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Taliban reverses decision, barring Afghan girls from attending school beyond 6th grade (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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Political Leaning
KABUL, Afghanistan — In a morning of tears and anger, the Taliban on Wednesday reneged on a promise to allow Afghan girls to attend secondary school, as thousands of them turned up at their old school gates in tidy uniforms and carrying their school bags. ...Amid widespread condemnation, the Taliban gave no indication of when these classrooms might reopen. Most girls and young women have been prevented from attending secondary school since the Taliban swept to power in August.

...the spokesman for the Education Ministry, Mawlawi Aziz Ahmad Ryan, said that "schools for women from the sixth grade above are closed until further notice." Ryan said a plan would be formulated "in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan culture and traditions, as well as the ruling of the Islamic Emirate." The phrase "culture and traditions" is often shorthand in the Muslim world for imposing rules that deny women their rights under Islam on the basis that local culture does not permit it. Islamic teaching and practice encourages men and women to study and learn."


Why, is explained here.

...when you talk to those who are on that pragmatic side, for example, in terms of the education of girls beyond grade six, none of them will say that they oppose it. They will all say they support it. But, you know, you have to go slowly because it has to be an edict that goes countrywide. And countrywide, it's not supported. In the deep rural areas, there is a resistance to girls going to school beyond grade six. And so they use that as an excuse, really, because you certainly can allow girls to go to school in the cities in vast areas of the country.


The Taliban's approach to girls in schools can be compared to the Republicans' approach to the teaching or discussion of divisive racial issues and gender identity in schools. There are school in Afghanistan and in Republican controlled states that are fine with teaching these things. But, in both areas, there are religious interests that oppose this. The Taliban and Republican controlled states both have laws that placate religious interests. Thus schools in areas that are more secular and more tolerant are all bent to the will of their more pious counterparts.
The Taliban's approach to girls in schools can be compared to the Republicans' approach to the teaching or discussion of divisive racial issues and gender identity in schools. There are school in Afghanistan and in Republican controlled states that are fine with teaching these things. But, in both areas, there are religious interests that oppose this. The Taliban and Republican controlled states both have laws that placate religious interests. Thus schools in areas that are more secular and more tolerant are all bent to the will of their more pious counterparts.

No it cannot. The Taliban are not prohibiting or side-stepping certain topics for discussion in school. They are barring all education past the primary level for girls, period. This is a shameful and cynical use of genuine oppression as a springboard for partisan calumny.
KABUL, Afghanistan — In a morning of tears and anger, the Taliban on Wednesday reneged on a promise to allow Afghan girls to attend secondary school, as thousands of them turned up at their old school gates in tidy uniforms and carrying their school bags. ...Amid widespread condemnation, the Taliban gave no indication of when these classrooms might reopen. Most girls and young women have been prevented from attending secondary school since the Taliban swept to power in August.

...the spokesman for the Education Ministry, Mawlawi Aziz Ahmad Ryan, said that "schools for women from the sixth grade above are closed until further notice." Ryan said a plan would be formulated "in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan culture and traditions, as well as the ruling of the Islamic Emirate." The phrase "culture and traditions" is often shorthand in the Muslim world for imposing rules that deny women their rights under Islam on the basis that local culture does not permit it. Islamic teaching and practice encourages men and women to study and learn."


Why, is explained here.

...when you talk to those who are on that pragmatic side, for example, in terms of the education of girls beyond grade six, none of them will say that they oppose it. They will all say they support it. But, you know, you have to go slowly because it has to be an edict that goes countrywide. And countrywide, it's not supported. In the deep rural areas, there is a resistance to girls going to school beyond grade six. And so they use that as an excuse, really, because you certainly can allow girls to go to school in the cities in vast areas of the country.


The Taliban's approach to girls in schools can be compared to the Republicans' approach to the teaching or discussion of divisive racial issues and gender identity in schools. There are school in Afghanistan and in Republican controlled states that are fine with teaching these things. But, in both areas, there are religious interests that oppose this. The Taliban and Republican controlled states both have laws that placate religious interests. Thus schools in areas that are more secular and more tolerant are all bent to the will of their more pious counterparts.
I'm not sure this surprises anyone, but it is a human rights violation. Religion has been used for too long to deny human beings their rights to happiness and fulfillment. The Taliban always intended to withhold education from women and put them back in their place as pieces of property for raping.
KABUL, Afghanistan — In a morning of tears and anger, the Taliban on Wednesday reneged on a promise to allow Afghan girls to attend secondary school, as thousands of them turned up at their old school gates in tidy uniforms and carrying their school bags. ...Amid widespread condemnation, the Taliban gave no indication of when these classrooms might reopen. Most girls and young women have been prevented from attending secondary school since the Taliban swept to power in August.

