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Stupidity of the American Voter? (1 Viewer)

Thank you for reminding me.... I had forgotten that not having enough time to read the bill, was indeed one of the main reason stated by Republicans for voting "no" on Obamacare. Republicans did precisely the right thing by not voting to pass a bill that they had not been given time to read. Thanks to Mr. Gruber, we now understand exactly why the Democrats wouldn't allow anyone to read it before voting to pass it. If they had done so, their scam would have been exposed.

Again, you really should have thought things out a little better before hitting the "Post" button.

Their scam was exposed, and early and often. They (And the media) read enough of it to know that a large portion of the bill was curtailed to steal from the middle class and give it to the illegals, and downtrodden (My word), which equates to more votes. The "economics" of democrat policies has been on full display for well over 70 years..

And on the flip side, you have republicans, who didn't even read whats in the bill, hate it because their reps and foxs news told them to.

Like I said earlier, Kentuckians find Kynect more popular than Obamacare :screwy

There were more Republicans that read it than Democrats. How do you think we found out about the death panel?
Sure, Democrats can take back the Senate but not with liberal policies and results

I am of the opinion, as stated in the 1956 Republican platform, that in matters of the people, government decisions should always be liberal. And in matters of the people's money, government decisions should always be conservative.

I think that is one of the problems with our society today. A lot of people think it has to be "either/or."

For example, you and I go at it like cat's and dogs here at Debate Politics. Yeah, it does neither of our our blood pressures any good service but that's what people do here, anyways. I get it.

But in the "real world," if you will, it's not like this. In fact, I would venture to say that a LOT of my friends and family think much like you do. But that doesn't stop us from getting together and watching a Sunday football game and drink some beer together. Often, my friends like you, go fishing together and we have a BLAST! I would give them the shirt off my back and they would do the same for me. Somehow, we manage to keep these divisive opinions out of our relationship. One of my dearest friends, (and front house engineer,) makes you look like Nancy Pelosi he is so conservative. But we are the BEST of friends.

I don't know why that can't be practiced here at Debate Politics as well. But it is what it is, I suppose.

No, I have come to learn that, at least in my world, that people of both leans basically want the same things, and have more in common with each other, than differences.

For example. I want national security for myself, friends and family. I want the strongest defensive military on the globe. Stronger than any military ever known to mankind. I bet you want that too. Where we might part company on that issue is where I think that we should not send our son's and daughters to some foreign land, to fight and die in a war that is only necessary to be economically dominate and to expend our munitions so that our defense industry will have to create more. Sure, that might be good for the economy of some, but at what cost? Is it worth the life of our child? I don't think our military needs to be 5 times bigger than the rest of the world's military's combined. (Two times is sufficient for me. LOL!) That is a matter of money as well as defense. Military spending should be "conservative." Yet, "today's" conservatives seem to think that we should grow our military indefinitely and to even whisper an idea of cutting back is blasphemous. I don't know, you might agree with this too. But probably not. I really don't know.

In matters of "the people," no doubt, I am as liberal as it gets. It is in my nature to "live and let live," and be tolerant of others who might have a lifestyle different from mine. "Today's" conservatives, or those who profess to be, take issue with that. They seem to want to tread on those who differ from them by shoving their views and opinions down the throats of everyone else by way of law. I take issue with that.

I am firm in my belief's that people who take advantage of our nation's welfare system, people who, for some reason, think the government owes them a living, should be hung out to dry. That's where I part company with many of the democrat/liberal minded folks. But many democrat/liberals do agree with that, as well. There is no "no size fits all." I have no patience with those who think they are entitled and that is where my "live and let live," ends.

I could care less if two queers tie the knot or not. That is a matter "of the people." It should be solved in a liberal way. That is where I part company with many of "today's" self-professed conservatives. But, then again, I know several conservatives that agree with me on that issue as well. Again, there is no "one size fits all."

What really boils my blood is people who act like assholes when they disagree with my take on things. I have never been one to just sit back and be treated like **** without putting up a fight. That's probably the Texan in me or my past military training. I believe people can have different views without being pricks about it. For crissakes, I am a Master Freemason with the tallest flagpole on my block. To suggest that I don't love this country and care about it is just asnine. You don't get more American than being a Freemason. A veteran Freemason, no less.

