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story on israeli withdrawal (1 Viewer)


Sep 18, 2005
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Political Leaning
i dont remember who, but someone was talking about the israelis withdrawing from the gaza strip on the news. they made it sound like the israelis were suffering really badly because they had to move.

no one noticed the suffering of the palestinians when tanks came and bulldozed their homes and families. or did they?
clone said:
i dont remember who, but someone was talking about the israelis withdrawing from the gaza strip on the news. they made it sound like the israelis were suffering really badly because they had to move.

no one noticed the suffering of the palestinians when tanks came and bulldozed their homes and families. or did they?

Kids are funny when they "know it all."

..........We witnessed a great historical event in the Gaza strip. Israel made a great leap forward in the interest of peace. They angered and broke the hearts of their own people as a strong show of their want for peace with Palestinian Muslims. They evacuated the Gaza strip and bulldozed homes to make way for the Palestinian move. Their thanks? The Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas spoke to the world on the Palestinian victory over their enemies. Even Iran (the Sunni backer) took a jab at Israel's courageous and bold move for peace. "It is interesting to know that this withdrawal was not a choice. This was a defeat sustained by the Zionist regime. It was done out of desperation," said Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. At least the Palestinian leadership spoke of peace between peoples. Iran chose to bask in an imagined victory against infidels.

Last week, Palestinian extremists assassinated Arrafat for "collaberating" with Israel. These people no more want peace with Israel than they want peace with America. Destruction and executions of infidels are the only thing that quench their thirsts.
clone said:
no one noticed the suffering of the palestinians when tanks came and bulldozed their homes and families. or did they?
Perhaps the Israelis didn't notice the Palestinian suffering because they were too busy tending to their dead and wounded. Funny how Palestinian apologists seem to conveniently forget that part of the suffering equation.

There is no good or bad guy in that war over there. The Palestinians are pissed off because they were there first and ended up getting only half ot he land because the UN was (excuse me) just plain retarded. Meanwhile, the Israelis are mad because they are settled in now and they don't want to move.

The Palestinians don't just want the gaza strip, they want the whole thing back. Of course that is never gonna happen.

I have completely lost any hope that there will ever be peace there. The only way to solve this is for there to be a big war. It is pointless to take sides though because it has nothing to do with us except for the fact that Isreal is our ally, even though they are assholes. It's gonna be difficult for them. If Israel wants peace, or at least for a lil while, they should just attack the palestinians and push them out.
The Palestinians were there first?.......

The Hebrew (Jewish) kingdom was established in Palestine around 1000 B.C. They were subsequently invaded by Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, and Alexander the Great. Arabs took it in 630 B.C. The Christian Crusades began. The Muslims ruled Israel until the 20th Century. The British took it from the Turks during WWI and governed the area under a League of Nations mandate in 1923. Hitler's genocide of 6 milliion jews brought increased international interests in a Jewish nation. The State of Israel was proclaimed by England and admitted to the UN in 1949. The U.S. recognized Israel within hours. The VERY NEXT day, Muslims from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq invaded. Israel has been fighting for their existence ever since. This is why during the Gulf War, Saddam was killing civillians by launching scuds at Isreal instead of at us. He wanted Israel to defend themselves, so he and the rest of the Muslims could turn it into one of their holy wars. We knew this and that is why we instructed Israel to stay neutral while we tried to knock out scuds with patriots before they impacted on Israeli civillians. Because we back Israel's right to exist, the Muslims can't do a thing about it except terrorize American civillians as a form of sick defiance and they mask it all under their religion and our foreign policy.

"If Israel wants peace, or at least for a lil while, they should just attack the palestinians and push them out."

For once, you agree with me, but this would bring Iran and Syria down from their perches and have to get directly involved. America no longer possess the unifying strength or resolve to finish a fight against evil that it once had.
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FinnMacCool said:
...it has nothing to do with us except for the fact that Isreal is our ally, even though they are assholes.
Umm....excuse me? I am Israeli. Was that slur intended for me?

lol, i seemed to have struck a nerve...

in no way, shape, or form did i ever say i knew it all, in fact i was welcoming a debate, after all that is why im here.

heres what i have to say.

palestinians attacked israelis the only way they could, and israelis attacked back. the thing i was pointing out was that the suicide bombs got alot more publicity than the israeli attacks, and sure enough, they were attacks. almost the same number of palestinians and israelis have died in this dispute. and yet when you ask the common man about palestine hell say, "those terrorists really opened up shop on the jews..." or something like that. the point im making is that Israel did just as much damage, if not more. but they did it in a more civilized way.

i know personally at least 3 families that lived in the gaza strip. they witnessed houses being bulldozed down, women being raped by guards and a whole lot of other stuff. their stories are horrifying - but so are the israelis.

