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Teacher had young girl pose in lingerie, planned to sell her in Morocco, Texas cops say (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
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South Carolina
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A joint investigation between two Texas counties ended in the arrest of a 37-year-old woman Wednesday, accused of trying to sell a young female relative to men in Morocco for sex, according to a statement from the Freestone County Sheriff’s Department.The woman charged is Amber Michelle Parker, according to jail records. She remained in Freestone County Jail Thursday, and was being held on a $25,000 bond.
The nature of Parker’s relation to the victim was not disclosed by officials from either Freestone or McClennan County, which assisted on the investigation, in an effort to keep the girl from being identified publicly.
Parker is an 8th grade reading teacher at Mexia Independent School District, according to the district’s website. Mexia is a town of about 8,000 residents that sits about 85 miles south of Dallas and 40 miles east of Waco.


The reading teacher was placed on administrative leave Wednesday by Mexia ISD, according to a statement obtained by the Tribune from superintendent Lyle DuBus.


Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?
The US State Dept. estimates that there are [on average] ~50,000 trafficked people in the US on any given day.
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

Because due process must be carried out before booting her from education forever, not that she's likely to get another teaching job from inside a jail cell anyway.
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

Because in the US we consider people innocent until proven guilty. Let's say the district fires her the state revoked her teaching certification, then at trial she is.found not guilty. Lawsuits would flow for wrongfully terminating her employment. Administrative leave keeps her out of classrooms. After her conviction it's a different situation.
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?
Please settle those jerking knees, calm down a little and carefully re-read the entire article.

First, the article says that she's remains in jail and even if she was bailed, her "administrative leave" means she won't have access to any children (indeed, to any school property I expect). The school statement makes clear that student safety is the priority and that they're working with the police.

The fact remains that she has only been arrested, not even charged, let alone convicted of anything. Standard practice for any employer in this kind of situation would be to suspend the employee from working while the legal process and any subsequent dismissal procedures are complete. However likely it may be in this case, it's not unknown for people to be arrested in relation to a serious offence only to turn out to be entirely innocent (or at least for the circumstances to be more complex).
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

Because she is "accused"... not "guilty... welcome to America. Learn about Due Process please...
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

WTF! Why was Bart Kavanaugh allowed to be on the SCOTUS?
Why is Trump still allowed to lead the executive branch!

Due process. Despite your opposition to it, I support it, even if you find yourself in trouble.
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

Now now, let's remember what you say whenever a conservative is accused of sexual assault: accusations aren't evidence, we need proof beyond a reasonable doubt.


Because in the US we consider people innocent until proven guilty. Let's say the district fires her the state revoked her teaching certification, then at trial she is.found not guilty. Lawsuits would flow for wrongfully terminating her employment. Administrative leave keeps her out of classrooms. After her conviction it's a different situation.

Congrats on at least being consistent.

Anyway, my thoughts: Well, hold on. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is for a criminal trial. No standard applies to hearings to seat a SCOTUS justice other than "how do the congress critters feel like voting?" No standard applies to whether they want to work with an accused Hollywood magnate or a comedian other than "do they feel like it?" So even though at least one person here was consistent, it really isn't accurate (nor, I think correct) to demand proof beyond a reasonable doubt in any context.

So, it's not necessarily the case that an employer should keep someone on until a criminal conviction comes down. Whatever standards apply really depend on the employer. Since it's a public school teacher, I have to imagine there are standards they have to follow. I wouldn't want to keep someone on when there are actual records of them doing what they are accused of doing, even if there's no conviction; but again, she's probably on administrative leave because that's what some sort of official standard says must happen when a school employee is accused of criminal activity.

Either way, she at least won't be showing up at school any time soon so it's relatively moot. I do hope she doesn't get paid unless actually acquitted. In which case, the heat should be turned back on "the heat".
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

Because people have been falsely accused before? Not saying that she did not do it, but until put on trial and convicted even in Trumpland she is innocent.

Reminds me of a case in New York where a male Danish kindergarten teacher was arrested for inappropriate contact with children. He was dragged through the sewer, with perp walk and everything.

Problem was that after a few months, the police and prosecutors started to realise that something was wrong. The co-worker who had accused him of the offences was found out as being a lying piece of Trump. The case fell apart and the City of New York is at present on the hook for damages.. not sure if he has gotten it yet.

So I would be careful before getting a hissyfit before the case has been in court.
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?


You seem to have a bad link on the underlined portion.

I used to pass through Mexia quite a bit, and am very familiar with it. It's full of big-hearted, good, country boys. The safest place for her right now is in jail.

That county is also not equipped to take on a case like this. It will likely be moved to nearby Waco.

"Due Process"

OP pwnd

And they claim liberals let emotions run them. :roll:
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?

Another question- why did you post her 'phone number here?
Because due process must be carried out before booting her from education forever, not that she's likely to get another teaching job from inside a jail cell anyway.

Due process? How many other jobs in other professions would keep someone on after being arrested for trying to traffic their family member for sex? I'd wager none....And that is what the average person sees in the education system and shakes their heads...
Due process? How many other jobs in other professions would keep someone on after being arrested for trying to traffic their family member for sex? I'd wager none....And that is what the average person sees in the education system and shakes their heads...

There still needs to be an investigation of some kind or the employee will sue if unfairly fired.

And they didnt 'keep her on.' She's not working, she's not endangering anyone in the mean time.
There still needs to be an investigation of some kind or the employee will sue if unfairly fired.

And they didnt 'keep her on.' She's not working, she's not endangering anyone in the mean time.

Why? How is her job deserving of more protection than yours or mine? I would think that her dismissal would be a no brainer, considering that she was trying to sell an underage family member for sex....

As for her not endangering anyone in the meantime, again she was trying to sell a family member for sex, how do you know she isn't endangering anyone?
Why? How is her job deserving of more protection than yours or mine? I would think that her dismissal would be a no brainer, considering that she was trying to sell an underage family member for sex....

As for her not endangering anyone in the meantime, again she was trying to sell a family member for sex, how do you know she isn't endangering anyone?

Having been accused of a crime is not enough to fire anyone with any sort of job security at all. That's the American system, and it doesn't just apply to educators.

She's not still in the classroom, BTW.
Having been accused of a crime is not enough to fire anyone with any sort of job security at all. That's the American system, and it doesn't just apply to educators.

Oh really? whom else is protected like that?
I believe it's called due process. The teacher is suspended, and no longer has access to kids. Contain your dudgeon.

She should have been terminated like any one of us in that circumstance...Contain your own BS.
Administrative leave? WTF! Why is this person still employed as a Teacher with access to young children?
Because she is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law in the US.
Due process? How many other jobs in other professions would keep someone on after being arrested for trying to traffic their family member for sex? I'd wager none....And that is what the average person sees in the education system and shakes their heads...
Your ignorance of the law is very apparent.

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