Yes, you and I go at here at DP. But you very well could be one of the people I sit in my boat with, or have a beer at the bar with, and get along fine with. in "real life."

Why we (speaking about all of us here,) have to treat each other with such disrespect here at DP is beyond me. I am as guilty of it as the next person.

But I'm going to work on that.
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Apparently economics may give him a bit of trouble too.

The fact is that if the American people had not been so gullible to believe what Obama and his spokespersons were telling us almost daily in the weeks leading up to the vote on Obamacare, and/or the rest of us had not been so apathetic--you get tired of protesting just about everything they do--our elected legislators would never have voted for Obamacare. Of course nobody in the GOP did, and I think if we had been told the truth, enough Democrats would have broken ranks and voted 'no' to deep six it.
I am of the opinion, as stated in the 1956 Republican platform, that in matters of the people, government decisions should always be liberal. And in matters of the people's money, government decisions should always be conservative.

I think that is one of the problems with our society today. A lot of people think it has to be "either/or."

For example, you and I go at it like cat's and dogs here at Debate Politics. Yeah, it does our blood pressure no good service but that's what people do here anyways. I get it.

But in the "real world, if you will, it's not like this. In fact, I would venture to say that a LOT of my friends and family think much like you do. But that doesn't stop us from getting together and watching a football game and drink some beer together. Often, my frinds like you, go fishing together and we have a BLAST! I would give them the shirt off my back and they would do the same for me. Somehow, we manage to keep these divisive opinons out of our relationship.

No, I have come to learn that, at least in my world, that people of both leans basically want the same things and have more in common with each other than differences.

I don't know why that can't be practiced here at Debate Politics as well. But it is what it is, I suppose.

For example. I want national security for myself, friends and family. I want the strongest defensive military on the globe. Stronger than any military ever known to mankind. I bet you want that too. Where we might part company on that issue is where I think that we should not send our son's and daughters to some foreign land, to fight and die in a war that is only necessary to be economically dominate and to expend our munitions so that our defense industry will have to create more. Sure, that might be good for the economy of some, but at what cost? Is it worth the life of our child? I don't know, you might agree with this too.

In matters of "the people," no doubt, I am as liberal as it gets. It is in my nature to "live and let live," and be tolerant of others who might have a lifestyle different from mine. "Today's" conservatives, or those who profess to be, take issue with that.

I am firm in my beliefs that people who take advantage of our nation's welfare system, people who, for some reason, think the government owes them a living, should be hung out to dry. That's where I part company with many of the democrat/liberal minded folks. But many democrat/liberals do agree with that as well. I have no patience with those who think they are entitled and that is where my "live and let live," ends.

I could care less if two queers tie the knot or not. That is a matter "of the people." It should be solved in a liberal way. That is where I part company with many of "today's" self-professed conservatives. But, then again, I know several conservatives that agree with me on that issue as well.

What really boils my blood is people who act like assholes when they disagree with my take on things. I have never been one to just sit back and be treated like **** without putting up a fight. I believe people can have different views without being pricks about it.

Yes, you and I go at here at DP. But you very well could be one of the people I sit in my boat with, or have a beer at the bar with, and get along fine with. in "real life."

Why we (speaking about all of us here,) have to treat each other with such disrespect here at DP is beyond me. I am as guilty of it as the next person.

But I'm going to work on that.

Thank you very much for the post and very insightful comments. You are right, we aren't that very far apart on the major issues facing this country with the difference being who implements it. I am a strong advocate of states' rights knowing that the closer the govt. is to the people the more accountable it is to the people. That is what our Founders seemed to believe.

This country was built in individual freedoms and personal responsibility. Far too many today have delegated that responsibility to someone else and we all know you cannot delegate personal responsibility. I believe all social programs should be left to the states and local governments where the politicians actually live in the communities they serve. I believe in a part time legislature like we have in TX and politicians having to live under the laws they create and face the electorate face to face. I do not believe in delegating that responsibility to a federal bureaucrat in D.C.

Our Founders believed in a small central govt. and neighbor helping neighbor. IMO they would be mortified to see the 3.8 trillion dollar govt. we have today and the almost 18 trillion dollar debt with much of it entitlement spending. To me neighbor helping neighbor and giving a hand up rather than a hand out is the way to go

I give a lot to charity in time, treasure, and talent and know where that time, money, and talent goes. It isn't a coincidence that when people get to keep more of what they earn they are more charitable and that means less need for Federal programs that cost more in administrative costs and generates less assistance than the same dollar spent at the state and local levels.

