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Tesla share crash amid Republican bid to kill off electric car tax break (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Bagdad, La.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I'll never celebrate any private business going tits up. However, Tesla obviously can't stand on it's own feet. It's unjust to prop up technology that can't survive on it's own merits. Not only does it rip off the tax payer, it's an injustice to the people who purchase these products.


I agree and recommend we send bills to Energy and Auto Corporations for their responsibility for Global Warming.
Without startup collateral, we'd never develop new technologies unless they have a greater than 80% chance to yield a minimum 150% return on investment.
Why would we ever need innovation?
I'll never celebrate any private business going tits up. However, Tesla obviously can't stand on it's own feet. It's unjust to prop up technology that can't survive on it's own merits. Not only does it rip off the tax payer, it's an injustice to the people who purchase these products.


well, now we know you have been against all of those government bank rolled military projects for so many decades; thanks for finally stepping up and admitting it .......
I'll never celebrate any private business going tits up. However, Tesla obviously can't stand on it's own feet. It's unjust to prop up technology that can't survive on it's own merits. Not only does it rip off the tax payer, it's an injustice to the people who purchase these products.


Are you perhaps referring to the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend maintaining a naval presence in and around the Persian Gulf to ensure the flow of Big Oil's tankers?
Are you perhaps referring to the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend maintaining a naval presence in and around the Persian Gulf to ensure the flow of Big Oil's tankers?

You mean literally the World's oil supply?

Isn't protect America interests literally the Navy's job?

Correct me if I'm wrong.
well, now we know you have been against all of those government bank rolled military projects for so many decades; thanks for finally stepping up and admitting it .......

From The Constitution...

The Congress shall have Power To ...raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years....

From The Constitution...

The Congress shall have Power To ...raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years....


:lol: .............. yeah, sure; that's why we have been in Iraq for over 14 years & Afghanistan for over 16 years ............ :lol: ...........
:lol: .............. yeah, sure; that's why we have been in Iraq for over 14 years & Afghanistan for over 16 years ............ :lol: ...........

Keeping Tesla in business isn't listed anywhere in The Constitution.
Keeping Tesla in business isn't listed anywhere in The Constitution.

The US Constitution has not been followed by The US for many, many decades; Lincoln was one of the worst abusers ....................
Keeping Tesla in business isn't listed anywhere in The Constitution.

Neither is enriching Lockheed Martin execs.
Why would we ever need innovation?

We need workable, profitable products, not ones that can only be produced with massive gov't intervention. If a company can't stand on it's own, let it fail. Yes, that means that we shouldn't have bailed out Chrysler, GM or any of the banks the gov't propped up.
Lockheed Martin wasn't subsidized.

Neither was the light bulb, automobile, aircraft. telephone, electricity. Yet all managed to get invented without a $7500 government subsidy.
We need workable, profitable products, not ones that can only be produced with massive gov't intervention. If a company can't stand on it's own, let it fail. Yes, that means that we shouldn't have bailed out Chrysler, GM or any of the banks the gov't propped up.

Well this will not ruin Tesla but the government should be encouraging technological innovation even if temporarily unprofitable to do so.
Lockheed Martin wasn't subsidized.

I like Deuce's post better than this, but
Subsidy Tracker-Lockheed Martin

many of the tax credit/rebate category, mostly federal grants

When Will Boeing and Lockheed Martin Lose This $1 Billion Government Subsidy?
The Motley Fool , Jul 9, 2017

Referring to the 1st link-
U.S. Is Generous to Boeing for Loan Guarantees, Subsidies Aviation News Online, March 23, 2015

Issued this month, Good Jobs First's report, “Uncle Sam’s Favorite Corporations,” found that Boeing since 2000 has received $64 billion in federal loans and loan guarantees—all from the Export-Import Bank—another $457 million in federal grants and tax credits and $13 billion in state and local subsidies. It leads Ford, General Electric, General Motors and JP Morgan Chase as the top five corporations in receiving subsidies from all levels of government.
Lockheed Martin wasn't subsidized.

You really should do some research before you post, my friend.


Another six—Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, NRG Energy, Sempra Energy, SolarCity and United Technologies—are among the top 50 recipients of state subsidies and federal grants. Goldman Sachs is among the largest recipients of state subsidies and federal loan assistance. Some businesses double-dipped in other ways, too. Of the hundred most profitable fedeeral contractors in the 2014 fiscal year, nearly half have received federal grants or tax credits since 2000.
well, now we know you have been against all of those government bank rolled military projects for so many decades; thanks for finally stepping up and admitting it .......

The military is a private business? Huh...I wonder if I put my two weeks notice in if my CO will let me get out.
The military is a private business? Huh...I wonder if I put my two weeks notice in if my CO will let me get out.

plenty of private & public military companies/suppliers out there that benefit from US Government $$$$$$$$$/project$ .............. please; stop playing ignorant ............

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