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Star Trek Online (1 Viewer)


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So who is playing this game?
Several of us are trying DDO atm. How is STO?
So who is playing this game?

I have been since rollout, in fact tomorrow is the 6 month release date anniversary. I was thinking about starting a thread about it earlier today, but you beat me to it. I'm short on time right now, will have to get back to you on the matter later this evening or tomorrow. Are you playing? If so what do you think so far? I have my complaints, but as my girlfriend bought me a lifetime subscription I can afford to wait for them to fix and address the issues I have with it. My biggest complaint is lack of playable content, but they are releasing Season Two next week so there will finally be some new content to play. I did enjoy blowing up the Doomsday Machine and visiting the Guardian of Forever.;)

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I played it for a few weeks and didnt care for it. Ive played much worse but I just didnt get into it. Find things and especially people is difficult. No big challenge on starship fighting. Interface isnt very intuitive. Missions / quests arent really that much fun because of the fore-mentioned. I HATE to say this but if they made it more like WoW then they would have a chance.
Can I be Spock?


So who is playing this game?

This game was the biggest piece of trash to ever hit the MMO market. It was fun for the first few hours, or until you landed on a planet. It's boring, repetitive and just downright terrible. I loved the customization of the ships and characters and all that side, but it didn't make up for the rest of it.

**** you cryptic!
This game was the biggest piece of trash to ever hit the MMO market. It was fun for the first few hours, or until you landed on a planet. It's boring, repetitive and just downright terrible. I loved the customization of the ships and characters and all that side, but it didn't make up for the rest of it.

**** you cryptic!

yeah I was very dissapointed :(
Yip the comments here pretty much mirror those of a lot of STO players. The game probably needed at least another year of development before it was released, but Atari wanted it out last January and so it came out. This is my first MMO, so I've nothing to compare it to, but I really did not start enjoying the game until the later levels, the writing on the early ones was horrible. That said, I played through all the content in the game in 6 weeks, and am on my third character build and am almost at at the end of the content that is out right now. The space combat mechanics are just fine IMO, but the game has huge issues with ground combat, and most of the game content, kill shoot, kill shoot, hardly seems very Starfleet or Star Trek for that matter. Let me put it this way, I actually had my girlfriend try to cancel the lifetime subscription she bought me, to no avail!

I am hopeful the game will get better. As it sold very well and Cryptic is planning on adding more content every few months, I've got the time to let it get better, but I too was disappointed with it as it is right now. Hopefully the new content coming along next week (expanded vessel interiors, more Trek like diplomatic missions and mini games like Dabo at Quarks and just more playable content from a new team of writers) will be a step in the right direction. We will see, for now I just have to satisfy myself with flying my Defiant class vessel around and blasting those cannons through enemy wessels, which is oddly satisfying for this life long Trek geek.;)
bottom line is the interface is crap. We need to know where we are going.. in a Starbase and in space. Quadrants are..... well I have no idea where it all is. Just FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give me a firm idea of where i ams and where I need to be! PLUS..... make it like Im exploring. Not just circiling a planet to kick ass. :(
bottom line is the interface is crap. We need to know where we are going.. in a Starbase and in space. Quadrants are..... well I have no idea where it all is. Just FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give me a firm idea of where i ams and where I need to be! PLUS..... make it like Im exploring. Not just circiling a planet to kick ass. :(
I've finally gotten acclimated to the interface (which does need work) but sure understand where you are coming from. Yes indeed, make it like Star Trek as in let me boldly go and do some exploring. Again, the game needed a lot more development than it was given. That said, they are planning on addressing the issues you bring up, like being able to just click on a system and you are plotted for approach to it; rather than having to go into the systems menu or map and select a system. Also they are adding "first contact" missions and ambient wildlife to the planets, but overall they need to make it like Star Trek and get about the business of exploration and if they are going to keep the episodic approach, get some good writers and write some good content. Which again, they are supposedly doing. I guess you could say that are perpetuallty going to be behind the ball on this kind of stuff because of the prematire IMO release of the game to the market too early.

Now I'm heading to Quark's on DS9 to try out Dabbo on the Tribble test shard, I read today that they have Chase Masterson in looping dialogue as a holographic Leta the ultimate Dabbo girl. Little touches like that are a step in the right direction IMO, hopefully my girlfriend's Christmas present of a life time sub will prove worth it.
The aforementioned sector space GUI, which needs some seriously simple LCARS like interface properties!

Now I admit this old geek loves this stuff, so far I still enjoy the "view" each time I go to Terok Nor...........



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Thanks for the screenshots. I got some questions if you would.

What resolution is that in?

Is the UI moddable?

Have you ever tried Eve Online? If so, any comparison?
I have just one thing to say when it comes to my reactions to this online game!

Thanks for the screenshots. I got some questions if you would.

What resolution is that in?

Is the UI moddable?

Have you ever tried Eve Online? If so, any comparison?
These snapshots were taken at 1680x1050 and you can mod the UI. As I said earlier this is my first MMO, well my second technically, I played The Lord of the Rings Online for a couple of weeks prior to STO being released. I hear very good things about Eve though, in fact it has been used as a comparison to what is wrong with STO many times at the STO forums.;)
Is anyone else still hanging in there playing STO?

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