thanks for the correction. Of course BUTWHATABOUTHILLARY!!?? should have been on every numbered item, or given its own line. My fault, please accept my apologies.
When all else fails, and the guy who you support unquestioningly is up against the ropes, deflect! Bring up someone else! Hillary!!

Yes, I want to express my humble apologies for missing the obvious. :peace

In my own defense, the BUTWHATABOUTHILLARY??!! deflection is so routine on DP that I hardly notice anymore. Still no excuse - the failure is all mine... :(
Ah, the "actually collusion is good" phase of the endgame.

A major political party selling the nation out to a foreign adversary puts this country in a very precarious position. And yet here we are.
Yes, I want to express my humble apologies for missing the obvious. :peace

In my own defense, the BUTWHATABOUTHILLARY??!! deflection is so routine on DP that I hardly notice anymore. Still no excuse - the failure is all mine... :(

You're normally a good poster. Smart poster. I can see that you have realized the error of your ways (inexcusable though they may be), and it's good to see you accepting responsibility for your malfeasance. Just don't expect me to be so understanding next time.


Know it. Learn it. Live it.
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.

That is like a thief breaking into someone’s house and while in their they see a kidnapped child. So they leave and anonymously call the cops to report the child in distress.

It is fortunate he broke into the house, but breaking and entering is still wrong and illegal.
I know how much you love Bernie but he isn't even a Democrat. Maybe you'll get a chance to vote for him in 2020. ;) Trump won't be on the ballot.

Well, if Bernie wants to run on the Democratic ticket in 2020 rules require him to declare that he is indeed a Democrat.
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.

That's what they're upset about. It's not that Hillary is a slimebag; everyone knows that. It's that it was exposed so openly. So, what do they do? Admit she's tainted goods and look elsewhere? Of course not. Instead, make up some fantasy about Trump and Russia and keep Hill as the titular leader of the party. Amazing indeed.
is that when Hillary's hacked emails show how much of a scuzball Hillary, her campaign, and the DNC were, we should be thanking Wikilieaks, Russia, or whoever for letting us know what scuzballs they were. And yet the left seem to think it is treasoness to expose the corruption and collusion all around Hillary & Co.

Point out a single email released by WikiLeaks that contained any evidence of illegal or unethical behavior on the part of Clinton or her campaign.
Ah, the "actually collusion is good" phase of the endgame.

A major political party selling the nation out to a foreign adversary puts this country in a very precarious position. And yet here we are.

Still no evidence Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election any more than Bernie and Jill Stein colluded with Russia to influence the election, even when there is evidence Russia tried to prop them up. Why do they get a free pass but Trump colluded?
That is like a thief breaking into someone’s house and while in their they see a kidnapped child. So they leave and anonymously call the cops to report the child in distress.

It is fortunate he broke into the house, but breaking and entering is still wrong and illegal.

But there is no evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election.
Still no evidence Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election any more than Bernie and Jill Stein colluded with Russia to influence the election, even when there is evidence Russia tried to prop them up. Why do they get a free pass but Trump colluded?

The only completely verified collusion with Russians was by the DNC and the Hill campaign. When do we get a special prosecutor for that?
Point out a single email released by WikiLeaks that contained any evidence of illegal or unethical behavior on the part of Clinton or her campaign.

LOL. So now your're saying that there was nothing in the Wikileaks releases that influenced the election? Why the change of heart? Maybe you should reread the thread. I said that the Wikileaks releases showed what scuzzballs they were.
That's what they're upset about. It's not that Hillary is a slimebag; everyone knows that. It's that it was exposed so openly. So, what do they do? Admit she's tainted goods and look elsewhere? Of course not. Instead, make up some fantasy about Trump and Russia and keep Hill as the titular leader of the party. Amazing indeed.

LOL Who made up all the lies Trump and company has told about Russian contacts? Why is it that with every day another Trump lie about Russia is exposed? Most importantly if this is all a fantasy then why the lies? Are they just allergic to the truth?
LOL. So now your're saying that there was nothing in the Wikileaks releases that influenced the election? Why the change of heart? Maybe you should reread the thread. I said that the Wikileaks releases showed what scuzzballs they were.

Of course it influenced the election or they would not have been released. Not that it matters as far as the laws broken by of those that were involved in the weaponization and release. They are just as guilty as the hackers that stole them. They will be prosecuted for their crimes no matter who they are are what office they may hold. They will rue the day they made their deal with Putin, make no mistake about that.
LOL Who made up all the lies Trump and company has told about Russian contacts? Why is it that with every day another Trump lie about Russia is exposed? Most importantly if this is all a fantasy then why the lies? Are they just allergic to the truth?

They have no need to lie since nothing happened. Of course when you have somebody with no oversight on a mission to destroy you, they'll take anything even remotely related to Russia, like Flynn's innocuous meetings with Kysliak, and turn it into some vast collusion conspiracy. That's the reason for the hesitation to admitting anything about Russia. There was no collusion. Democrats know this but think that by saying it loud and long enough, they can make people believe it. Nobody does except the Democrat fringe. The Dem politicians who mouth it, know it's a fantasy but it's the only way they can beat Trump.

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