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Stim Cell Research is Good (1 Viewer)


Oct 29, 2010
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Political Leaning
Stem Cell Research is Good

Those newfags who are against it can go **** themselves, and then an hero. There's no reason to not save human lives, because you're a paranoid bitch who is worried about cloning, which isn't that big of a deal anyway. Curing diseases and saving lives is more important than some newfags' paranoia.
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Re: Stem Cell Research is Good

Okey dokey!
Re: Stem Cell Research is Good

Actually it is "stem cell".

Also, WTF is a "newfag" and what relation does a "newfag" have to stem cell research? Or are you simply throwing odd pejoratives around for ... what reason?

"Those newfags can go **** themselves" isn't much of an opening line for anything like honest debate of any subject, either, btw.
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Re: Stem Cell Research is Good

Those newfags who are against it can go **** themselves, and then an hero.

Re: Stem Cell Research is Good

Those newfags who are against it can go **** themselves, and then an hero. There's no reason to not save human lives, because you're a paranoid bitch who is worried about cloning, which isn't that big of a deal anyway. Curing diseases and saving lives is more important than some newfags' paranoia.

Re: Stem Cell Research is Good

"Those newfags can go **** themselves" isn't much of an opening line for anything like honest debate of any subject, either, btw.

LMAO, no kidding. That has to be the worst intro line ever.
Re: Stem Cell Research is Good

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