We have a society today who seems to have too many people who have lost their way and sense of personal responsibility. It is going to take some tough love to get that back and it isn't going to be pretty. It is going to be like weening people off drugs or tobacco, a lot of mental and physical pain but it has to be done. We cannot sustain the spending levels we have and the very poor results being generated.

I do hope the country wakes up but I do appreciate your post and know I will try as well to be more civil. God bless
I am of the opinion, as stated in the 1956 Republican platform, that in matters of the people, government decisions should always be liberal. And in matters of the people's money, government decisions should always be conservative.

I think that is one of the problems with our society today. A lot of people think it has to be "either/or."

For example, you and I go at it like cat's and dogs here at Debate Politics. Yeah, it does our blood pressure no good service but that's what people do here anyways. I get it.

But in the "real world, if you will, it's not like this. In fact, I would venture to say that a LOT of my friends and family think much like you do. But that doesn't stop us from getting together and watching a football game and drink some beer together. Often, my frinds like you, go fishing together and we have a BLAST! I would give them the shirt off my back and they would do the same for me. Somehow, we manage to keep these divisive opinons out of our relationship.

No, I have come to learn that, at least in my world, that people of both leans basically want the same things and have more in common with each other than differences.

I don't know why that can't be practiced here at Debate Politics as well. But it is what it is, I suppose.

For example. I want national security for myself, friends and family. I want the strongest defensive military on the globe. Stronger than any military ever known to mankind. I bet you want that too. Where we might part company on that issue is where I think that we should not send our son's and daughters to some foreign land, to fight and die in a war that is only necessary to be economically dominate and to expend our munitions so that our defense industry will have to create more. Sure, that might be good for the economy of some, but at what cost? Is it worth the life of our child? I don't know, you might agree with this too.

In matters of "the people," no doubt, I am as liberal as it gets. It is in my nature to "live and let live," and be tolerant of others who might have a lifestyle different from mine. "Today's" conservatives, or those who profess to be, take issue with that.

I am firm in my beliefs that people who take advantage of our nation's welfare system, people who, for some reason, think the government owes them a living, should be hung out to dry. That's where I part company with many of the democrat/liberal minded folks. But many democrat/liberals do agree with that as well. I have no patience with those who think they are entitled and that is where my "live and let live," ends.

I could care less if two queers tie the knot or not. That is a matter "of the people." It should be solved in a liberal way. That is where I part company with many of "today's" self-professed conservatives. But, then again, I know several conservatives that agree with me on that issue as well.

What really boils my blood is people who act like assholes when they disagree with my take on things. I have never been one to just sit back and be treated like **** without putting up a fight. I believe people can have different views without being pricks about it.

Yes, you and I go at here at DP. But you very well could be one of the people I sit in my boat with, or have a beer at the bar with, and get along fine with. in "real life."

Why we (speaking about all of us here,) have to treat each other with such disrespect here at DP is beyond me. I am as guilty of it as the next person.

But I'm going to work on that.

I have a place in Mexico a block from the Sea of Cortez (better know as the Gulf of California) and the fishing is fantastic. I'm here right now and it's the perfect time of year to pack a cooler, jump on a boat, drop a line in and pop open a cerveza.

If you head this way in the future, let me know so I can get my gear together and round up a boat.
I grew up in the 50's when all the social safety net was social security. Helping each other out is exactly what we did. Speaking of the social net, did you see this poll:

Medicare - Rasmussen Reports™
So people like government programs when they are 'free'? I think we could have told that to the pollsters earlier and saved them some money.
So people like government programs when they are 'free'? I think we could have told that to the pollsters earlier and saved them some money.

It is the perception of being free. But someone along the line is paying for all this free stuff. Nothing is free.
Thank you for reminding me.... I had forgotten that not having enough time to read the bill, was indeed one of the main reason stated by Republicans for voting "no" on Obamacare. Republicans did precisely the right thing by not voting to pass a bill that they had not been given time to read. Thanks to Mr. Gruber, we now understand exactly why the Democrats wouldn't allow anyone to read it before voting to pass it. If they had done so, their scam would have been exposed.

