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Texas Campus Cop Kills Unarmed College Student After Sarcastic Remark (1 Viewer)

Heard this on the radio on the way home today (since ya know, I live here) and the local radio take is that the kid was being an absolute ****, things got stupid and he started trying to bash the cop with his baton across the head. Was warned 4 times before the officer put him down.

Some mistakes in life carry high price tags.
Some do, some don't.

This is where you can tell the true libertarians from the fake ones who are really just Republicans pretending to be liberterian conservatives.

Libertarian conservatives have that natural distrust of authority. Republican conservatives almost always side with authority against the people. It's in their nationalist tendencies.

The president is pretty much the ultimate in authority and yet I see many liberals defend and rationalize everything he does. To no surprise to anyone, you have no issue with that though.
The biased journalism, the confusing 'facts' and the conflicting 'witness reports' make me not want to form an opinion at all.

I knee-jerked the other day regarding the catholic hospital thing, I'm not going it again.
Heard this on the radio on the way home today (since ya know, I live here) and the local radio take is that the kid was being an absolute ****, things got stupid and he started trying to bash the cop with his baton across the head. Was warned 4 times before the officer put him down.

Some mistakes in life carry high price tags.

To some, the only good cop is a dead cop.
The president is pretty much the ultimate in authority and yet I see many liberals defend and rationalize everything he does. To no surprise to anyone, you have no issue with that though.

Why must you always do this false equivalence bull****? I've seen you debate and you are smart enough not to drop to that low of a level . You've recently been trotting out this tactic and itself is only one sided so the hypocrisy in using that tactic is ludicrous.

You say that I don't have issues with that which you just being lazy and trying to put the burden of proof on me. I'm not lockstep with Obama by any means and I've called out liberals before for being ridiculous in their cut and paste crap.

So please, dispense with this crap.
The biased journalism, the confusing 'facts' and the conflicting 'witness reports' make me not want to form an opinion at all.

I knee-jerked the other day regarding the catholic hospital thing, I'm not going it again.

Wise... and I'll admit I'm speculating as most all others in this thread. And when situations are in this stage, you see who you are dealing with. Authoritarians show their true colors when it's speculation time.
This was also in one of the articles...

documents published by the San Antonio Express News show that he worked for the Texas university for two and a half years after holding nine different jobs at eight separate law enforcement agencies.​

Kind of sounds like people shifting crap around instead of fixing it.

He might have to find the 10th job now.
To some, the only good cop is a dead cop.

What a complete load of **** thing to say. If someone doesn't agree with you and thinks cops overreacted when they kill someone then they are allllll the way to the other side wishing the cop was dead.

you are beyond off base and are apparently not reasonable in any way.
Heard this on the radio on the way home today (since ya know, I live here) and the local radio take is that the kid was being an absolute ****, things got stupid and he started trying to bash the cop with his baton across the head. Was warned 4 times before the officer put him down.

Some mistakes in life carry high price tags.

Why must you always do this false equivalence bull****? I've seen you debate and you are smart enough not to drop to that low of a level . You've recently been trotting out this tactic and itself is only one sided so the hypocrisy in using that tactic is ludicrous.

You say that I don't have issues with that which you just being lazy and trying to put the burden of proof on me. I'm not lockstep with Obama by any means and I've called out liberals before for being ridiculous in their cut and paste crap.

So please, dispense with this crap.

I respond with the type of argument I'm greeted with. If you're going to bash conservatives for failing to agree with you, don't be surprised if I respond in kind.
This kind of thing always seems to split conservatives. This is where you see the authority loving conservatives split from the actual small government conservatives who have a natural distrust of authority.


Libertarians I've debated over a long time have shown that they have a healthy distrust of authority. It's at the very root of their smaller government views. Republican conservatives tend to be alll about authority. They are more socially conservative and that is HUGE government intrusion on the public that libertarians disagree with and GOPers will back any situation with almost no evidence, when authority is accused of overstepping their bounds. Libertarians tend to be appalled by this. Wako comes to mind. Libertarians were outraged more than most.
What a complete load of **** thing to say. If someone doesn't agree with you and thinks cops overreacted when they kill someone then they are allllll the way to the other side wishing the cop was dead.

you are beyond off base and are apparently not reasonable in any way.

If the kid had run over the cop or cracked his skull open would that have bothered you?
If the kid had run over the cop or cracked his skull open would that have bothered you?

Yes. Of course is it would've. It's not about hating or disliking cops. It's about understanding that authority needs to know it's limits. which you apparently don't agree with.

Cops have no right to be Judge Dredd.

Not so coincidentally, this kid being dead doesn't seem to bother you.
After the Duke Lacrosse case there's no excuse for anyone leaping in early with sweeping generalizations or premature conclusions.:peace
After the Duke Lacrosse case there's no excuse for anyone leaping in early with sweeping generalizations or early conclusions.:peace

It's an online political forum. Speculation and discussion is precisely what it's about.
Yes. Of course is it would've. It's not about hating or disliking cops. It's about understanding that authority needs to know it's limits. which you apparently don't agree with.

Cops have no right to be Judge Dredd.

Not so coincidentally, this kid being dead doesn't seem to bother you.

If someone is assaulting an officer with a weapon, I think it is well within reasonable limits that they defend themselves but yes, I gather we do disagree on this point.
It's an online political forum. Speculation and discussion is precisely what it's about.

In other words, when it comes to cops, I'll believe the worst no matter what the actual facts may turn out to be. :lol:
If someone is assaulting an officer with a weapon, I think it is well within reasonable limits that they defend themselves but yes, I gather we do disagree on this point.

You are immediatly siding with the police statement that he was being assaulted. You are taking no evidence whatsoever and then saddling me with a false narrative of being opposed to him defending himself. I never said that and you saying I do is more than being dishonest on your part.
In other words, when it comes to cops, I'll believe the worst no matter what the actual facts may turn out to be. :lol:

Who are you to talk being that you take the police word for it with no evidence whatsoever.
You are immediatly siding with the police statement that he was being assaulted. You are taking no evidence whatsoever and then saddling me with a false narrative of being opposed to him defending himself. I never said that and you saying I do is more than being dishonest on your part.

Oh right, you believe the cop actually opened fire because of a sarcastic comment (because we all know what generally murderous people most cops are).
Who are you to talk being that you take the police word for it with no evidence whatsoever.

Witness testimony is evidence, including from cops (in fact, most of the people who testify are cops). I take it you think anything a cop says should just be discounted. Ok.
Witness testimony is evidence, including from cops (in fact, most of the people who testify are cops). I take it you think anything a cop says should just be discounted. Ok.

I take it that the opinions of those directly involved in an incident should be the first opinions to be discounted or at least take a back seat to those who are witnesses who observed objectively.

Also, why do you phrase all your post as if you know what I'm thinking rather than simply asking my opinion? you are discrediting yourself with every post when you do this.
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I take it that the opinions of those directly involved in an incident should be the first opinions to be discounted or at least take a back seat to those who witnesses who observe objectively.

Also, why do you phrase all your post as if you know what I'm thinking rather than simply asking my opinion? you are discrediting yourself with every post when you do this.

Good grief man, you just said it. A cop's statement is "no evidence whatsoever."

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