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STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Truth.com Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets (1 Viewer)

White MAGA Man

Active member
Apr 20, 2022
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Very Conservative
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

Anyone who thinks Trump won still is a lying, anti-american partisan willing to sell out the Republic for their Dear Leader.
Calm down, Ikari. Don’t you know that the number of retweets determines how many votes one has gotten? Of course, others use the number of “likes” to determine reality. Still others rely on who has been “unfriended” the least. If only the courts would consider these things as evidence, instead of relying on vote counts, which are irrelevant in Trump World.
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

Total mis-match between the title and this hokum.

Luckily for everyone, it's not the user base of Twitter who elect the US President.
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

See if you can figure out why Biden is not obsessed with Twitter.
For a normal prezzy, tools like Twitter are a bulletin board and not a podium for policy.

How old ARE you really?
Calm down, Ikari. Don’t you know that the number of retweets determines how many votes one has gotten? Of course, others use the number of “likes” to determine reality. Still others rely on who has been “unfriended” the least. If only the courts would consider these things as evidence, instead of relying on vote counts, which are irrelevant in Trump World.

If you're fourteen years old!
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

What are you gonna do about it, tough guy?

Some of your trumpthug friends threw this Pulitzer Prize winning, AP photographer over a Capitiol railing on January 6
and also physically attacked his AP colleague, also a Pulitzer Prize winning AP photographer as he was filming the violent insurrection
conducted against Capitol and DC Metro Police protecting elected representatives under threat of death by a violent, criminally manipulated mob and could not see the trumpthugs approaching to attack him.

These photo journalists do not chose their assignments, they go where they are sent, even into the midst of violent, zombified,
trump-stoked, seditionists!

By: Amaris Castillo
January 12, 2021
‘We kept on working.’ Two photojournalists share what they witnessed during the Capitol building riot.
Photojournalists from Reuters and The Associated Press speak on what they saw and experienced during last week’s chaos.
"...Reporters and photojournalists assigned to cover the Electoral College vote count found themselves thrust into a riot against Congress, and found themselves attacked as well. Rioters destroyed camera gear, assaulted journalists and hurled insults at them. “Murder the media” was carved into a door in the Capitol building. Millis and Julio Cortez, a photographer with The Associated Press, spoke to Poynter about what they experienced and witnessed...."

When we want to vote in a fascist regime, we'll be sure to inform you in advance. In the meantime, you and your hypnotists, Trump and
gatewaypundit, can all GFY.

AP photographer shares harrowing video of pro-Trump mob attacking colleague outside Capitol
“A true professional and a great teammate, I’m glad we were able to get away.”
January 8, 2021

Cortez said Minchillo was labeled
as an anti-protester despite showing his credentials.

“Thankfully, he wasn’t injured,” he wrote on Instagram. “He was labeled as an anti [protester], even though he kept flashing his press credentials, and one person can be heard threatening to kill him. This is an unedited, real life situation of a member of the press keeping his cool even though he was being attacked. A true professional and a great teammate, I’m glad we were able to get away.”

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Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.


The ALEC Anti American RINO GOP Party men and women will never give up squashing democracy and YOUR right to vote.

17 states could elect a president leaving 33 states with no voice whatsoever! Under the Electoral College Umbrella

About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR 1

Who are these RINO's posing as republicans? Yes the party that has been pushing voter suppression for a number of years.

IF the GOP had not chosen negligence for their platform the need for masks would be negligible. ……………

Trump Admin people were advised by the military in 2017 that this virus was spreading yet what did the GOP and Trump decide was the best action ……..

What's more important is, Biden got more votes. What's also more important is, a lot more Americans support Biden than trump, the most unpopular president ever, the only one to never hit 50% approval.
applause applause
What is particularly impressive about Trump getting post shares (are they re-truths? :unsure:) on his own web site which is just a digital circle jerk of his supporters and other like minded people?
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

Correction: doesn't. Anything else is not only a lie but an attack on America, American democracy, and the American people.
G.O.P. = Trump = Fart Sounds

The ALEC Anti American RINO GOP Party men and women will never give up squashing democracy and YOUR right to vote.

17 states could elect a president leaving 33 states with no voice whatsoever! Under the Electoral College Umbrella

About HR 1

10 Things One Might Not Know About HR 1

Who are these RINO's posing as republicans? Yes the party that has been pushing voter suppression for a number of years.
Voters of below average education of just three states have done more to benefit wealthiest RWE donors to G.O.P.
than those donors themselves have managed to do. 5 of the 6 senators support protecting the filibuster instead of voting rights,
wealthy tax cheats instead of funding the IRS at greater than 2013 appropriation!

