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Thank You To americanwoman (1 Viewer)


I'm a Jedi Master, Yo
DP Veteran
May 19, 2006
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he Moderation Team would like to announce that americanwoman has stepped down as Bartender due to some real life busy-ness. We would like to thank her for helping to manage The Tavern.
Much love to AW. She's great people.
She was an excellent staff member. I think the world of her, and will miss her input. *hugs*

Sorry, but the Lenny version is just better than the Guess Who's.
All the best to you and yours AW - one of the best and funnest posters on the site. Hope life gets easier or at least less stressful as the days move ahead.

Thanks for all you've done and for just being around.
You were great, AW. I hope you return full time soon! :respekt:
Imo miss you, sweetheart. :kissy:
AW is great, she did a great job.

And here is a better version of the song, that blows the Kravits version away:

AW is great, she did a great job.

And here is a better version of the song, that blows the Kravits version away:

The original by Bachman Turner Overdrive is the best, but I'm partial to Canadians.

Edit: The Guess Who, another great Canadian band, had the original
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The original by Bachman Turner Overdrive is the best, but I'm partial to Canadians.

You would, considering it is kinda a tribute to Canadian women.
I mixed up my Canadian bands - it was the Guess Who first, in the early 70s

It's all Randy Bachman so you weren't that far off.

And thank you Americanwoman for serving the cause.
Americanwoman is a great bartender. She deserves all of our thanks.

The original by Bachman Turner Overdrive is the best, but I'm partial to Canadians.

Edit: The Guess Who, another great Canadian band, had the original

The irony is that "American Woman" was a number one hit at the time, and continues to be. Burton Cummings wrote the song as a protest against US culture and polices, he is singing "we don't want you around no more..." I've never liked the song, then again I never liked Burton Cummings.
Later, AW.

Only interacted with you outside the bar since I'm rarely in it. I guess I can then say "you never came close to tossing me out", which is a good thing! ;)

The irony is that "American Woman" was a number one hit at the time, and continues to be. Burton Cummings wrote the song as a protest against US culture and polices, he is singing "we don't want you around no more..." I've never liked the song, then again I never liked Burton Cummings.

Who can *not* like "Undone"?

(BTW, met and got to hang-out a bit Randy Bachman while working at an AOR station in '77)
Later, AW.

Only interacted with you outside the bar since I'm rarely in it. I guess I can then say "you never came close to tossing me out", which is a good thing! ;)


Who can *not* like "Undone"?

(BTW, met and got to hang-out a bit Randy Bachman while working at an AOR station in '77)

Some of his songs are great. "undun" [sic]. "these eyes", "share the land" all great works. However we see who had the real talent after he left TGW and went solo. I am sorry but "stand tall" could have been written by a 6 year old.

I maybe have been over-exposed, and a bit biased, and preffered Randy Bcahmann over Cummings.

With that the two best songs they ever did was "Sour Sweet"

And as Bachmann-Turner Overdrive the coolest song they have is "Blue Collar"

Some of his songs are great. "undun" [sic]. "these eyes", "share the land" all great works. However we see who had the real talent after he left TGW and went solo. I am sorry but "stand tall" could have been written by a 6 year old.

I maybe have been over-exposed, and a bit biased, and preffered Randy Bcahmann over Cummings.

With that the two best songs they ever did was "Sour Sweet"

And as Bachmann-Turner Overdrive the coolest song they have is "Blue Collar"

It is spelled "Undun"!

Yeah, "Blue Collar" is probably the best thing Bachman did IMO, with fantastic lyrics that appealed to me then as a young amateur musician growing-up in a dreary blue collar neighborhood. Bachman really showed his jazz chops here, as he did to a lessor degree on Undun.

Share the Land also had some nice twin lead guitarwork.

But the sad truth is: He made a lot of uninspiring (to me) top 40 type pop too, in his BTO incarnation.
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It is spelled "Undun"!

Yeah, "Blue Collar" is probably the best thing Bachman did IMO, with fantastic lyrics that appealed to me then as a young amateur musician growing-up in a dreary blue collar neighborhood. Bachman really showed his jazz chops here, as he did to a lessor degree on Undun.

Share the Land also had some nice twin lead guitarwork.

But the sad truth is: He made a lot of uninspiring (to me) top 40 type pop too, in his BTO incarnation.

He knows that, and on his weekly show on CBC will at times make reference to "spam". He once or more has made reference to a 'creative rut' "we all go through it. Ironic, that you and I both see Blue Collar as the best thing he's ever done. More ironic, when I first moved back to Canada some friends put on a concert in the Kitchener Auditorium called "A Great Pair", an album that had been released about a year before featuring The Guess Who on one side, and a band then known as the "Staccatos" on the other. If you look up The Guess Who you will see a Great Pair mentioned
We lost our shirts in fine rock concert tradition, and let the people of the Kitchener-Waterloo area know "The Rock Revolution" had indeed come to Canada, and yes sir, Mr. Straight that indeed is your mind exploding.

The Staccatos were the more well known band at the time, but the Guess Who blew them out of the water. The Staccatos, by the way later became the band with one-hit-wonder "Signs" with the name "Five Man Electrical Band."
AW, you're the best. Thank you for all you have done and I hope whatever is making you so busy makes you happy, and rich.
AW, you're the best. Thank you for all you have done and I hope whatever is making you so busy makes you happy, and rich.

Happy and rich, talk about redundant. :D

Americanwoman is the best. Think I'll have a A&W root beer in her honor today
You would, considering it is kinda a tribute to Canadian women.

It was really a protest song against the America of the day. Of course just like Reagan wanting to use the Springsteen song, 'Born in the USA' for his campaign, The Guess Who were invited to play the song in Washington.

You know those politicians like to reach out to the young folks by using a patriotic song they can groove to. :)

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