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Study: Black Americans 3 times more likely to be killed by police (1 Viewer)

So everyone deflecting to “buh buh white people get shot more in raw numbers” are actually people who have done absolutely nothing about the problem. Instead of realizing there is a problem with police brutality and working to solve the issues, they dont actually care about those victims. If you really cared about white victims of police brutality, you would not be doing everything you can to stop change. Just give it up and face it, you dont care.

If it matters, I don't really give a **** about anyone outside these four walls,but I'm a self admitted asshole, I've learned to deal with it.
Translation: I am correct. Mycroft can't support his supposition with anything factual.

Who cares?

Seriously...are you butthurt over my suggestion?
Who cares?

Seriously...are you butthurt over my suggestion?

Obviously, you care. Otherwise you wouldn't have responded to my 'factual' post. The latter must be a projection on your part. May you heal quickly. :peace
So everyone deflecting to “buh buh white people get shot more in raw numbers” are actually people who have done absolutely nothing about the problem. Instead of realizing there is a problem with police brutality and working to solve the issues, they dont actually care about those victims. If you really cared about white victims of police brutality, you would not be doing everything you can to stop change. Just give it up and face it, you dont care.

Dude, this is what police do, not all of them, but a large percentage.
Why would someone want to be a cop in the first place, this is an issue within his own brain.
For the control, the power, Maybe he got beat up in grade school and is getting revenge.
Much of your dealings are with the scum of society, so people are de-humanized.
The ones who can't make the physical or mental exams, go on to be jail guards.

You are willing to give up all of your friends, your entire old life,
just to start a new one, within the confines of your job.

Blacks don't want to notice, that whites get beat up and killed also. It's not a race thing, it's a cop thing.
But blacks open the door for it more,

Don't fight a cop, don't resist, You don't know if he is having a bad day.
Are you going to risk your life to find out.
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Obviously, you care. Otherwise you wouldn't have responded to my 'factual' post. The latter must be a projection on your part. May you heal quickly. :peace

Your "factual post"??? What factual post?

This is what I responded to:

Lemme guess. You 'PROBABLY' can't support your supposition with anything 'factual.' If you can; present it with a verifiable link.

There's nothing factual in that post.

"Lemme guess"


And then a demand.

Not one fact.

You are dismissed. (see my sig)
Your "factual post"??? What factual post?

This is what I responded to:

There's nothing factual in that post.

"Lemme guess"


And then a demand.

Not one fact.

You are dismissed. (see my sig)
Correction: A 'request'; not a 'demand'.( there is a difference ) A 'request' you couldn't accommodate with anything 'factual.' Therefore, my 'guess' was proven to be 'factual'. But thanks for playing.
So...is that study reflective of total population, population committing violent crimes, or population committing violent crimes and then fighting with police?

Your poutrageous point might be valid if the cops were just 3 times more likely to kill poor innocent black people that didnt do anything wrong. However...the facts indicate otherwise.
The truth behind racial disparities in fatal police shootings | MSUToday | Michigan State University

But then...the facts DO tend to defeat the overblown figures people tend to use to try to cry racism. 90-95% of ALL police shootings involve an officer shooting an armed suspect that is trying to shoot either the cop or another civilian. in 4.5 to 9.5% of all remaining cases, the suspect is fighting with the cops or violently resisting arrest. Leaving .5 to 1.5 % of the cases as valid studies for review.
I saw an interview with that guy. First he's a big time stoner. 2nd, he was yelling between the two cops (not at the cops) at some guy that had previously roughed up some girl. Yes, surprisingly, the media spun it in to something it wasn;'t.

It is obvious in the picture he was yelling at somebody behind the officers. Who could think differently?
Obviously you don't quite grasp the concept "proportionately".

Proportionality to what? As you recognized, they didn't even bother trying to take into account highly relevant factors that are reasonable predictors of the rate at which different groups are likely to have violent encounters with police.
From United Press International

Study: Black Americans 3 times more likely to be killed by police

June 24 (UPI) -- A four-year analysis released Wednesday shows that black Americans were, on average, more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter.

The study by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health examined 5,494 police-related deaths in the United States between 2013 and 2017 and found disparities across the two racial groups in all metropolitan statistical areas that provided race/ethnicity data.

Among all MSAs, the analysis found, black people were 3.23 times as likely to be killed by police than white people. Among MSAs, researchers said the figures "varied greatly."

At the low end, black deaths in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, Ga., area were 1.81 times greater than white deaths. That figure rose to 6.51 in the MSA with the highest level of disparity -- Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, Ill.


More evidence that the "Black" version of "BLM" has some serious validity to its position.

When a "mirror" study of the ratio of Police killed by "Blacks" is finally done, I strongly suspect that it will show that the "Blue" version of "BLM" has some serious validity to its position.

Is there any possibility that the REAL problem is simply that the percentage of people who feel that killing others isn't something that they shouldn't do?