Again, you really should have thought things out a little better before hitting the "Post" button.

That wasn't the reason wht they voted no. They voted no because they claim it will kill jobs. Now how would you know this if you haven't read the bill?
There were more Republicans that read it than Democrats. How do you think we found out about the death panel?

Post exactly where in the law that there are death panels????

Stop listening to that brainless b**** from Alaska !!!!!
Thank you very much for the post and very insightful comments. You are right, we aren't that very far apart on the major issues facing this country with the difference being who implements it. I am a strong advocate of states' rights knowing that the closer the govt. is to the people the more accountable it is to the people. That is what our Founders seemed to believe.

This country was built in individual freedoms and personal responsibility. Far too many today have delegated that responsibility to someone else and we all know you cannot delegate personal responsibility. I believe all social programs should be left to the states and local governments where the politicians actually live in the communities they serve. I believe in a part time legislature like we have in TX and politicians having to live under the laws they create and face the electorate face to face. I do not believe in delegating that responsibility to a federal bureaucrat in D.C.

Our Founders believed in a small central govt. and neighbor helping neighbor. IMO they would be mortified to see the 3.8 trillion dollar govt. we have today and the almost 18 trillion dollar debt with much of it entitlement spending. To me neighbor helping neighbor and giving a hand up rather than a hand out is the way to go

I give a lot to charity in time, treasure, and talent and know where that time, money, and talent goes. It isn't a coincidence that when people get to keep more of what they earn they are more charitable and that means less need for Federal programs that cost more in administrative costs and generates less assistance than the same dollar spent at the state and local levels.

We have a society today who seems to have too many people who have lost their way and sense of personal responsibility. It is going to take some tough love to get that back and it isn't going to be pretty. It is going to be like weening people off drugs or tobacco, a lot of mental and physical pain but it has to be done. We cannot sustain the spending levels we have and the very poor results being generated.

I do hope the country wakes up but I do appreciate your post and know I will try as well to be more civil. God bless

You know, I have picked this post apart from one end to the other, and I cannot find one single thing I disagree with. I think you and me need to start over. Somewhere, we got sideways. Not sure where. But you just said just about everything I believe in as well. WTF? I think we need to go fishing.
Apparently economics may give him a bit of trouble too.

I think it gives all economists trouble. They try to make it seem like economics is a science when it is actually a collection of opinions. And we all know what $1 and an opinion will buy - or maybe $4 if you go to a high end coffee shop.
I have a place in Mexico a block from the Sea of Cortez (better know as the Gulf of California) and the fishing is fantastic. I'm here right now and it's the perfect time of year to pack a cooler, jump on a boat, drop a line in and pop open a cerveza.

If you head this way in the future, let me know so I can get my gear together and round up a boat.

I would not hesitate for a split second to take you up on that. It would be an honor to fish with you.

View attachment 67175848
No you are pointing out your version of the facts and those of an op ed writer none of which are confirmed by BLS, Treasury, Census, or other economic sites

No, actual facts, supported by the actual numbers.
You know, I have picked this post apart from one end to the other, and I cannot find one single thing I disagree with. I think you and me need to start over. Somewhere, we got sideways. Not sure where. But you just said just about everything I believe in as well. WTF? I think we need to go fishing.

Name the time and the place although Ice fishing would be a problem for me after being out of the midwest for 22 years.
No, actual facts, supported by the actual numbers.

Sorry but the actual numbers are bls.gov, bea.gov, Census bureau and other economic data from the state. Your so called data is skewed due to illegals. there is a reason that Republicans control the state and our new governor got almost 60% of the vote, it is called results. You ought to demand more from the liberal elites because their results only benefit the liberal elite
Name the time and the place although Ice fishing would be a problem for me after being out of the midwest for 22 years.

Funny you mention it. But I have been invited by LSA (Lone Star Anglers,) to come to Houston and do some fishing this winter with one of their people. Boats, gear, everything, included. I will ask them if they have an extra seat on board. The speckled trout, reds and flounder are on fire right now and should be all winter.

No BS. We might could make this actually happen. That would be way cool. That is, if you don't mind fishing with a couple of Airborne hell raisers.

