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Stink hits darts grand slam as match features flatulent end (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Olympic wrestling, a catcher with someone at the plate, free throw line... I'm seeing applications.

The same thing happens in Pool tournaments. A World Class player is famous for leaving nose burnin' cushion creepers at the site of his missed shot. Perhaps it is caused by the foreign diet heavy with "bluts," a/k/a 100 year old eggs. If you don't diet properly, you just can't produce effectively. If you're on a 45 second shot clock and have to linger where it lingers longest, your concentration is compromised. I've got to find out where to order some "bluts" to get my game to World championship standards, eh?
The same thing happens in Pool tournaments. A World Class player is famous for leaving nose burnin' cushion creepers at the site of his missed shot. Perhaps it is caused by the foreign diet heavy with "bluts," a/k/a 100 year old eggs. If you don't diet properly, you just can't produce effectively. If you're on a 45 second shot clock and have to linger where it lingers longest, your concentration is compromised. I've got to find out where to order some "bluts" to get my game to World championship standards, eh?

You thinking of "Balut"? They're a Filipino delicacy.
You need not travel that far; some home-made deviled eggs will gas you up just fine...........

“...mind if I smoke?” “No, you mind if I fart?”- Steve Martin
You need not travel that far; some home-made deviled eggs will gas you up just fine...........

“...mind if I smoke?” “No, you mind if I fart?”- Steve Martin

"It's one of my HABITS! I tried to quit once, but I gained a lot of weight."

“....put that in your book!”

Next time I have oral argument on an appeal, I need to do that just before my time is up.
Next time I have oral argument on an appeal, I need to do that just before my time is up.

Hope you have a minor in physics!

need to know the difference between a solid, a liquid and a gas, “carry on, counselor!”
Hope you have a minor in physics!

need to know the difference between a solid, a liquid and a gas, “carry on, counselor!”

Not a problem. As a rule, I take the maximum dose of Immodium before heading into argument.....just in case.

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