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Tax Dollars to pay for Trayvon Martin Hoodie (1 Viewer)

Wait, was Martin convicted of something? Perhaps we should start calling Z an nonconvicted killer?

no, he died, and his death was ruled just.

if he lived, he would of been convicted of felony assualt and battery
Wait, was Martin convicted of something? Perhaps we should start calling Z an nonconvicted killer?

Obviously if Zimmerman was found not guilty because he was defending himself then the thug was guilty of assault and battery.
That is an absolutely not true statement. Z was found not guilty. He killed the other side of hte story so there was not enough evidnce for a conviction. But it was not ruled "just". where does this stuff come from. Z made a bad decision and got a kid killed and that is just?
no, he died, and his death was ruled just.

if he lived, he would of been convicted of felony assualt and battery
Right because he was beating Mr. Zimmerman's ass out of the compassionate content of his character.

What happened in this case and that kind of diatribe about a dead 17 year old who the OP knew nothing about are completely different matters.
Obviously if Zimmerman was found not guilty because he was defending himself then the thug was guilty of assault and battery.

No, there just wasnt enough evidence to convict him. Help if you kill the other side of the story.
Boy they couldn't contain themselves, they had to fill the article with everything they could find......even if totally unrelated.....like Z getting stopped for speeding.
It's a historical artifact. The Smithsonian owns 137 million items.

This really is reaching to whine about this. This is their function. Or should the hoodie be thrown out?

go on please.jpeg
no, he died, and his death was ruled just.

if he lived, he would of been convicted of felony assualt and battery

Zimmerman was found not guilty of 2nd degree murder and manslaughter because reasonable doubt remained to attached that TM's death was just to that verdict is illogical. All the rest of your post is just conjecture on your part (look it up)
Zimmerman was found not guilty of 2nd degree murder and manslaughter because reasonable doubt remained to attached that TM's death was just to that verdict is illogical. All the rest of your post is just conjecture on your part (look it up)

The evidence is clear that Trayvon was assaulting Zimmerman, that is all that is needed for self defense. Live like a thug, die like a thug.
The evidence is clear that Trayvon was assaulting Zimmerman, that is all that is needed for self defense. Live like a thug, die like a thug.

You don't know how he lived and you don't know if maybe he wasn't standing his ground that night. You can't see the prejudice that permeates your thinking.
This is completely ridiculous. This story is going to be written into the history books as evidence of ongoing racism in America when the actual problems in this country are ignored by the media. Brilliant.
This is completely ridiculous. This story is going to be written into the history books as evidence of ongoing racism in America when the actual problems in this country are ignored by the media. Brilliant.
Racism is not an "actual" problem...in the US...anymore.

Thanks for the info.
Racism is not an "actual" problem...in the US...anymore.

Thanks for the info.

No, what I'm saying is THIS case wasn't actual racism.
And ... you're welcome.
No, what I'm saying is THIS case wasn't actual racism.
And ... you're welcome.
So you believe that racism (a prejudice based on race) was not involved in the shooting.

Thanks for the info.
So you believe that racism (a prejudice based on race) was not involved in the shooting.

Thanks for the info.

It wasn't. - United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
You don't know how he lived and you don't know if maybe he wasn't standing his ground that night. You can't see the prejudice that permeates your thinking.

Actually, quite a bit of TM's record has been widely publicized. IMO, it's enough that I'd say to his mother's face "your kid is a POS hoodlum."
This is completely ridiculous. This story is going to be written into the history books as evidence of ongoing racism in America when the actual problems in this country are ignored by the media. Brilliant.

Well, that's exactly what was being discussed since the incident occurred.
No, it's common knowledge for people actually following the story.
Wow....you blurting out "FBI"....... is common knowledge for people following the story....


That was one of the most pointless comments I have ever seen.

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