This forums name is Media Bias - and thats what im pointing out. The media does not give nearly enough attention to the Palestinian suffering. im not saying its greater than the israeli suffering, but all the same it deserves to be noted.

im not saying anyone is right here, im just saying the media is biased.
clone said:
lol, i seemed to have struck a nerve...

in no way, shape, or form did i ever say i knew it all, in fact i was welcoming a debate, after all that is why im here.

heres what i have to say.

palestinians attacked israelis the only way they could, and israelis attacked back. the thing i was pointing out was that the suicide bombs got alot more publicity than the israeli attacks, and sure enough, they were attacks. almost the same number of palestinians and israelis have died in this dispute. and yet when you ask the common man about palestine hell say, "those terrorists really opened up shop on the jews..." or something like that. the point im making is that Israel did just as much damage, if not more. but they did it in a more civilized way.

i know personally at least 3 families that lived in the gaza strip. they witnessed houses being bulldozed down, women being raped by guards and a whole lot of other stuff. their stories are horrifying - but so are the israelis.

This forums name is Media Bias - and thats what im pointing out. The media does not give nearly enough attention to the Palestinian suffering. im not saying its greater than the israeli suffering, but all the same it deserves to be noted.

im not saying anyone is right here, im just saying the media is biased.

Are you also aware that America gives the Palestinians more financial aid than any other Muslim nation to include their greatest supporter, Iran? Are you also aware that Iran only encourages palestinian violence to counteract that aid? Israel owes no apologies. I wonder what the rest of the story is behind those bulldozed houses?
did you even read what i said?

i think its best if you just leave this thread right now.

read my ****ing post before you ****ing respond mother ****er
clone said:
did you even read what i said?

i think its best if you just leave this thread right now.

read my ****ing post before you ****ing respond mother ****er

What an angry hateful little teenager you are. There..there. Go ask someone for a hug.
and what a retarded little dumbass you are.
why dont you go ask someone to teach you how to read?
clone said:
did you even read what i said?

i think its best if you just leave this thread right now.

read my ****ing post before you ****ing respond mother ****er

[Moderator mode]

Personal attacks and foul language will NOT be tolerated in this forum.

Please keep your comments civil and worthy of debate.

[/Moderator mode]
clone said:
and what a retarded little dumbass you are.
why dont you go ask someone to teach you how to read?

I did read your post. I found it wanting and juvinile. If debate is what you are seeking, then I suggest you at least mature enough as you type.

"palestinians attacked israelis the only way they could, and israelis attacked back." Why did they attack in the first place? I believe palestinian aggression against civilians began the day after the UN recognized a Jewish nation and the Israelites have been defending themselves ever since. When was the last time Israel attacked into Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Palestine?
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try to understand that im not taking a stance on this. i do not wish to argue about this. debate is not what i seek here. i was merely pointing out the bias in the media.

and sorry for the cussing
clone said:
try to understand that im not taking a stance on this. i do not wish to argue about this. debate is not what i seek here. i was merely pointing out the bias in the media.

and sorry for the cussing

Post # 10.....

"in no way, shape, or form did i ever say i knew it all, in fact i was welcoming a debate, after all that is why im here."

I couldn't resist.
i was welcoming a debate about the bias in the media

not about who is right in the palestinian-israeli conflict.
GySgt said:
The Palestinians were there first?.......

