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Speak Arabic, get kicked off your flight [W:153] (1 Viewer)

Wow! You're an expert on everything! You even know what too place in the Arab man's exchange with his grandfather, Why anyone would to talk to fellow terrorists in public is frankly below us lower intelligence than you, so can you explain the strategy there?

Second, please elaborate about Canada. When and where did this, what did you invent? "progressive manipulation" take place? Was it in the 1970's when Canada set the standard for sustainable unemployment insurance? Or when we brought in universal health care, the single most popular act of any government in history? Or has it happened because we have watched you guy **** up everything in your path, including the laughable ACA.

With your vast knowledge and expertise you can probably define who it was did all the manipulating, and when it occurred. For curiosity reasons I would like to know how you became such an expert on Canadian affairs. There is a likely job in this, the Conservative Party of Canada is in need of an experience political operative.

In the meantime, I can assure you that comedy, our largest export product will be in greater and greater demand as the next president you get is assured to be either a raving moron child boy, or a corrupt hag whose likely facing criminal charges. The next four years are going to be an outright hoot of a party watching you play war with total morons in charge.

But when those medical bills rise to the point of impossibility, don't complain. It would be "progressive manipulation"...and don't come here. We have enough fiction writers

The manipulation is apparent. Look at your reply touting rewards for bad behavior, like unemployment that pays better than a job. As far as your health care goes that is why Canadians come here to get things done.

Now about terrorists, who knows how emboldened they are? They know people like you who condemn any pushback toward Muslims won't say ****. Good luck with that.
Wouldn't trade him for any one of the clowns you have to chose from.


You like Trump better than Justin Trudeau........:lamo

Your only debating skill seems to be sneering at anything you are afraid of. Can you list the qualities in Trump that make him a better leader than Trudeau. As well, let's be fair and compare the skirt, Bill Clinton's wife as well
The manipulation is apparent. Look at your reply touting rewards for bad behavior, like unemployment that pays better than a job. As far as your health care goes that is why Canadians come here to get things done.

Now about terrorists, who knows how emboldened they are? They know people like you who condemn any pushback toward Muslims won't say ****. Good luck with that.

What a relief! Here I thought you might actually know something about Canada.

"Who knows?" Wait. YOU said you knew! You have told us all what the man said on the phone, who he was talking to etc. Now you say "who knows, so you don't know?

I do know this, your frightened paranoid responses tell the terrorists that they are winning. "Look, Achmed, they are terrified by us speaking our language!

On canada? Deal with this, we have a fraction the crime rate you do, we have NEVER had a race riot, we live an average 3 and a half years than you do, and on a scale of satisfaction Canadians are 5th on the list, the US is 34th.

Canada is 3rd on the freedom index, the US is 37th. Canada has never started a war, but finished every mission given it. We need less than a third of the policing you do adjusted for population, and we live in peace. And we account for about a half of the comedy writers in the US....it's because you give us such wonderful material.......we had Rob Ford, you have Donald Trump.
What a relief! Here I thought you might actually know something about Canada.

"Who knows?" Wait. YOU said you knew! You have told us all what the man said on the phone, who he was talking to etc. Now you say "who knows, so you don't know?

I do know this, your frightened paranoid responses tell the terrorists that they are winning. "Look, Achmed, they are terrified by us speaking our language!

On canada? Deal with this, we have a fraction the crime rate you do, we have NEVER had a race riot, we live an average 3 and a half years than you do, and on a scale of satisfaction Canadians are 5th on the list, the US is 34th.

Canada is 3rd on the freedom index, the US is 37th. Canada has never started a war, but finished every mission given it. We need less than a third of the policing you do adjusted for population, and we live in peace. And we account for about a half of the comedy writers in the US....it's because you give us such wonderful material.......we had Rob Ford, you have Donald Trump.

Go back and read my posts, I never said anything about what the guy said. Pay attention.
We're done here.

I've had enough fiction for one day.

BTW,. I am posting your **** in a Canadian forum for a good laugh. We love when fascists make comments on Canada.

