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Study: Black Americans 3 times more likely to be killed by police (1 Viewer)

And that was a very stupid bigoted post. But that's the norm in Trump country now.

Do you think there is a possible issue with (black males aged 15-34) resisting, fighting, shooting, running, etc. when being detained for investigation by our police?
Wow. Good of you to show your true colors.

And that was a very stupid bigoted post. But that's the norm in Trump country now.

No...THIS is the norm in our country now.

This guy is lucky he only got tazed.

This guy, too.

Now this guy SHOULD have been killed, instead of getting away. (but not because he was black, but because he tried to murder a police officer)

Guy in yellow, next to the guy yelling...look at all the guns.

Armed men, yelling in the faces of cops with no consequences.

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Those guys were yelling! Not being arrested?

Yeah, if unarmed, quiet and respectful like this, things would certainly be different.

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I don't see anyone resisting, fighting, shooting, running, etc.

Are you sure you understood my point?
In some states, 40% of households owned slaves. That's not only the rich. That's the middle class.

Those who didn't own slaves still relied on slaves to keep down the price of food and essential goods. If it wasn't for the labor extorted from slaves, the poor people that didn't own slaves couldn't have afforded to eat.

Sure, slaves brought fortune to households that owned them, but they also brought affordable food to the tables of the poor.

All of the confederates, rich middle and poor, relied on slaves for their livelihood.

Boy, you sure like to talk about something that ended long ago
Boy, you sure like to talk about something that ended long ago

Like nazis, the regime is gone but not the ideology.
Like nazis, the regime is gone but not the ideology.

Oh yes...

Nazism is flourishing in America

I know you want it to badly(LOL)
I know you want it to badly(LOL)

That claim is moronic. Really a pathetic attempt to be clever. And lose the nervous social tic. We don't a freakish compulsive twitch at the end of every post.
From United Press International

Study: Black Americans 3 times more likely to be killed by police

June 24 (UPI) -- A four-year analysis released Wednesday shows that black Americans were, on average, more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter.

The study by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health examined 5,494 police-related deaths in the United States between 2013 and 2017 and found disparities across the two racial groups in all metropolitan statistical areas that provided race/ethnicity data.

Among all MSAs, the analysis found, black people were 3.23 times as likely to be killed by police than white people. Among MSAs, researchers said the figures "varied greatly."

At the low end, black deaths in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, Ga., area were 1.81 times greater than white deaths. That figure rose to 6.51 in the MSA with the highest level of disparity -- Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, Ill.


More evidence that the "Black" version of "BLM" has some serious validity to its position.

When a "mirror" study of the ratio of Police killed by "Blacks" is finally done, I strongly suspect that it will show that the "Blue" version of "BLM" has some serious validity to its position.

Is there any possibility that the REAL problem is simply that the percentage of people who feel that killing others isn't something that they shouldn't do?

Wow, if Democrats are going to turn a blind eye to such systemic racism then it may be time to vote them out.
I don't see anyone resisting, fighting, shooting, running, etc.

Are you sure you understood my point?
Ok, many responded so obviously my point was not made.

I can't prove this but based on what we have all seen...

If 100's of black men and women showed up at the Capitol. Many armed with assault style weapons. Many yelling at or "around" law enforcement, I believe they would be treated differently.

I believe law enforcement would not have been as patient. I believe they would have been given orders to disperse.

I don't believe black men and women would have been given the same opportunity to protest in that way.

I strongly support law enforcement but I don't think both groups would be treated the same.

This is based on several observations. That is my only evidence.

All that said, I am not saying the instinct is completely unjustified. However, the violence of some should not punish or limit others.

Hopefully that makes more sense. If not, bummer.

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They are probably three times more stupid when they deal with the police. You know...resisting, fighting, shooting, running, etc.

Lemme guess. You 'PROBABLY' can't support your supposition with anything 'factual.' If you can; present it with a verifiable link.
Black Ben Carson says there is no systemic racism. Black Condoleezza Rice says the same thing. Do we believe blacks or Democrats?

"Black Ben" and "Black Condolezza" (your words) are two folks. what do the rest say?
And yet less than 10% of Confederate Army owned slaves.

notice how this guy, in one sentence, both defended the Confederacy and left out how many slaves the Confederate States owned and actually fought a war to continue to own (currently known as human trafficking). he has no problem with those people doing so (buying and selling 4yo girls).
You realize he's not even focused on the cops in front of him right? I mean, don't get me wrong, the statement you are responding to is as idiotic as trying to use this picture to refute it....gotta do better

Looks like a state assembly meeting or something, not an arrest.
Guys with guns screaming like this and being allowed to do so... I think the picture illustrates my point regardless of who the crazy man is yelling at.

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Not so much.
Really doesn't even remotely skew the numbers very much, considering how over-represented they are. Not to mention how hard it is to actually get real numbers on such a thing - given that blacks tend to be more the focus of efforts to identify wrongful convictions, that itself skews the numbers/likelihood-stats some back the other way anyway.

The fact that largely black communities tend to be dens of violence, shootings, and gangs, accounts for the very real over-representation of blacks in murder, violent crime, etc., stats.

You didnt read the study i see. It actually does.
"Black Ben" and "Black Condolezza" (your words) are two folks. what do the rest say?

You never answered me, the other day, when some blacks say there is systemic racism, and some blacks say there is not, who are we to believe?

Correct me if I am wrong, but I would put forward that those blacks who say there is no systemic racism, probably tend to be older/educated/successful like Carson, Rice, Morgan Freeman, Denzel etc, those who say there is systemic racism, probably aren't as successful/educated etc, it seems that it might be the economical lines that dictate if people believe there is systemic racism?
Lemme guess. You 'PROBABLY' can't support your supposition with anything 'factual.' If you can; present it with a verifiable link.

Take it or leave it.
So everyone deflecting to “buh buh white people get shot more in raw numbers” are actually people who have done absolutely nothing about the problem. Instead of realizing there is a problem with police brutality and working to solve the issues, they dont actually care about those victims. If you really cared about white victims of police brutality, you would not be doing everything you can to stop change. Just give it up and face it, you dont care.

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