28. Arizona
> Median household income:
> Adults with at least a bachelor’s degree: 30.2% (19th lowest — tied)
> Poverty rate: 13.5% (13th highest)
> Median home value: $255,900 (18th highest)
> Population: 7,278,717

Sinema, Kelly introduce bill to delay ending Title 42 - 12News ...

https://www.12news.com › news › local › arizona › ma...
Apr 7, 2022 — Kelly, Sinema, bipartisan senators introduce bill delaying end of pandemic border restrictions. The legislation would delay the Biden ...

Kelly pushes back on Arizona Democrats' move to censure ...

https://thehill.com › homenews › senate › 591404-kelly...
Jan 26, 2022 — Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) pushed back at the Arizona Democratic Party's move to censure his state colleague, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.)

America’s Richest and Poorest States – Page 2 – 24/7 Wall St.

49. West Virginia
> Median household income:
> Adults with at least a bachelor’s degree: 21.1% (the lowest)
> Poverty rate:
16.0% (6th highest)
> Median home value: $124,600 (the lowest)
> Population: 1,792,147

Senators: Manchin and Capito

America’s Richest and Poorest States – Page 3 – 24/7 Wall St.

44. Kentucky
> Median household income:
> Adults with at least a bachelor’s degree: 25.1% (5th lowest)
> Poverty rate:
16.3% (4th highest)
> Median home value: $151,700 (5th lowest)
> Population: 4,467,673

Senators: McConnell and Paul

Super-Rich Americans Feel Relief as Tax Hikes Are Canceled ...

https://www.bloomberg.com › news › articles › super-ri...
Dec 20, 2021 — Democrats had designed a $1.75 trillion bill aimed at narrowing the widening wealth gap by enhancing tax credits for children and low-income ...

The Children Joe Manchin Left Behind | The New Republic

https://newrepublic.com › article › joe-manchin-child-ta...
Jan 31, 2022 — The American Rescue Plan raised the annual child tax credit to $3,600 for children five and under, and to $3,000 for children between the ages ...

G.O.P. Senator "representing" most unhappy, least educated, 2nd poorest constituency and one of the whitest in the U.S,
is a stalwart defender of the interests of the wealthiest RWE G.O.P. donors, almost none of whom reside in her state, to
the intentional detriment of the children in her state.
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I don't think the UK PM has a Twitter account and if he does nobody cares or reports about it.
Official statements by the PM and done in the actual normal ways as they always have been.

Twitter is not an official way to do anything in politics.
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

I hate to break this to you, but the educated average citizen doesn't follow Twitter, let alone Biden's Twitter account.

Trump leads a cult. Using that comparison to convince yourself that Biden didn't win the election just shows your true colors.

Joe Biden is trying to run the country. Trump was and is running a media circus. Most of us don't pay attention to his juvenile BS.
Anyone who believes dementia Joe got 81 million votes has their head stuck up their you know what.

There is a big difference between those two and that is that Joe is a "normal" president while Donald was a disaster and into being a social star. The latter needed and used Social Media consistently.

When people are aware of a disaster, they get involved in a big way. They pay attention, they retweet, and they get involved without spending any effort. When facing a deadly disease (like Trump is/was), people get involved in a bigger way and go out of their way to vote as their "own" lives are involved. In simply words, everyone retweets about everything that has to do with gossip or someone else's disaster but they go out of their way and do the hard stuff (like voting) when their own lives are involved.

The Science Behind Why We Can't Look Away From Tragedy

"A disaster enters into our awareness — this can be from a live source such as driving by a traffic accident or from watching a news report about a hurricane, a plane crash or any disaster," he explains. "This data from our perceptual system then stimulates the amygdala (the part of the brain responsible for emotions, survival tactics and memory). The amygdala then sends signals to the regions of the frontal cortex that are involved in analyzing and interpreting data. Next, the brain evaluates whether this data (awareness of the disaster) is a threat to you, thus judgment gets involved. As a result, the 'fight or flight' response is evoked."

This is a totally ridiculous OP. Are you going to allow a re-tweeter to make decisions for you that affect your life? Are you going to vote for the popular person that causes disasters to occur or for the one that keeps you out of harm?

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