Ever heard of Bayes' theorem? It's kind of basic... but with libs, you never know if they know the basics
Dude, this is what police do, not all of them, but a large percentage.
Why would someone want to be a cop in the first place, this is an issue within his own brain.
For the control, the power, Maybe he got beat up in grade school and is getting revenge.
Much of your dealings are with the scum of society, so people are de-humanized.
The ones who can't make the physical or mental exams, go on to be jail guards.

You are willing to give up all of your friends, your entire old life,
just to start a new one, within the confines of your job.

Blacks don't want to notice, that whites get beat up and killed also. It's not a race thing, it's a cop thing.
But blacks open the door for it more,

Don't fight a cop, don't resist, You don't know if he is having a bad day.
Are you going to risk your life to find out.

Why the **** is resisting a death sentence? Having a bad ****ing day is no excuse for murderers. ACAB. White people dont want to do anything about white people that get murdered by police and have done nothing. Deflection noted and dismissed until i see your pasty ass out there doing something about it. People like you excuse the cops shooting someone outside their porch by saying “she shouldnt have been disobeying the curfew”, you excuse murder by saying “dont resist” in fact it is your narrative that has been the mainstream for decades. Stop excusing murder.
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Guys with guns screaming like this and being allowed to do so... I think the picture illustrates my point regardless of who the crazy man is yelling at.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Makes you want to go out and become a cop, doesn't it.? The chance to serve your community upholding the law.
She shouldnt have dressed slutty or she wouldnt have been raped. The all lives matter slogan:roll:
Face it, the only reason you whatabout with white victims of police brutality is to stop change from happening. Someday people are going to get sick of it. White victims of police violence are only a tool to use against people telling the police to stop murdering people, stop shifting around bad cops, stop treating people like enemy combatants, etc.
While we are on the subject of race relations, why don't we take a look at one of the most compelling documentaries created by a black man for the American public? I hope most of you know who Larry Elder is.

I wonder if we are going to talk about Larry Elder's documentary "Uncle Tom" when we bring up the subjects of systemic racism, white privilege, the BLM movement, and slave reparations?
Black Americans want the country to have a conversation about race in this country.
Let's have a conversation about how black Conservatives are shut out of the conversation because they do not toe the Democratic Party line. What better time to bring this up than in an election year?

Watch Larry Elder's "Uncle Tom" here:
Uncle Tom - SalemNOW

Read some reviews of "Uncle Tom" here:
'Uncle Tom,' the Movie
While we are on the subject of race relations, why don't we take a look at one of the most compelling documentaries created by a black man for the American public? I hope most of you know who Larry Elder is.

I wonder if we are going to talk about Larry Elder's documentary "Uncle Tom" when we bring up the subjects of systemic racism, white privilege, the BLM movement, and slave reparations?
Black Americans want the country to have a conversation about race in this country.
Let's have a conversation about how black Conservatives are shut out of the conversation because they do not toe the Democratic Party line. What better time to bring this up than in an election year?

Watch Larry Elder's "Uncle Tom" here:
Uncle Tom - SalemNOW

Read some reviews of "Uncle Tom" here:
'Uncle Tom,' the Movie

I over-advertised the documentary thinking the link above was for the entire documentary. It is to show the trailer for the documentary entitled "Uncle Tom". The on-demand and DVD version cost $19.99 each.
I imagine it will be on Netflix for everyone to see before November 3rd.
It is obvious in the picture he was yelling at somebody behind the officers. Who could think differently?

When I first saw it on the news, I thought he was yelling at the cops. That was due to media framing. They started out talking about how violent men with guns were in the capital building... Then they showed the picture quickly and (I can't recall for certain if it was stated or implied) talked about how he was yelling at the cops.

It wasn't until I saw the picture on the internet later, that I realized something was a bit off about my original impression.. then I saw the interview with him about what he was actually yelling about that basically translated to "pick on someone your own size, not that little girl".
Why the **** is resisting a death sentence? Having a bad ****ing day is no excuse for murderers. ACAB. White people dont want to do anything about white people that get murdered by police and have done nothing. Deflection noted and dismissed until i see your pasty ass out there doing something about it. People like you excuse the cops shooting someone outside their porch by saying “she shouldnt have been disobeying the curfew”, you excuse murder by saying “dont resist” in fact it is your narrative that has been the mainstream for decades. Stop excusing murder.

You didn't even understand what I wrote.

Read it again...slowly this time.
There were more than 70 black-on-black shootings in Chicago in the past week. Of course, they are more likely to be shot by police
There were more than 70 black-on-black shootings in Chicago in the past week. Of course, they are more likely to be shot by police

Voters don't care about gang violence.

People have tried to fix gang violence for over a hundred years and nothing has worked.
There were more than 70 black-on-black shootings in Chicago in the past week. Of course, they are more likely to be shot by police

Black lives only mater when they are killed by a white cop.

Of course whites killed by a black cop, mean nothing also.

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