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The Hotseat - jallman (1 Viewer)


Boobie Jubilee
DP Veteran
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
Political Leaning
Alright, I threatened him that he'd be next....

So, jallman, are you going to answer those questions I put forth to you a few days ago? About the interior architecture and medieval history?
Stace said:
Alright, I threatened him that he'd be next....

So, jallman, are you going to answer those questions I put forth to you a few days ago? About the interior architecture and medieval history?

Oh dear and you came through on that threat, huh?

Hehee...well, my other half, Josh, is starting his interior architecture degree this fall at the School of Design at NCSU. Interior architecture is the design work that goes into custom interior planning. Its like scroll work you see around doors, built in furniture (which is his main interest), redesigning space thats already got a framework. Its part architectural design and mostly a lot of creative thought about how to use space and add accent to a room using the actual structural components. At least thats what I gather from him. As for me, I cant decorate anything worth a damn, let alone think about altering the structure. :rofl

Lets see...well, medieval literature is just fascinating to me. I especially enjoy the writings of the catholic monks and religious poetry. I first got interested in that time period by reading La Morte D' Artur by Mallory and the La Sanchon de Roland. The Archbishop Turpin was one of my favorite heroes, even though he isnt the main hero of the song of Roland...but I was enamoured of the idea of a warrior priest...a bishop on horseback impaling infidels with a golden lance...its just epic in its symbolism.

Later on in college I found that I had a great excitement when reading John Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Inferno. Out of 64 papers I wrote in undergrad, 42 of them referenced Paradise lost in some way or another. I think of it as the essential epic and should be required reading for all students. My doctoral thesis, which was terribly neglected when I moved to alaska due to the cost of getting books shipped back and forth, is on Paradise Lost and the Bible...the main assertion of the thesis is that canon literature altered in the Christian mythology. Most Christians adhere, not to the timeline of the otherworldly conflict between God and Satan in the Bible, but to the timeline put forth in Paradise Lost. The two are vastly different. Just a quick summary...Paradise Lost puts the fall of Satan before man was even cast out of the Garden. It places the serpent and Satan in the same role and the war of Heaven occuring before the fall.

The Bible, on the other hand, has Satan as an active member of the heavenly host right up until the death of Christ. He moves freely between heaven and hell and has God's ear in many matters. God and Satan, in the Bible, seem even to have an unsteady friendship, especially when you look at the book of Job. Also, the serpent in the Garden has little to do with Satan and more to do with being a physical avatar of temptation rather than being the Tempter himself.

In any event, it is my plan that this fall I will go back and work on my thesis for another year or so and then defend it. After I get my graduate degree, I want to teach medieval lit at a university.

So, uh.....when I buy a house, think Josh would come do some work for me at a low cost? ;)
Stace said:

So, uh.....when I buy a house, think Josh would come do some work for me at a low cost? ;)

I'm pretty sure he would. He has the business acumen of a liberal hippy who cant count to boot. Kidding, kidding.

Actually, I fairly certain that if you asked real nice and dangled something shiny in front of him, he would be all yours. He is especially partial to tongue-bars lately if you need something to leverage. I am very much looking forward to seeing his first portfolio and first real job in a few years. He is extremely talented already and I think with a little technical education he will be a star in his field.
Originally posted by jallman:
Hehee...well, my other half, Josh, is starting his interior architecture degree this fall at the School of Design at NCSU. Interior architecture is the design work that goes into custom interior planning. Its like scroll work you see around doors, built in furniture (which is his main interest), redesigning space thats already got a framework. Its part architectural design and mostly a lot of creative thought about how to use space and add accent to a room using the actual structural components. At least thats what I gather from him. As for me, I cant decorate anything worth a damn, let alone think about altering the structure.
All my formal education was in architecture. I even have an Architectural Trade Certificate. At one time I wanted to be an Architect. I was going to go to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and be the next Frank Loyd Wright. Until I started working with them. I have also had to engineer electrical plans from Interior Designers great ideas. And it is my impression, after looking at what they put down on paper, that many of them must have moved to planet earth! Because a lot of it can't be done in the real world. Like getting out to an island in the middle of the room without using power poles or saw cutting. So they make compromises. Just like we do in real life.

So tell me, jallman, how does a man look at another man's hairy a.s.s............ and find love?
Billo_Really said:
All my formal education was in architecture. I even have an Architectural Trade Certificate. At one time I wanted to be an Architect. I was going to go to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and be the next Frank Loyd Wright. Until I started working with them. I have also had to engineer electrical plans from Interior Designers great ideas. And it is my impression, after looking at what they put down on paper, that many of them must have moved to planet earth! Because a lot of it can't be done in the real world. Like getting out to an island in the middle of the room without using power poles or saw cutting. So they make compromises. Just like we do in real life.

