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Terrorist Attack at U.S. university: (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
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Very Conservative
Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar is charged with driving a rented Jeep Cherokee on Friday through The Pit, the popular outdoor gathering spot on the campus in Chapel Hill. He says he did it to avenge the treatment of Muslims, and he didn't deny driving through the campus.

Asked by reporters if he was trying to kill people, Taheri-azar replied, "Yes."
No way to stop anything like this unless a friend or peer flags an authority before the act.

This is a good example to show that America is not as safe as some might think. There are few ways to know if someone is just sitting in America planning some sort of attack on America soil.
Notice the lack of outrage? of coverage?

Notice that the university is treating this matter as a hit and run as opposed to an ideologically based attempt to kill people at random, hence, a terrorist attack?

If this would not have been someone from the left's beloved "religion of peace" attacking a bunch of white school kids, the coverage and the outrage would be very different.
there is no outrage because it is just another attack for racial/religious reasons. there are attacks/assaults by different races and religion on other races and religions every day
Willoughby said:
there is no outrage because it is just another attack for racial/religious reasons. there are attacks/assaults by different races and religion on other races and religions every day

No this was an ideologically motivated Islamic-fascist terrorist attack, we don't have those here every day.
No this was an ideologically motivated Islamic-fascist terrorist attack, we don't have those here every day.

you probably do..just like in the same why you have christian attacks on people, homophobes attacks on people, nazis attacks on people, communists attacks on people, sikhs attacks on people....it was an attack by a stupid man that was done for stupid reasons...i think labelling it a terrorism attack is overstating the point slightly
Willoughby said:
you probably do..just like in the same why you have christian attacks on people, homophobes attacks on people, nazis attacks on people, communists attacks on people, sikhs attacks on people....it was an attack by a stupid man that was done for stupid reasons...i think labelling it a terrorism attack is overstating the point slightly

So labeling an attack done for politically motivated points intended to strike fear into a population shouldn't be labeled a terrorist attack? What the hell would you label it? This is no different then someone walking into a building with a bomb strapped to them and blowing themselves up, it's the same damn thing.
i just think that it is foolish to labell it a terrorist attack and even more foolish to equate it with bombs and such like
Simple fact is, if they charge him with committing an act of terrorism doesn't that make him subject to the death penalty? That scares the hell out of me. Are we going to start executing people who haven't actually killed anybody?
That's W's America isn't it? We are starting to walk down a very dangerous path.
He was trying to strike terror in the hearts of Americans by trying to knock people down??? You guys must be scared really easily then.

Why didn't he just get a gun in one of the many gun outlets in America and shoot people???

Now the Washington Sniper, there was a terrorist.
GarzaUK said:
He was trying to strike terror in the hearts of Americans by trying to knock people down??? You guys must be scared really easily then.

Why didn't he just get a gun in one of the many gun outlets in America and shoot people???

Now the Washington Sniper, there was a terrorist.

Asked by reporters if he was trying to kill people, Taheri-azar replied, "Yes."

So by your logic when the Palestinian bomb fails to detonate then the Palestinian suicide bomber is somehow less of a terrorist?
Asked by reporters if he was trying to kill people, Taheri-azar replied, "Yes."

that doesn't mean it was a terrorist. attempted murder, nothing else
Willoughby said:
that doesn't mean it was a terrorist. attempted murder, nothing else

No skippy you're wrong, his crime was politically motivated and by the definition of the word it is considered a terrorist attack:

Terrorism - political violence: violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
well i suppose we will have to agree to disagree on this one. i think it was stupidty motivated and it would be foolish to blow it up to be something it wasn't
I don't really care for the touchy feelies opinions on this. It was an act of terrorism, and he was trying to kill people. He stated already that he was trying to do so and it was to 'avenge muslims'.
The UNC has already had a protest against the terrorist attack, and that is why the FBI is involved. Looks like smiley may get a date with a needle.
Looks like smiley may get a date with a needle.

thought i couldn't get more depressed about the state of american society...i was wrong
Willoughby said:
thought i couldn't get more depressed about the state of american society...i was wrong

