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Stereotypes are so true (1 Viewer)


Mar 10, 2006
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Has anyone else noticed this? Stereotypes are incredibly true, despite what people like to say.

I met a guy who's a tea-party conservative. He doesn't like black people, he's a gun hobbyist, he's white, he drives a big ford pickup truck, loathes Obama.

I met several female college students from Brazil. Very attractive, as the everyone says.

I ran into a women who came here from Russian when she was eight or so. Very noticable Russian accent, has friends named 'Sergi' and 'Vlad', loves normal Russian foods.

I went to a comic book store. Walking outside was a middle aged guy with a the stereotypical comic-book kid: chubby, glasses, about twelve years old. I went inside, there were the sterotypical nerdy, overweight, thirtish guys with weird facial hair and ponytails.

I met a guy who's gay. He's liberal, not masculine in the least, speaks in a higher tone of voice, gossips and slanders like a women, ect.

I ran into a lesbian--very short hair, masculine clothing, couldn't tell she was female from ten yards off.

My point is, who hasn't found that stererotypes are very true? So therefore, why do people rail against them?
I know about 5 or 6 Indians that suck at math, don't have an Indian accent, hate spicy food, and are absolutely terrible at anything IT related. I just call them tan instead of brown. My whore of a friend also said she slept with an Asian that disproved the size stereotype.
People see what they want to see.
bloody oath mate.

Has anyone else noticed this? Stereotypes are incredibly true, despite what people like to say.

I met a guy who's a tea-party conservative. He doesn't like black people, he's a gun hobbyist, he's white, he drives a big ford pickup truck, loathes Obama.

I met several female college students from Brazil. Very attractive, as the everyone says.

I ran into a women who came here from Russian when she was eight or so. Very noticable Russian accent, has friends named 'Sergi' and 'Vlad', loves normal Russian foods.

I went to a comic book store. Walking outside was a middle aged guy with a the stereotypical comic-book kid: chubby, glasses, about twelve years old. I went inside, there were the sterotypical nerdy, overweight, thirtish guys with weird facial hair and ponytails.

I met a guy who's gay. He's liberal, not masculine in the least, speaks in a higher tone of voice, gossips and slanders like a women, ect.

I ran into a lesbian--very short hair, masculine clothing, couldn't tell she was female from ten yards off.

My point is, who hasn't found that stererotypes are very true? So therefore, why do people rail against them?
People tend to remember what reinforces our views about the world.

Therefore, if you meet someone that fits your schema for what that person should be, you're more likely to remember that than someone who does not.

A lot of your list is pretty "duh" or arent even really stereotypes.

A woman from Russia with a Russian accent and two friends with common Russian names....I dont understand how it's stereotypical for someone to act their nationality. An attractive Brazilian female? There are plenty of attractive (and un-attractive) Brazilian girls, and the stereotype regarding Brazilian girls generally is not in outward physical appearance. As for the teabagger, the vast majority of the teabaggers ARE white.
Stereotypes are all encompassing social summaries often based a bit in reality - but what makes them a 'stereotype' is that most people from ___ group don't actually exhibit some if not all of necessary stereotype qualifications. . . but are perceived or believed to without someone taking the time to notice.

Culturally common things aren't stereotypes.
Stereotypes are just a conglomeration of traits that continue to appear in certain groups of people. You hardly run into someone with all the traits but they do get reinforced enough that they are hard to ignore.
Whore of a friend eh? Interesting.....interesting.

She didn't like me labeling her as just a whore, so I came up with whore of a friend. I mean she deserved the title...she slept with my entire floor Freshman year aside from my roommate and myself.
She didn't like me labeling her as just a whore, so I came up with whore of a friend. I mean she deserved the title...she slept with my entire floor Freshman year aside from my roommate and myself.

Except for you!
So you're just bitter with jealously.

interesting . . . interesting

(just joking!)
People tend to remember what reinforces our views about the world.

Therefore, if you meet someone that fits your schema for what that person should be, you're more likely to remember that than someone who does not.

A lot of your list is pretty "duh" or arent even really stereotypes.

A woman from Russia with a Russian accent and two friends with common Russian names....I dont understand how it's stereotypical for someone to act their nationality. An attractive Brazilian female? There are plenty of attractive (and un-attractive) Brazilian girls, and the stereotype regarding Brazilian girls generally is not in outward physical appearance. As for the teabagger, the vast majority of the teabaggers ARE white.

and partisan hacks use vulgar terms to describe the opposition and make idiotic inferences that whites=racist. :shrug:
So what's the standard 'white stereotype' :)

I've heard a lot of 'cultural stereotypes' for whites - like redneck . . . but what exactly is considered of *all* white peeps?
I went to a comic book store. Walking outside was a middle aged guy with a the stereotypical comic-book kid: chubby, glasses, about twelve years old. I went inside, there were the sterotypical nerdy, overweight, thirtish guys with weird facial hair and ponytails.

I guess there is a reason that we have stereotypes. They are generally accurate.

Does this mean that you are a fat 12 year old who wears glasses?

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