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Stewart had a message... Will the left listen to it? (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
DP Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
Political Leaning
I have to hand it to John Stewart for having the courage to say the following:

The question now is, will the left listen and stop their hateful attacks?
I have to hand it to John Stewart for having the courage to say the following:

The question now is, will the left listen and stop their hateful attacks?

And it was encouraging/promising to hear the crowd cheer when he said it. :)

Both sides need to "simma down".......

I personally thought Stewart did an amazing job with his speech. I doubt many people will actually consider what he said, but damn it he did a good job. He and whoever helped him write that should be extremely proud of it.
His show does the exact thing that he's criticizing, so I'm not sure where he gets off pretending to take the high road.
His show does the exact thing that he's criticizing, so I'm not sure where he gets off pretending to take the high road.

I think it is a chance for him to step up to the plate and do what he preached.
His show does the exact thing that he's criticizing, so I'm not sure where he gets off pretending to take the high road.

How so? Don't watch his CC show too often. Did see the Obama visit a couple of days ago, and Stewart didn't give him (Obama) any cakewalk. (at least in my opinon....)

How so? Don't watch his CC show too often. Did see the Obama visit a couple of days ago, and Stewart didn't give him (Obama) any cakewalk. (at least in my opinon....)


Stewart at times will point things out and may not directly come out saying it is racism, but it is pretty easy to tell it is the point he wants to make. He doesn't do it as often as he did, but he still does it from time to time.
I didn't wake up early enough to watch the whole rally, but I got to see the last half hour, and Stewart's speech was pretty awesome.
It's real "moderate" of you all to blame both side equally, it's just too bad the overwhelming majority of the crap is spewed by the left.

Stewart pointed out calling the Tea Party people racists... That is the doing of the left.
Stewart pointed out calling the Juan Williams a racist... That is the doing of the left, who are also responsible for his firing.
Stewart pointed out calling the Rick Sanchez a racist... That unfortunately seems to be accurate as witnessed by his apology for his words after the fact. Not to mention it was the left leaning CNN that fired him.

All we've been hearing from the left and the main stream media since Obama was elected, is how the Tea Party people, and any and every conservative talker in America is racist, and based on the fact it is complete and total bullchips, Stewart was right... It needs to stop.

Have a nice day in political fantasy land people.
It's real "moderate" of you all to blame both side equally, it's just too bad the overwhelming majority of the crap is spewed by the left.

Stewart pointed out calling the Tea Party people racists... That is the doing of the left.
Stewart pointed out calling the Juan Williams a racist... That is the doing of the left, who are also responsible for his firing.
Stewart pointed out calling the Rick Sanchez a racist... That unfortunately seems to be accurate as witnessed by his apology for his words after the fact. Not to mention it was the left leaning CNN that fired him.

All we've been hearing from the left and the main stream media since Obama was elected, is how the Tea Party people, and any and every conservative talker in America is racist, and based on the fact it is complete and total bullchips, Stewart was right... It needs to stop.

Have a nice day in political fantasy land people.

It's real "hackish" of you to believe that it doesn't happen on both sides. You have Tea Partiers and conservatives demonstrating anti-gay comments, you have conservatives making anti-poor comments. This stuff happens all the time, yet you seem to pretend it doesn't exist. You're the one living in political fantasyland.
His show does the exact thing that he's criticizing, so I'm not sure where he gets off pretending to take the high road.

I just do not see it that way, he is continuously satirizing the craziness in the media and in the political discourse I have watched his show for a long time, and I have always considered it a chance to attain a perspective of relative sanity via levity.
Maybe you should read my post again... Or better yet

I did. I stand by my statement. The overwhelming majority of the stuff is NOT spewed by the left, it's pretty equal. But if you believe it is, prove it.
I did. I stand by my statement. The overwhelming majority of the stuff is NOT spewed by the left, it's pretty equal. But if you believe it is, prove it.

And after that comment, my "Political fantasy land" comment stands.
And after that comment, my "Political fantasy land" comment stands.

And that reverts thing right back to my original "hackish" statement. Checkmate, Grim.
And after that comment, my "Political fantasy land" comment stands.

the political fantasy land is the land where one side holds the lions share of fault and needs to hearken to a message of sanity while the other stands as a beacon of purity and holier than thou sanctimony.
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Better keep this thread away from a magnet, because it is chock full of irony.
Both sides are equal of it. The right has had the whole birther movement (which is on par with the Tea Party is racist movement). The right has tried to smear Obama as a Muslim terrorist and saying that he hates America. Republicans have spewed the socialist stuff too. Both sides are guilty.

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