Been reading your posts. Just stating the facts. The jackass was on tv smiling about trying to kill a bunch of people. The best place for him would be a hole in the ground.
Willoughby said:
thought i couldn't get more depressed about the state of american society...i was wrong

The state of American society? Really? Well excuse me sir that piece of sh!t was trying to kill innocent young college kids just like me whose only crime was being American, because that freaking psycho was pissed about some ****ing cartoons that our country didn't even draw in the first place, and it's our society that's the problem? lmfao I hope they resurrect old sparky for that piece of inhuman filth.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
The state of American society? Really? Well excuse me sir that piece of sh!t was trying to kill innocent young college kids just like me whose only crime was being American, because that freaking psycho was pissed about some ****ing cartoons that our country didn't even draw in the first place, and it's our society that's the problem? lmfao I hope they resurrect old sparky for that piece of inhuman filth.

Actually, TOT, (funny. Your initials and your age...) for that little bag of sh!t I'd want to see the gallows built. Let him and all his bretren see that we are going to close his way off to Allah land by hanging him.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No skippy you're wrong, his crime was politically motivated and by the definition of the word it is considered a terrorist attack:

Terrorism - political violence: violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

You are somewhat overstating what happened. The man probably was very angry, because of the way his race is being treated in this country. This was not a group of people who planned a mass murder. Just one guy who went off the deep end. You see these kinds of attacks all the time. If you want to talk about real terrorist activity, then consider the Camila Knights of the Ku Klux Klan right here in Texas. They got caught with a homemade chemical weapon (a sodium cyanide bomb) capable of killing thousands of people. Now THAT is terrorist activity.
danarhea said:
You are somewhat overstating what happened. The man probably was very angry, because of the way his race is being treated in this country. This was not a group of people who planned a mass murder. Just one guy who went off the deep end. You see these kinds of attacks all the time. If you want to talk about real terrorist activity, then consider the Camila Knights of the Ku Klux Klan right here in Texas. They got caught with a homemade chemical weapon (a sodium cyanide bomb) capable of killing thousands of people. Now THAT is terrorist activity.

And I have no problem with them being tried under the same laws and getting the same punishment. Time to quit trying to 'understand and sympathize' and start protecting our country and citizens by expediting the trials and sentences on terrrorist attacks.
danarhea said:
You are somewhat overstating what happened. The man probably was very angry, because of the way his race is being treated in this country. This was not a group of people who planned a mass murder. Just one guy who went off the deep end. You see these kinds of attacks all the time. If you want to talk about real terrorist activity, then consider the Camila Knights of the Ku Klux Klan right here in Texas. They got caught with a homemade chemical weapon (a sodium cyanide bomb) capable of killing thousands of people. Now THAT is terrorist activity.

And that's the same kind of thinking that led to the first WTC bombing, remember when that Arab killed that Rabbi? Well he was written off as some loan nut when in reality he was working for the blind sheik in a terrorist cell, but because people said: "oh it's only one guy committing a simple everyday murder then it's not that big a deal," and thus rather than an intense investigation into the case it was written off and the dots were not connected.
Willoughby said:
that doesn't mean it was a terrorist. attempted murder, nothing else

ter·ror·ism Audio pronunciation of "terrorism" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


How does this not fit the bill?

I won't argue with you that this guy was a stupid foolish moron. Clearly he was. He's also a terrorist who comitted an act of terrorism. Unless you define those words differently?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
And that's the same kind of thinking that led to the first WTC bombing, remember when that Arab killed that Rabbi? Well he was written off as some loan nut when in reality he was working for the blind sheik in a terrorist cell, but because people said: "oh it's only one guy committing a simple everyday murder then it's not that big a deal," and thus rather than an intense investigation into the case it was written off and the dots were not connected.

If that is the case, then we have to redefine our legal system for terrorists to include:

1) Disgruntled postal workers.

2) Gay bashers.

3) Homeless people who commit crimes because they believe they have a beef with the system.

4) Vigilantes.

I can think of a dozen more examples, but you get my drift. All these examples have, for the most part, a political motivation too.

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