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The 4 divisions of the US government. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2018
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north carolina
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Very Conservative
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.

Why didn't McConnell and Ryan stop it when they could?
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.

Like they did with Ken Starr? I fail to see how Mueller is running roughshod over anyone.
Like they did with Ken Starr? I fail to see how Mueller is running roughshod over anyone.

He managed to get Flynn to plead guilty to a charge of lying when Strzok claimed he did not think Flynn lied. Mueller also got the conviction sealed by a corrupted judge who had to recuse himself from the whole fiasco shorty after accepting the forced plea from Flynn.
He managed to get Flynn to plead guilty to a charge of lying when Strzok claimed he did not think Flynn lied. Mueller also got the conviction sealed by a corrupted judge who had to recuse himself from the whole fiasco shorty after accepting the forced plea from Flynn.

Flynn's isn't the only guilty plea. How many more will it take for you to accept there was wrongdoing?
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.

No, there's no evidence that Congress is empowering Mueller to do any of that.

You seem quite confused.
He managed to get Flynn to plead guilty to a charge of lying when Strzok claimed he did not think Flynn lied. Mueller also got the conviction sealed by a corrupted judge who had to recuse himself from the whole fiasco shorty after accepting the forced plea from Flynn.

Flynn isn't a spineless coward with bone spurs or anal warts. Why would he plead guilty if there was nothing to it?
Flynn isn't a spineless coward with bone spurs or anal warts. Why would he plead guilty if there was nothing to it?

Flynn has yet to be sentenced so it remains to be seen why he would accept a (very sweet?) plea deal rather than try to incur the expense necessary to try to defend himself from the "lying to the FBI" charge(s).
Flynn has yet to be sentenced so it remains to be seen why he would accept a (very sweet?) plea deal rather than try to incur the expense necessary to try to defend himself from the "lying to the FBI" charge(s).

Sorry, but only a fool or the guilty take a plea. Once a plea is taken, it's very rare that it can be appealed. If innocent and found guilty, the appeals take place immediately. By taking a plea, he's a convicted felon who loses is gun rights and, in many places, his right to vote. Why would he do this if it wasn't the smarter option?
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.

Mueller is the most powerful person in the world. He's untouchable and he knows it. That's how dictators are born.
Flynn's isn't the only guilty plea. How many more will it take for you to accept there was wrongdoing?

Flynn and Popadopolous plead guilty to process crimes. Not capital crimes.
Flynn isn't a spineless coward with bone spurs or anal warts. Why would he plead guilty if there was nothing to it?

Because they threatened his family and he can't afford a million dollar attorney.
Because they threatened his family and he can't afford a million dollar attorney.

You mean Cohen hired a hitman to threaten him too? Wow, who knew!?

Seriously, if his family was whacked, don't you think the Republicans and the FBI would go ballistic finding those who are guilty?....or do you think it's the Illuminati?
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.

NO, why would "Congress be determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over themselves; how would he do that if they did? What makes you think he will be allowed to run roughshod over the President, it appears to me the President has a bastion of lawyers ready at his defense. What courts would Mueller run roughshod over; do you really think they would let him, no matter what empowerment he has from Congress … which is NONE. How would he "run roughshod over the American People with all those layers between him and … US.

What leads you to say that "Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case"? What "mishandling in the case"? I don't see an unlimited time frame being an issue, all the talk "NOW" is that his report his looming and to be release SOON!

And how does your OP relate to: The 4 divisions of the US government … other than nonsensically naming them?
Why would Flynn be worried about his son unless the son, too, was guilty? Will Trump do the same for his son and SIL or will he let them twist in the wind?

Flynn isn't guilty of anything. Obviously he has a reason to worry.
Flynn isn't guilty of anything. Obviously he has a reason to worry.

Sorry, but the evidence is clear that he lied to the FBI. How much his son is involved remains to be seen. He wouldn't take a plea if he wasn't guilty for aforementioned reasons.
Congress seems determined to empower Mueller with authority to run roughshod over Congress, the President, the courts and the American people. Congress seems determined to give Mueller immunity from investigation or prosecution for his own mishandlings in the case, as well as an unlimited time frame that could extend into decades.
^^ Absolutely, 100% false assertion. There is no, none, zero, evidence supporting this ^^ garbage.

Are you really so poorly informed, or are you deliberately attempting to spread “fake news”?
Like they did with Ken Starr? I fail to see how Mueller is running roughshod over anyone.

The democrats are running roughshod over Congress and the American people and Mueller is just a patsy prosecutor hired by lying democrat crooks in a blatant attempt to bring down the President of the United States.
Flynn's isn't the only guilty plea. How many more will it take for you to accept there was wrongdoing?

I cannot accept that Mueller has found any evidence of Trump/Russian collusion after two years and possibly thousands of unrelated side investigations and/or indictments.
No, there's no evidence that Congress is empowering Mueller to do any of that.

You seem quite confused.

Democrats: Do not interfere with our Mueller investigation no matter what you may have heard about the democrat lying corruption leading up to the unlawful origin of the worthless investigation.

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