The fascists are running your country. You do not know the difference, you only know what they tell you.
Yeah, yeah, and the neighbors in San Bernardino didn't say **** because they were afraid to be called racist, and how many people are dead because of their silence?

Those who are showing self righteous indignation on this thread need to grow the **** up...
Credibility issue with Infowars for a lot of people. Remember Mike Browns witnesses lied. And on top of that the two Muslims were caught and killed.

Your argument is ridiculous.

Credibility issue with mainstream media and "the authorities" with me. Scott Pelley of CBS interview with the woman was far more persuasive than the Infowars piece. It merely corroborated the CBS story, at least partially.

Mine is not an argument, just a statement of fact. It has been swept under the rug and is completely gone from the record most likely. Even as the "official story" is reinforced in the public psyche week after week. If a lie is told frequently enough, reinforced frequently enough, a gullible and oblivious public will happily buy it.
Is that why they banned abortions, because of their Liberal Leanings? Someone seems confused .............

The IRA can´t ban anything as it has been disbanded, as regards their political wing Sinn Féin drops opposition to abortion at Derry congress | Politics | The Guardian

And he´s right insofar as the IRA were leftist and secular. Hence why they were led by a ´´politbuerau´´. Still if you want examples of christian political violence against civillians you need only look at present day Africa, the breakup of Yugoslavia and European Facism (think more of Spain, Croatia, Romaia etc. than Nazi Germany)
The IRA can´t ban anything as it has been disbanded, as regards their political wing Sinn Féin drops opposition to abortion at Derry congress | Politics | The Guardian

And he´s right insofar as the IRA were leftist and secular. Hence why they were led by a ´´politbuerau´´. Still if you want examples of christian political violence against civillians you need only look at present day Africa, the breakup of Yugoslavia and European Facism (think more of Spain, Croatia, Romaia etc. than Nazi Germany)

Nazi Germany did not do what they did because of, or for, Christianity. I seriously doubt those other governments quoted scripture either.

In Africa, Christians have decided to defend thmselves and you will never guess from who.
Nazi Germany did not do what they did because of, or for, Christianity. I seriously doubt those other governments quoted scripture either.

In Africa, Christians have decided to defend thmselves and you will never guess from who.

Read the post, read what i actually wrote.....................
It appears to be what most software calls "magenta," but to me it looks more like Hello Kitty threw up on My Little Pony.

Amazing how color, of all things, bothers you people.

Amazing how color, of all things, bothers you people.

Funny that, it's a basic survival trait in all creatures that can perceive color. Of course some miss out on even the most basic of survival traits and must rely upon being a part of a strong group to cover that deficiency. :lamo
The IRA can´t ban anything as it has been disbanded, as regards their political wing Sinn Féin drops opposition to abortion at Derry congress | Politics | The Guardian

And he´s right insofar as the IRA were leftist and secular. Hence why they were led by a ´´politbuerau´´. Still if you want examples of christian political violence against civillians you need only look at present day Africa, the breakup of Yugoslavia and European Facism (think more of Spain, Croatia, Romaia etc. than Nazi Germany)

Romania was a special case. The Iron Guard was big on "blood and soil" and Long Live Death apparently was a popular slogan. Sorta like the Spanish Nationalist Foreign Legion.
What a relief! Here I thought you might actually know something about Canada.

"Who knows?" Wait. YOU said you knew! You have told us all what the man said on the phone, who he was talking to etc. Now you say "who knows, so you don't know?

I do know this, your frightened paranoid responses tell the terrorists that they are winning. "Look, Achmed, they are terrified by us speaking our language!

On canada? Deal with this, we have a fraction the crime rate you do, we have NEVER had a race riot, we live an average 3 and a half years than you do, and on a scale of satisfaction Canadians are 5th on the list, the US is 34th.

Canada is 3rd on the freedom index, the US is 37th. Canada has never started a war, but finished every mission given it. We need less than a third of the policing you do adjusted for population, and we live in peace. And we account for about a half of the comedy writers in the US....it's because you give us such wonderful material.......we had Rob Ford, you have Donald Trump.


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