...the spokesman for the Education Ministry, Mawlawi Aziz Ahmad Ryan, said that "schools for women from the sixth grade above are closed until further notice." Ryan said a plan would be formulated "in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan culture and traditions, as well as the ruling of the Islamic Emirate." The phrase "culture and traditions" is often shorthand in the Muslim world for imposing rules that deny women their rights under Islam on the basis that local culture does not permit it. Islamic teaching and practice encourages men and women to study and learn."


Why, is explained here.

...when you talk to those who are on that pragmatic side, for example, in terms of the education of girls beyond grade six, none of them will say that they oppose it. They will all say they support it. But, you know, you have to go slowly because it has to be an edict that goes countrywide. And countrywide, it's not supported. In the deep rural areas, there is a resistance to girls going to school beyond grade six. And so they use that as an excuse, really, because you certainly can allow girls to go to school in the cities in vast areas of the country.


The Taliban's approach to girls in schools can be compared to the Republicans' approach to the teaching or discussion of divisive racial issues and gender identity in schools. There are school in Afghanistan and in Republican controlled states that are fine with teaching these things. But, in both areas, there are religious interests that oppose this. The Taliban and Republican controlled states both have laws that placate religious interests. Thus schools in areas that are more secular and more tolerant are all bent to the will of their more pious counterparts.

Your thinking on this is really perverted by bias and hate.

Please link to the public policiy statement from any State Government in the US that prohibits females of any age from attending any class offered by public educational facilities.
Terrible. Religious extremism is the antithesis of progress and civilization.
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Well thats just shocking.

The greatest tragedy in how Afghanistan was handled is that women that were previous victims of rape and torture at the hands of the Taliban were given the hope that their nightmare had ended...and now they have been thrust back into it. Young girls who for the first time in generations grew up in peace with actual status as a human being, are now being enslaved again as child brides.

We should have built their army and police forces with armed women. Its a different game when the rabbit has the gun.
No it cannot. The Taliban are not prohibiting or side-stepping certain topics for discussion in school. They are barring all education past the primary level for girls, period. This is a shameful and cynical use of genuine oppression as a springboard for partisan calumny.

Yes, but such discussion is barred in all schools.
Well thats just shocking.

The greatest tragedy in how Afghanistan was handled is that women that were previous victims of rape and torture at the hands of the Taliban were given the hope that their nightmare had ended...and now they have been thrust back into it. Young girls who for the first time in generations grew up in peace with actual status as a human being, are now being enslaved again as child brides.

We should have built their army and police forces with armed women. Its a different game when the rabbit has the gun.

Imagine coming to our country, the land of freedom and getting raped and learning that you must bear your rapists' child. Once again, the GOP and the Taliban are coming from a similar place.

KABUL, Afghanistan — In a morning of tears and anger, the Taliban on Wednesday reneged on a promise to allow Afghan girls to attend secondary school, as thousands of them turned up at their old school gates in tidy uniforms and carrying their school bags. ...Amid widespread condemnation, the Taliban gave no indication of when these classrooms might reopen. Most girls and young women have been prevented from attending secondary school since the Taliban swept to power in August.

...the spokesman for the Education Ministry, Mawlawi Aziz Ahmad Ryan, said that "schools for women from the sixth grade above are closed until further notice." Ryan said a plan would be formulated "in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan culture and traditions, as well as the ruling of the Islamic Emirate." The phrase "culture and traditions" is often shorthand in the Muslim world for imposing rules that deny women their rights under Islam on the basis that local culture does not permit it. Islamic teaching and practice encourages men and women to study and learn."


Why, is explained here.

...when you talk to those who are on that pragmatic side, for example, in terms of the education of girls beyond grade six, none of them will say that they oppose it. They will all say they support it. But, you know, you have to go slowly because it has to be an edict that goes countrywide. And countrywide, it's not supported. In the deep rural areas, there is a resistance to girls going to school beyond grade six. And so they use that as an excuse, really, because you certainly can allow girls to go to school in the cities in vast areas of the country.


The Taliban's approach to girls in schools can be compared to the Republicans' approach to the teaching or discussion of divisive racial issues and gender identity in schools. There are school in Afghanistan and in Republican controlled states that are fine with teaching these things. But, in both areas, there are religious interests that oppose this. The Taliban and Republican controlled states both have laws that placate religious interests. Thus schools in areas that are more secular and more tolerant are all bent to the will of their more pious counterparts.

think the republicans are jealous how Taliban can suppress women. Doesn't stop them from trying as you can see with all their Talibaneque legislation targeting gays, trans, voting rights, etc.
Your thinking on this is really perverted by bias and hate.

Please link to the public policiy statement from any State Government in the US that prohibits females of any age from attending any class offered by public educational facilities.

