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The Fiscal Conservatism lie (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Political Leaning
Congressional Fiscal Conservatives have had the long time reputation for not spending as much money as the Democrats, and at one time this may have been true, but that all changed during the last five administrations.


Reagan... 186 percent

Bush 1... 53 percent

Bush 2... 77 percent
Total... 316 percent

Carter... 41 percent

Clinton... 40 percent
Total... 81 percent

Congressional Fiscal Conservatives have had the long time reputation for not spending as much money as the Democrats, and at one time this may have been true, but that all changed during the last five administrations.


Reagan... 186 percent

Bush 1... 53 percent

Bush 2... 77 percent
Total... 316 percent

Carter... 41 percent

Clinton... 40 percent
Total... 81 percent


Which is why I'm a libertarian (that, and I don't agree with conservatives in issues regarding foreign policy, immigration, or morality laws).
Congressional Fiscal Conservatives have had the long time reputation for not spending as much money as the Democrats, and at one time this may have been true, but that all changed during the last five administrations.


Reagan... 186 percent

Bush 1... 53 percent

Bush 2... 77 percent
Total... 316 percent

Carter... 41 percent

Clinton... 40 percent
Total... 81 percent


I think your numbers are wrong. Post a link, please?

Also, who held the purse strings during their terms? President can't spend a nickel.
I think your numbers are wrong. Post a link, please?

Also, who held the purse strings during their terms? President can't spend a nickel.

The numbers are accurate within a couple %

The issue is that due to inflation and overall economic growth the numbers can be misleading as the effect on the economy. A far better stat to look at is debt to gdp, which is one that Reagan still leads the above list, Carter and Clinton generally either had debt to gdp being flat or decrease while under Reagan it increased by from around 60% to 80%. Bush 2 increased it by a similar amount. Obama will by the looks of it increase debt to gpd by the most of any president since either the great depression or WW2.
Congressional Fiscal Conservatives have had the long time reputation for not spending as much money as the Democrats, and at one time this may have been true, but that all changed during the last five administrations.


Reagan... 186 percent

Bush 1... 53 percent

Bush 2... 77 percent
Total... 316 percent

Carter... 41 percent

Clinton... 40 percent
Total... 81 percent


tell us RIck what the dem senate and congress did to Reagan's requests for increased military spending? They loaded it up with Pork

Clinton had a GOP congress most of his 8 years

remind me what your master, the wonderboy has done
tell us RIck what the dem senate and congress did to Reagan's requests for increased military spending? They loaded it up with Pork

Clinton had a GOP congress most of his 8 years

remind me what your master, the wonderboy has done

Reagan got all of the budgets he asked for, within a couple percentage points.

These days, fiscal conservative is usually dog-whistle for not spending money on minorities. Go ahead, ask them what they think should be cut. If they don't say a combination of social security, medicare, and defense, they're full of it.
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I don't think fiscal conservativism is a lie. It's just that fiscal conservatives are currently outnumbered in government, in all parties.

If either party tries to put forward a fiscally conservative platform, they are basically lying. Both parties seem relatively committed to spending the nation into a situation where it will some day have to default. The reason is short-term career thinking being put ahead of what is best for the nation. Neither party wants to bite the politically unpopular bullet by suggesting widespread cutbacks.

As I said in a post in another thread... many Americans want to continue the delusional fantasy that the status quo can continue, and that is how those on the campaign trail continue to get votes. Fiscal conservatives - or hell, moderates for that matter - know the reality of what is coming.

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