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The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....


Simpleχity;1066069060 said:
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....



I have to admit, when news broke of the use of the robot to scatter the shooter across a parking lot, I thought "awesome".

Then I started thinking about the repercussion of it's use. Not sure I think it's so awesome.

Very slippery slope. Judge, jury, executioner, at the hands of someone who could be miles from the scene.

I can see where such technology could be warranted, but Pandora just put down a box, and I wonder if anyone should touch it.
Simpleχity;1066069060 said:
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....



I have no problem with its use here.

I heard the top cop discussing it briefly in a news conference yesterday. He said they'd tried to negotiate. The only thing the shooter wanted to do, in his own words, was shoot and kill white cops. He'd confessed to the shootings and confirmed it by asking about the fates of many of them. The chief of police said that in order to capture him, the LEOs would have had to enter his kill zone. He was not willing to risk the life of one more cop.

Good use of technology to save lives. It's damage, but because a long arm deployed the explosive, it can still be used.
Yeah I'm not sure about that either. Like many things it's a two edged sword. The guy needed to be dealt with and it's goodness that cops didn't need to risk their lives but all-in-all I would have preferred that they waited until a sniper got a clean shot at him. Blowing things up in cities is generally not a very good idea and I worry about where it goes from there and about the potential for collateral damage.
While this sounds scary, it is just a remote control device.
The advantage over older methods like a bangalore torpedo,
was that they could steer it into place.
The police who use a robot to kill someone will face the same potential criminal liability that those using a gun or other weapon face.
I have no problem with its use here.

I heard the top cop discussing it briefly in a news conference yesterday. He said they'd tried to negotiate. The only thing the shooter wanted to do, in his own words, was shoot and kill white cops. He'd confessed to the shootings and confirmed it by asking about the fates of many of them. The chief of police said that in order to capture him, the LEOs would have had to enter his kill zone. He was not willing to risk the life of one more cop.

Good use of technology to save lives. It's damage, but because a long arm deployed the explosive, it can still be used.

The operative word is here. That's been the operative word since before Wyatt Earp first strapped on a 6 gun.

Along with new technology comes new responsibilities. Hopefully they get sorted out.
Simpleχity;1066069060 said:
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....



Cool! The Chief will make the kill from her desk and own it herself.
Simpleχity;1066069060 said:
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....



There was no question as to the need to take out the (not one of the) active shooter after they refused to surrender. Using a method that presented no further risk to law enforcement was a good call.
I have to admit, when news broke of the use of the robot to scatter the shooter across a parking lot, I thought "awesome".

Then I started thinking about the repercussion of it's use. Not sure I think it's so awesome.

Very slippery slope. Judge, jury, executioner, at the hands of someone who could be miles from the scene.

I can see where such technology could be warranted, but Pandora just put down a box, and I wonder if anyone should touch it.

on the other hand ther person who decides to detonate is not afraid for ther life and there's no excuse not to have video
The police who use a robot to kill someone will face the same potential criminal liability that those using a gun or other weapon face.

Yep - and in this case, that was none.
Simpleχity;1066069060 said:
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....



There is a lot of evidence suggesting we are entering a dystopian Terminator VI phase. Killer bots are just the tip of that iceberg.
on the other hand ther person who decides to detonate is not afraid for ther life and there's no excuse not to have video

You do not need to fear for your life to kill someone, a reasonable fear for the safety of third parties is adeqaute, in some states deadly force may be used to effect an arrest when all lesser means are exhausted
I don't judge the Dallas cops for what they did. They had 15 minutes to come up with a solution and a lot of people had just been killed. They were thinking out of the box in an very tense situation. They got their guy without collateral damage. They are clear in my book.

But now that it is over and we all have time to think clearly about moving forward with policy, I'm not certain Dallas is how we want to do things in the future.

I am fine with using a robot to kill a suspect if innocent lives are in imminent danger. But if the suspect has been cornered somewhere where he can't get away or hurt anyone then the police should use traditional negotiation tactics and/or wait him out.
You do not need to fear for your life to kill someone, a reasonable fear for the safety of third parties is adeqaute, in some states deadly force may be used to effect an arrest when all lesser means are exhausted

ok but what i was getting at was there's 1 less thing to cloud a person's judgment with remote controlled bots
Simpleχity;1066069060 said:
The Era of Lethal Police Robots has Arrived

Dallas Police used a remote-controlled robot to kill one of the snipers, opening questions about the way law enforcement agencies will use new technologies....



If they had ran him over with a car, would it be the era of lethal cars?

Was the robot acting on his own?
While this sounds scary, it is just a remote control device.
The advantage over older methods like a bangalore torpedo,
was that they could steer it into place.

Captain Miller: Bangalores, clear the shingle !!

Private: Fire in the hole !!

Seargent Horvath : Fire in the hole !!

Private: ( lights his Bangalore )

Medic Wade: fire in the hole !!
( Bangalore clears barbed wire obstacles )

Couldn't resist

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