I compared this the Republican state bans on what teachers can say in class. In both instances, there are communities that would like to be free of the respective bans, but since they are both law, they are forced to implement them.
Well thats just shocking.

The greatest tragedy in how Afghanistan was handled is that women that were previous victims of rape and torture at the hands of the Taliban were given the hope that their nightmare had ended...and now they have been thrust back into it. Young girls who for the first time in generations grew up in peace with actual status as a human being, are now being enslaved again as child brides.

We should have built their army and police forces with armed women. Its a different game when the rabbit has the gun.
We tried for twenty years. It was apparent that the Afghan people didn't want to help themselves. We couldn't just stay there spinning our wheels.
Imagine coming to our country, the land of freedom and getting raped and learning that you must bear your rapists' child. Once again, the GOP and the Taliban are coming from a similar place.

View attachment 67384163
Tell me...did you post that from an actual GOP site or is that some leftist propaganda bullshit fabricated by some leftist scumbag piece of shit that you then embraced and saw fit to post here?
Actual quotes.
Again...is it an actual GOP platform or just some fabricated garbage put together by some piece of shit that you then feel compelled to post?

Shall we judge YOU and all other democrats based on all the stupid shit democrats in local, state, and federal offices say and do?
Again...is it an actual GOP platform or just some fabricated garbage put together by some piece of shit that you then feel compelled to post?

Shall we judge YOU and all other democrats based on all the stupid shit democrats in local, state, and federal offices say and do?

The GOP platform is that women who are raped must bear the children of their rapist.
No surprise that the Taliban have gone back on their word.

The people of Afghanistan need to take their country from the Taliban if they want changes for how females are treated.
The GOP platform is that women who are raped must bear the children of their rapist.
You of course can show that to be the case...right?

Do you understand that about half of the people opposed to abortion are women...and many of those opposed to abortion are actually democrats?

And do you understand how sick and twisted your comments are trying to compare the now commonplace rape of Afghanistn girls and women to the GOP platcform that opposes abortion? Care to take a look at who leads the nation in committing acts of rape, and who they traditionally vote for?
KABUL, Afghanistan — In a morning of tears and anger, the Taliban on Wednesday reneged on a promise to allow Afghan girls to attend secondary school, as thousands of them turned up at their old school gates in tidy uniforms and carrying their school bags. ...Amid widespread condemnation, the Taliban gave no indication of when these classrooms might reopen. Most girls and young women have been prevented from attending secondary school since the Taliban swept to power in August.

...the spokesman for the Education Ministry, Mawlawi Aziz Ahmad Ryan, said that "schools for women from the sixth grade above are closed until further notice." Ryan said a plan would be formulated "in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan culture and traditions, as well as the ruling of the Islamic Emirate." The phrase "culture and traditions" is often shorthand in the Muslim world for imposing rules that deny women their rights under Islam on the basis that local culture does not permit it. Islamic teaching and practice encourages men and women to study and learn."


Why, is explained here.

...when you talk to those who are on that pragmatic side, for example, in terms of the education of girls beyond grade six, none of them will say that they oppose it. They will all say they support it. But, you know, you have to go slowly because it has to be an edict that goes countrywide. And countrywide, it's not supported. In the deep rural areas, there is a resistance to girls going to school beyond grade six. And so they use that as an excuse, really, because you certainly can allow girls to go to school in the cities in vast areas of the country.


The Taliban's approach to girls in schools can be compared to the Republicans' approach to the teaching or discussion of divisive racial issues and gender identity in schools. There are school in Afghanistan and in Republican controlled states that are fine with teaching these things. But, in both areas, there are religious interests that oppose this. The Taliban and Republican controlled states both have laws that placate religious interests. Thus schools in areas that are more secular and more tolerant are all bent to the will of their more pious counterparts.
The Taliban lied...imagine that.
The Taliban lied...imagine that.

Their country is starving, but at least they have their priorities straight. A working brain consumes too much calories. :rolleyes:
Dumb move by the Taliban, literally. Dumbing down half the population that had produced doctors, teachers, scientists, business owners, is not going to do a single, solitary, positive thing for their country.

It sounds like they are being run by old men.
Imagine coming to our country, the land of freedom and getting raped and learning that you must bear your rapists' child. Once again, the GOP and the Taliban are coming from a similar place.

View attachment 67384163

OMG. That made my bowels run cold. I had forgotten about most of that filth.
Terrible. Religious extremism is the antithesis of progress and civilization.

The antithesis of progress and civilization is extremism.

The religious variety is only one variety.
The antithesis of progress and civilization is extremism.

The religious variety is only one variety.

Different from Republican controlled states only by degrees. In the case of the Taliban, its a twisted view of Islam. In the case of Republican controlled states, its a twisted view of Christianity.

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