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Thank God For The Chicago Shooting (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 14, 2011
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Political Leaning
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.
When is the carnage going to stop?
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.

It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.

I can only imagine how opposite Stonewall Jackson would be on this...
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.
This is atrocious
Well. It seems that sarcasm was missed. The point of the sarcasm is To highlight how the media addresses shootings.
LOL - we're not referring to your silly use of sarcasm, we're referring to the point you're actually trying to make via the medium of sarcasm.

That the media has a bias on the issue? How ABC did the animation of the shooter using an AR15...but how the discussion of guns is long gun. And now that they do have an issue that involves an "assault weapon" they can blather on about the need for gun control.
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.

Murdering millions each day, eh? :lamo

I find it very telling that you're celebrating the shooting of a 3 yr old for your own, sick, twisted, perverted ideology...

Show's who is really the evil one's out there....
Murdering millions each day, eh? :lamo

I find it very telling that you're celebrating the shooting of a 3 yr old for your own, sick, twisted, perverted ideology...

Show's who is really the evil one's out there....

Defiantly shows how irrational some ant-gun people really are.
That the media has a bias on the issue? How ABC did the animation of the shooter using an AR15...but how the discussion of guns is long gun. And now that they do have an issue that involves an "assault weapon" they can blather on about the need for gun control.

Maybe you should turn off the 24/7 media circus and hunt down your news with your fingers on the net, instead?
That the media has a bias on the issue? How ABC did the animation of the shooter using an AR15...but how the discussion of guns is long gun. And now that they do have an issue that involves an "assault weapon" they can blather on about the need for gun control.

You're letting your team down, son. Best let it drop.
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.

This is pretty patently obvious, and not very well executed sarcasm.

0/10. Do better next time.
Defiantly shows how irrational some ant-gun people really are.

No, no it doesn't. Got nada to do with anti-gun people. That guy thought it all up on his ownself.
Murdering millions each day, eh? :lamo

I find it very telling that you're celebrating the shooting of a 3 yr old for your own, sick, twisted, perverted ideology...

Show's who is really the evil one's out there....

Um. I'm a gun toting republican who enjoys a sarcastic twist to make points.
Maybe you should turn off the 24/7 media circus and hunt down your news with your fingers on the net, instead?

I watch the news about once a week, read about once a week, and then get the rest from what I hear about and look up. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see the agenda of certain "respected" news organizations. The left complains about fox not being "fair an balanced," but the reality is that there is no "fair and balanced" network.

This also isn't a point just about the news. It is a point about the gun control crowd. That mass hysteria is their tool. If we were to boil this issue down from raving hysteria to a rational discussion, do you think the issue would be solved by the suggestions of...say...diane Feinstein or the Chicago police chief? That "just a little more" legislation is needed? I actually respect your view Spiker. I know you are no fool. Just don't tell me you think the issue at hand has to do with "military grade battle rifles" that the gun control claim are such a problem.
You're letting your team down, son. Best let it drop.

Well riddle me this batman. Do you think extra laws would have solved either incident that has occurred? Because both tragic demonstrate that the issue has nothing to do with the choice of weapon. It is about the state of the human mind, our enforcement, and really our understanding of the human mind.

You are aware that the navy yard asshole had a history of mental issues right? They always do. They never snap. You know what that says to me...it says to me that the "gun control team" isn't really doing what they say they are doing. You want guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals? Well how well did gun control work for that guy? It didn't. It failed and 13 people DIED.

You can claim as much as you want that "more laws will help," but the reality is you are being duped by the politicians. They want to look like they are doing something. It isn't something as sinister as a plot to steal my guns. It is standard politics. They want to appease the mass for votes, and by passing some bull**** legislation and pull a Neville Chamberlain on your "team." Just in case you aren't up on history references the person mentioned was UK PM who stated "I have returned from Germany with peace for our time." Referring of course to appeasement of Adolf.

So what am I saying? Gun control laws are feel good laws. They do as much good as appeasement did for Hitler. It settles things down politically for a bit, but ultimately passes the buck on down the road so it can be someone else's problem. The fact is...mass shootings, crime, and just evil in general are not things that are going to be solved by a piece of paper that says, "STAHP IT!!" We as a society need to embrace the idea that maybe there is a glitch somewhere in our system and we need to take a look deeper. And mental health care damn sure might be somewhere to look. Maybe inner city economies or certain traits in our culture?

Or you could keep on the path you are on listening to politicians who want to appease the masses, claiming I am letting my team down. The fact is...we are on the same team: Civilized society and the gun control crowd and their feel good legislation is letting the team down.
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.
On the news they said it was dredlocked men firing a rifle that fired 7.5 rounds.
WTF is a 7.5 and were is the gun?????????
It is a good thing this shooting happened. Without it, the gun control crowd would not be able to discuss the real issue at hand. How assault weapons are murdering millions each day. It would be impossible to demonize the weapon used in the Navy Yard shooting because it is such a widely selling firearm in America and so well protected by the evil NRA nazis.
And having a 3 year old getting shot in the face, is a good thing? Really? Think about what you just posted, I will be waiting for you to walk that back.
Um. I'm a gun toting republican who enjoys a sarcastic twist to make points.

Well, than I will put you down under accounts payable...

You are not helping the matter. So no. Not even the most rabid progunner would post something like that.

Wow. You are lost on this aren't you? I am pro gun. I posted the material as a point to highlight how the media uses fear mongering to push the agenda. An agenda of which they really don't understand.

If you are offended...good. The point was not act as an extra cool pillow on a hot night. It was meant to provoke you into thought. So. Maybe we can get to the issue at hand?

Do you think that the weapon choice is relevant to the 2 shootings? Or so you think the issue we face is deeper than some face value talking point like "more gun laws?"

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