So tell me, jallman, how does a man look at another man's hairy a.s.s............ and find love?

Ha...well...I guess maybe I could ask you how a man looks at a womans hairy...well, nevermind, I will just answer the question. I dont really like hairy asses but I do like hairy chests. I believe a man should be well groomed and that means giving attention to his whole body and not just the parts he presents in public. I keep myself well trimmed (but no waxing, that is just cruel and unusual punishment) and so does my other half. I believe a mans hair shouldnt get so long it covers his ears, that he should take care of hair that crops up in unseemly places, and that he should always smell good, even when he first wakes up in the morning. I accomplish this with a heavy shot of cedar oil in my bath twice a week and by washing with soap infused with myrhh. ;) As for the hair in funny places, you cant grow hair on steel, so I dont have to worry about it. :mrgreen:

Love is such an fickle emotion though, and I believe it ignites between some of the most unpredictable couplings. It is more than just a physical attraction, but requires an engaging dialogue, a certain gentle sweetness, and a consuming desire to be next to the object of affection. A good sense of humor will attract me quicker than tight body or a chiseled jaw...although those things make me a bit more receptive to a person's humor. LOL
Whoa, just found this thread.


What is your favorite color and why?

What is your favorite canned soda?

Same question as Stace, who was your favorite teacher in High School/College and why?
Originally posted by jallman:
Ha...well...I guess maybe I could ask you how a man looks at a womans hairy...well, nevermind, I will just answer the question. I dont really like hairy asses but I do like hairy chests. I believe a man should be well groomed and that means giving attention to his whole body and not just the parts he presents in public. I keep myself well trimmed (but no waxing, that is just cruel and unusual punishment) and so does my other half. I believe a mans hair shouldnt get so long it covers his ears, that he should take care of hair that crops up in unseemly places, and that he should always smell good, even when he first wakes up in the morning. I accomplish this with a heavy shot of cedar oil in my bath twice a week and by washing with soap infused with myrhh. As for the hair in funny places, you cant grow hair on steel, so I dont have to worry about it.

Love is such an fickle emotion though, and I believe it ignites between some of the most unpredictable couplings. It is more than just a physical attraction, but requires an engaging dialogue, a certain gentle sweetness, and a consuming desire to be next to the object of affection. A good sense of humor will attract me quicker than tight body or a chiseled jaw...although those things make me a bit more receptive to a person's humor. LOL
Now that we got that out of the way, what is your opinion of the Bond Market and it's affect on third world nations?

Forget about that. Let's end the contoversy. What's your shoe size?
Last edited:
vauge said:
Whoa, just found this thread.


What is your favorite color and why?

What is your favorite canned soda?

Same question as Stace, who was your favorite teacher in High School/College and why?

Well, if you look around my office (the only room in the house the decorating nazi let me keep totally mine) there are a lot of shades of green and brown. I like green most I think...especially that deep forest green you only get to see right at the beginning of spring when the leaves are still soft and unweathered by the heat. Its a very fresh color and soothing, which is probably why I am drawn to it.

My favorite canned soda is Pepsi. And no, Coca-cola is not an acceptable substitute. All restaurants should be required by law to carry sweet tea and Pepsi.

My favorite teacher was Dr. Jaquelin Arial at NCSU. She was everything a college professor should be...full of passion and knowledge of her subject (English Lit) and she was always willing to impart extra knowledge if you had the time to listen. She nurtured her students to realize their full potential and she never, as far as I could tell, forgot the name of one of her pupils even long after they had left her classes. She loved her job, she loved the academic environment and it is my hope that when I teach someday that I can be half the instructor she was. She is one of the three people I have elevated to hero status in my life.
Billo_Really said:
Now that we got that out of the way, what is your opinion of the Bond Market and it's affect on third world nations?

Whoa...that was unexpected. Is it fair to say I have no opinion on the subject because I dont know much about it? :3oops:
Have you ever considered the use of Silly Puddy as a birth control device?

If God came down to talk to you, and She was wicked Hot.....would you do her?

If GWB tried to tap you as the new Secratary of State....would you take the Job?
tecoyah said:
Have you ever considered the use of Silly Puddy as a birth control device?

tecoyah, come on buddy...look who you are talking to...when was the last time I ever had to think about birth control? :rofl

If God came down to talk to you, and She was wicked Hot.....would you do her?

