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Study: Black Americans 3 times more likely to be killed by police (2 Viewers)

It was never about heritage or state's rights to current day Confederates. It's always been about hating on our race of people they despise.
And yet less than 10% of Confederate Army owned slaves.
Probability is that if you shoot at cops or fight with then you'll probably take second place.

Eventuality that you'll spout irrelevancies?

100%, my dude.

Hey! Thanks for trying and chiming in. Go get you some book lernin'
Guy in yellow, next to the guy yelling...look at all the guns.

Armed men, yelling in the faces of cops with no consequences.

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LMAO ok, so the guy who is actually yelling, doesn't have any guns, but the guy next to him who isn't yelling, according to your picture...does....and you think it's ok to conflate the two.....****ing amazing.
LMAO ok, so the guy who is actually yelling, doesn't have any guns, but the guy next to him who isn't yelling, according to your picture...does....and you think it's ok to conflate the two.....****ing amazing.
It is a pic not a video genius.

Good grief

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It is a pic not a video genius.

Good grief

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Yep....and again, NOT YELLING AT THE COPS.....go figure....lol Scary that you can't tell the difference.
They are probably three times more stupid when they deal with the police. You know...resisting, fighting, shooting, running, etc.

<SARC>Indeed, evrewunknoz that "Those People" simply aren't fit to live in American society</SARC>.
OMG! Have you been hurt?


You don't care about that, ok, then let's address the 5 black kids murdered recently in Chicago in just 2 days... well, you don't care about that either. So what do you care about then? Oh right, you care about St George, whose life has mattered to you since May 25.
Yep....and again, NOT YELLING AT THE COPS.....go figure....lol Scary that you can't tell the difference.

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And a white person is nearly 10 times as likely to be violently assaulted by a black person, than vice versa. But we're still stuck focusing on the plight of black Americans, because we're totally privileged and all that.

Not that I, in the least, doubt your word, but I'd really appreciate it if you could post a link to your source for that startling piece of information so that I can use it as appropriate.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
I think part of it is racial profiling and racist cops, but there's also an issue in the black community of people running from the cops and resisting arrest

Bottom line is, though, the only way it is going to get better is by budgeting more money for bodycams and racial sensitivity training, not less

Fine, feel free to ignore the fact that the number of arrogant, stupid, pathetic, losers who feel that they have the right to resort to violence (even lethal violence) in order to "send a message" that they "have issues" (especially over trivial matters) in the United States of America is actually a social problem and concentrate on something that doesn't require any introspection.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Your response is a random video of cops doing stupid **** and hopefully getting in trouble for it? Well that's ****ing smart.....BTW the only cop that was a jackass was the one walking up behind the guy putting him in a bearhug.
How did they account for the fact that black people are about 5 times more likely to commit murder?

Since that wasn't what was being studied, your question makes as much sense as asking "How did they account for the fact that white people are _[fill in the blank]_ times as likely to commit frauds in the millions of dollars range?" - doesn't it?
And yet the numbers, sans manipulation flibertygibets and bolderdash, say the opposite. Actual stats show more whites than blacks killed by cops.

Obviously you don't quite grasp the concept "proportionately".
And yet less than 10% of Confederate Army owned slaves.

That would most likely be 10% of the residents of the Confederate states and not 10% of the Confederate Army.

Slaves were 'spensive and the people with enough money to buy them were also able to avoid being drafted.
As we know, the results of American slavery, Jim Crow laws, redlining practices, and a dozen other assorted racist practices are the reason that African Americans have more run-ins with law enforcement. That's the theory you believe, correct?

Well they certainly didn't help.

More black people jailed in England and Wales proportionally than in US | Prisons and probation | The Guardian

OK, so the US is less "racist" than the UK is. So what?

PS - I'm still waiting for your link to your source for your "And a white person is nearly 10 times as likely to be violently assaulted by a black person, than vice versa.".
From United Press International

Study: Black Americans 3 times more likely to be killed by police

June 24 (UPI) -- A four-year analysis released Wednesday shows that black Americans were, on average, more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter.

The study by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health examined 5,494 police-related deaths in the United States between 2013 and 2017 and found disparities across the two racial groups in all metropolitan statistical areas that provided race/ethnicity data.

Among all MSAs, the analysis found, black people were 3.23 times as likely to be killed by police than white people. Among MSAs, researchers said the figures "varied greatly."

At the low end, black deaths in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, Ga., area were 1.81 times greater than white deaths. That figure rose to 6.51 in the MSA with the highest level of disparity -- Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, Ill.


More evidence that the "Black" version of "BLM" has some serious validity to its position.

When a "mirror" study of the ratio of Police killed by "Blacks" is finally done, I strongly suspect that it will show that the "Blue" version of "BLM" has some serious validity to its position.

Is there any possibility that the REAL problem is simply that the percentage of people who feel that killing others isn't something that they shouldn't do?

I don't think so. From the actual study:

Our analytic sample for calculating overall rates thus included 5494 police-related fatalities: 94.2% from gunshot wounds, 3.4% from tasering, 1.7% from asphyxiation, pepper spraying, or bludgeoning, and 0.7% from other causes. Of the included 5494 fatalities involving police from 2013–2017, 2353 (42.83%) of the decedents were White, 1487 (27.07%) were Black, 939 were Latinx (17.09%), and 168 (3.06%) were other race/ethnicities, while 547 lacked data on race/ethnicity.
Mapping fatal police violence across U.S. metropolitan areas: Overall rates and racial/ethnic inequities, 2013-2017

Now according to this chart from Satistica:

• Prevalence rate of violent crime, by ethnicity U.S. 2018 | Statista

During each year 2014 - 2017 violence by race:

2014: 1.07% White; 1.38% Black; 1.01% Hispanic.

2015: 0.96% White; 1.19% Black; 0.93% Hispanic.

2016: 1.03% White; 1.12% Black; 1.1% Hispanic.

2017: 1.17% White; 1.19% Black; 1.09% Hispanic.

Note: Black Americans make up 13% of US Population. Yet we commit more violent crimes than any other single group, including White's who make up 63% of the population.

Even so, almost twice as many Whites were killed between 2013 and 2017 inclusive, per that same study. Is that evidence of police targeting Whites?

An argument has been made that if one is involved in a violent crime one is more likely to risk fatal harm when encountering police.

That's not racism, systemic or otherwise, it's just an outcome of violent action.

It is a problem though as we need to identify the causes of Black violence and address them to prevent this from continuing.
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Fine, feel free to ignore the fact that the number of arrogant, stupid, pathetic, losers who feel that they have the right to resort to violence (even lethal violence) in order to "send a message" that they "have issues" (especially over trivial matters) in the United States of America is actually a social problem and concentrate on something that doesn't require any introspection.

We should only give reasons that require introspection?

There are multiple reasons why this is a problem - you want us to ignore the issue of people running from the cops because it isn't a thoughtful enough topic?
You don't care about that, ok, then let's address the 5 black kids murdered recently in Chicago in just 2 days... well, you don't care about that either. So what do you care about then? Oh right, you care about St George, whose life has mattered to you since May 25.

It's fun to say you say that, given your history here of hating, at a pathological level, your black betters.

Why do you hate black Americans?
That would most likely be 10% of the residents of the Confederate states and not 10% of the Confederate Army.

Slaves were 'spensive and the people with enough money to buy them were also able to avoid being drafted.
Where do you think the Confederate Army got their troops?

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