The Hebrew (Jewish) kingdom was established in Palestine around 1000 B.C. They were subsequently invaded by Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, and Alexander the Great. Arabs took it in 630 B.C. The Christian Crusades began. The Muslims ruled Israel until the 20th Century. The British took it from the Turks during WWI and governed the area under a League of Nations mandate in 1923. Hitler's genocide of 6 milliion jews brought increased international interests in a Jewish nation. The State of Israel was proclaimed by England and admitted to the UN in 1949. The U.S. recognized Israel within hours. The VERY NEXT day, Muslims from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq invaded. Israel has been fighting for their existence ever since. This is why during the Gulf War, Saddam was killing civillians by launching scuds at Isreal instead of at us. He wanted Israel to defend themselves, so he and the rest of the Muslims could turn it into one of their holy wars. We knew this and that is why we instructed Israel to stay neutral while we tried to knock out scuds with patriots before they impacted on Israeli civillians. Because we back Israel's right to exist, the Muslims can't do a thing about it except terrorize American civillians as a form of sick defiance and they mask it all under their religion and our foreign policy.

"If Israel wants peace, or at least for a lil while, they should just attack the palestinians and push them out."

For once, you agree with me, but this would bring Iran and Syria down from their perches and have to get directly involved. America no longer possess the unifying strength or resolve to finish a fight against evil that it once had.

When we say Palestinians do we just mean Arabs? Is there a Palestinian language or culture separate from Arabs?

To go back a little further..

"Canaan before the Hebrews - Canaan had been a collection of city-states, tributary to the Egyptian Pharaoh, as attested to in the Tel- El Amarna tablets. The breakup of the Egyptian empire beginning about 1500 BCE made possible the invasion of the Hebrews. The map shows the probable location of cities in Canaan about 1200 BCE.

Israel in Early Times - According to Hebrew tradition, 12 tribes entered Cana'an from Egypt and conquered it, led by Moses. Historical evidence from the Amarna tables suggests that there were already 'apiru' (probably Hebrews) in Canaanites in the time of Egyptian rule, some possibly with names such as "yakubu-el" (Jacob). The biblical account allots different parts of the land to the twelve tribes as shown in the maps. Soon after, a kingdom was established, first under Saul and then under David. The right-hand map shows the borders of the kingdom of David (about 1000 B.C.E. ) and other nations. The maps are necessarily conjectures based on biblical narrative and supporting archeology."


I am coming around to thinking there will never be peace to these hereditary enemies.

According to the Bible in the time of Moses the philistines were pretty much declared the enemy of the people chosen to receive Gods will. They were beset with plagues, famines, bugs, and water contamination(by God).

How do you respond to something like that? Its understandable they would invent their own God and "Allah" would declare them to be the enemies of the people chosen to receive Allah's will.

The Jews were enslaved at the beginning of this so if anyone owes anyone here its the Arabs but that is besides the point.

There has been a blame game going on here for thousands of years and the only answer is for someone to just drop it and move on.
I applaud Israeli leadership for making a tremendous showing of class (at huge risk) for the recent land exchange but the Leaders of the Palestinians appear to be showing their lack of class in response.

It is a shame Islam is devoid of choice or free will but that what you get from a religion founded by a selfish, demented, homicidal, pedophile, rapist, for the sole purpose of controlling Arabs, Persians and Byzantines.

Islam is a tremendous success for its intended purpose or a tremendous failure to humanity depending on your perspective.
Perhaps Golda Meir best expressed the situation...

"The Palestinians will only find peace when they love their children more than they hate Israel."


Screw these bastards. If I was the President, I would declare war on Islam. I have stated before as have every military analyst since the 80's, that the Islamics do not want peace with anybody. They are only interested in killing "infidels". They do not care about the Israeli attempts for peace by giving them the Gaza strip. They do not even care for peace within their own religion. They kill each other over who believes in their god more. These people are animals and they only want power over others. They have taken the Nazi's place as the scourge of humanity and our world is full of weaklings that are still trying to give a flower to an alligator. What do you think now 'clone.'

In the immortal words of GySgt Gary Wilcox.....**** 'em.
Whatever your position is, one thing is clear. The Palestinians (sorry for the generalization) have interpreted the gaza pullout as a sign of Israeli defeat, and they cling to their goal of pushing Israel into the sea.

In order to have peace, the Palestinians must give up their desire to destroy Israel and only focus on getting a state of their own on the land on which they live. Alternatively, there can also be peace if they succeed in destroying Israel. So, it's going to be one way or the other or else we face continued warefare.

Even though the Palestinian response does not look promising, I think its mportant for Israel to take steps like the pullout to show that they are serious about giving the Palestinians autonomy. Otherwise - how can we ever expect the Palestianians to lower their aims in return?

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