I would try if that was Her wish, but if it was truly god, I think I might actually have a bit of performance anxiety for the first time in my life.

If GWB tried to tap you as the new Secratary of State....would you take the Job?

Absolutely not. Though I voted for bush a second time, I think at this point in my life, I would have to deny any association with the man. I lost all respect for him when he decided to ally the U.S. with Iran and China when voting at the U.N. to give certain lesbian and gay rights human rights groups consultation status at the UN. I can reference the exact thread later if you really need to see how that unfolded. My disassociation with Bush was a very transcendant moment in my pursuit of political knowledge.
Billo_Really said:
Forget about that. Let's end the contoversy. What's your shoe size?

Wait wait wait, you edited this post after the fact. But, for the record, my shoe size is a 9 and a half. Now apply that proportion however you like, but one must wonder why you would ask, billo. I thought your affections and interests were fixated on gunny? LOL
Originally posted by jallman:
Wait wait wait, you edited this post after the fact. But, for the record, my shoe size is a 9 and a half. Now apply that proportion however you like, but one must wonder why you would ask, billo. I thought your affections and interests were fixated on gunny? LOL
I think it's the other way around. He's not news. How about a top ten?

Top ten words that end in ...tard:
  1. _____tard
  2. _____tard
  3. _____tard
  4. _____tard
  5. _____tard
  6. _____tard
  7. _____tard
  8. _____tard
  9. _____tard
  10. _____tard
Now come on, boy, don't be a sissy.
Billo_Really said:
I think it's the other way around. He's not news. How about a top ten?

Top ten words that end in ...tard:
  1. _____tard
  2. _____tard
  3. _____tard
  4. _____tard
  5. _____tard
  6. _____tard
  7. _____tard
  8. _____tard
  9. _____tard
  10. _____tard
Now come on, boy, don't be a sissy.

you didnt have to be so easy. Of course, thats what they say about you on the bathroom walls at the park, right.

Kidding, kidding, you are a good sport too, billo. I dont care what has been said about you looking like the south end of a northbound shaved dog.

of course the answer to all 10 is...

ahh dammit, isnt there any fun to be had with the english language anymore?

well at least they let me have dammit without being a profanity nazi. :mrgreen:
Your alright in my book too, [with my best Pauly Shore impression] jah - all man!
Alright, first question's going to be an easy one. What are your pet peeves?
Kelzie said:
Alright, first question's going to be an easy one. What are your pet peeves?

Oh yeah, thats easy...excuses. I hate excuses. As my pa used to say. Excuses are the pillars of the incompetent and those who use them are seldomly good at anything else.
jallman said:
Oh yeah, thats easy...excuses. I hate excuses. As my pa used to say. Excuses are the pillars of the incompetent and those who use them are seldomly good at anything else.

Only one? Huh. How did you and Josh meet?
do you talk with a lisp?
Why Alaska?
I neither condemn nor condone homosexuality... While the scriptures are quite plain Old and New concerning this matter... The bible also states: We are to "continue working out our own salvation with fear and trembling" ... And yet this is in a context of obedience. (Philippians 2:12)
Considering your faith, I am curious do you often/sometimes feel a rift between God and yourself?
How do/would you deal with religious persecution regarding your sexual preference?
Seems you are well versed in scripture... Is this because you feel that God has placed a higher calling on you?
Kelzie said:
Only one? Huh. How did you and Josh meet?

Hehe...its actually a funny story. I met Josh for the first time at a party where I was quite intoxicated. He came in with a group of guys and I turned to my friend Doug and said "Who is that guy?"

Well, me having no game whatsoever, proceeded to follow him around the party with a puppy dog face. Everywhere he went, I just followed and sat down beside him, waiting for him to talk to me. Finally, after about an hour of this, he turned to me and said "Can I help you or something?"

All I could muster to say was, "Would you come home with me...pleeeeaaase?"
His answer was a very assertive "No".

About three months later, I was at a party again, but this time he was intoxicated and he kept trying to cuddle up against me. I told him I couldnt have anything to do with it if he was just sidling up to me because he was drunk, which of course, he insisted wasnt the reason. I left and thought about him all night and how stupid I was for not just jumping on it.

The very next day, he called me...the same friend, Doug had given him my number. I picked him up at his apartment, we drove out to Beluga Point and spent the afternoon hiking and talking. That evening he came home with me and we havent spent a night apart, that we could help it, since. I guess that was going on 4 years ago now.
128shot said:
do you talk with a lisp?

Actually, no. I think I am very fortunate in that I am a pretty normal guy in every way except the fact that I happen to like being with other guys.

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