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Terri Schiavo Dies (1 Viewer)

RightatNYU said:

And it's over...now let the wrangling over the corpse begin.

I'm waiting for liberals to begin gleefully dancing in the streets. I also expect them to start building Auschwitz style gas chambers now. I know this from listening to Rush Limbaugh on way my home the other day. Hey, it's the only radio station I get out here. (Not making that up) He was telling me all about how liberals had become "red-fanged, ravenous and gleeful" at the thought of her death. He then went on some rant about them having plans to, or wishing they could build gas chambers.

Course this is the man who I heard recently tell a group of soldiers in Afghanistan that “liberals in America are upset that you guys are not getting killed often enough over here- liberals want more battle field causalities.” I sure wish he’d start illegally taking drugs again.
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Pacridge said:
I'm waiting for liberals to begin gleefully dancing in the streets. I also expect them to start building Auschwitz style gas chambers now. I know this from listening to Rush Limbaugh on way my home the other day. Hey, it's the only radio station I get out here. (Not making that up) He was telling me all about how liberals had become "red-fanged, ravenous and gleeful" at the thought of her death. He then went on some rant about them having plans to, or wishing they could build gas chambers.

Course this is the man who I heard recently tell a group of soldiers in Afghanistan that “liberals in America are upset that you guys are not getting killed often enough over here- liberals want more battle field causalities.” I sure wish he’d start illegally taking drugs again.
Man, I thought Rush was sick, but that's just terrible. Does he ever mention that usually it's hated liberals trying to bring the troops home, so that no more deaths may occur?
This whole situation is just ridiculous. I feel bad for the family and hope that they can somehow find peace in their daughter's death.
Welcome to Debate Politics!
Toby said:
This whole situation is just ridiculous. I feel bad for the family and hope that they can somehow find peace in their daughter's death.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

I agree hopefully they can find some peace now. Through our politicans aren't doing anything to help them with that.

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