Screw a bunch of ice fishing. I'm selling my shanty, auger and all my other, almost brand new, ice fishing gear. God didn't intend Texans to walk on ice or He would have made it the same color as cow ****.
I would not hesitate for a split second to take you up on that. It would be an honor to fish with you.

View attachment 67175848

Same here, but just so you know... We generally toss little guys like that one back. :lamo


Just kidding... That's a nice looking Bass if I'm not mistaken.., We catch flounder, yellow fin, black sea Bass and a lot of 3 to 5 pound trigger fish here year around.
Funny you mention it. But I have been invited by LSA (Lone Star Anglers,) to come to Houston and do some fishing this winter with one of their people. Boats, gear, everything, included. I will ask them if they have an extra seat on board. The speckled trout, reds and flounder are on fire right now and should be all winter.

No BS. We might could make this actually happen. That would be way cool. That is, if you don't mind fishing with a couple of Airborne hell raisers.

Screw a bunch of ice fishing. I'm selling my shanty, auger and all my other, almost brand new, ice fishing gear. God didn't intend Texans to walk on ice or He would have made it the same color as cow ****.

LOL, let me know when it happens. I live 30 miles north of Houston and am going to Galveston(actually Surfside) next week for a little getaway
Same here, but just so you know... We generally toss little guys like that one back. :lamo

View attachment 67175851

Just kidding... That's a nice looking Bass if I'm not mistaken.., We catch flounder, yellow fin, black sea Bass and a lot of 3 to 5 pound trigger fish here year around.

Actually, that was what we call a Gag Grouper. But they look a lot like a bass.

Black sea bass and trigger fish.....yummy.

View attachment 67175852
LOL, let me know when it happens. I live 30 miles north of Houston and am going to Galveston(actually Surfside) next week for a little getaway

I have family in Conroe. They just moved from The Woodlands. That is where I will be staying. I spent my prom night at Surfside after I dropped my date off. I used to go there all the time. I actually lived there once doing a job in Freeport. Ever fish San Louie Pass?
I have family in Conroe. They just moved from The Woodlands. That is where I will be staying. I spent my prom night at Surfside after I dropped my date off. I used to go there all the time. I actually lived there once doing a job in Freeport. Ever fish San Louie Pass?

Haven't spent a lot of time in the Gulf off Galveston, this will be my first visit to actually stay at Surfside which I hear is better than Galveston. I have been spoiled by the Florida Gulf Coast, Destin where I have fished. I have a lot of friends that go to San Louie Pass and do quite well there though.
Haven't spent a lot of time in the Gulf off Galveston, this will be my first visit to actually stay at Surfside which I hear is better than Galveston. I have been spoiled by the Florida Gulf Coast, Destin where I have fished. I have a lot of friends that go to San Louie Pass and do quite well there though.

See? I told ya we could be neighbors! LOL

I used to live in Gulfbreeze, FL. as a younger man when I used to roughneck offshore. I still go to Florida 3 or 4 times a year. My family has property in Land O Lakes, just north of Tampa. I fish the Gulf side around Indian Rocks, Clearwater,Tarpon Springs, Anclote, Dunedin, Hudson, Arapika.

Damn, we have so much in common Conservative. Glad I took the time to get to really know you (That is, as much as one CAN really know someone here at DP.) Whoda thunk?

If my fishing trip in Texas goes through, we will have to exchange contact info if you wanna go too. But we will have to keep that secret between us.
See? I told ya we could be neighbors! LOL

I used to live in Gulfbreeze, FL. as a younger man when I used to roughneck offshore. I still go to Florida 3 or 4 times a year. My family has property in Land O Lakes, just north of Tampa. I fish the Gulf side around Indian Rocks, Clearwater,Tarpon Springs, Anclote, Dunedin, Hudson, Arapika.

Damn, we have so much in common Conservative. Glad I took the time to get to really know you (That is, as much as one CAN really know someone here at DP.) Whoda thunk?

If my fishing trip in Texas goes through, we will have to exchange contact info if you wanna go too. But we will have to keep that secret between us.

Yep, wouldn't want to soil your reputation, LOL
Yep, wouldn't want to soil your reputation, LOL

Likewise, you ol' rightwing so and so. ;)

You remind me of an old buddy of mine I sorely miss. Does anybody remember the Missouri Mule?

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