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Speak Arabic, get kicked off your flight [W:153] (1 Viewer)

Moderator's Warning:
The baiting and trolling ends now please. The topic is not coldjoint's pink posts and it's not Canadas foreign policy or stand on National Security. The topic relates to a "US College Student Removed From Flight After Speaking Arabic on Plane". Discuss the topic only and refrain from all further personal comments directed at each other please. Thanks.
The IRA can´t ban anything as it has been disbanded, as regards their political wing Sinn Féin drops opposition to abortion at Derry congress | Politics | The Guardian

And he´s right insofar as the IRA were leftist and secular. Hence why they were led by a ´´politbuerau´´. Still if you want examples of christian political violence against civillians you need only look at present day Africa, the breakup of Yugoslavia and European Facism (think more of Spain, Croatia, Romaia etc. than Nazi Germany)

LOL, don't know much about the Irish do ya, not new news.
Yep, that's all it took. A man having a completely innocent phone conversation with his uncle.

This has got to be the worst case of xenophobia I've heard about in a long time.


“Why were you speaking Arabic in the plane?” “Why were you speaking Arabic in the plane???”

Oh, I don't know, sir, I guess I was just sick on the day that Arabic was made illegal and no one told me.

Home of the brave my ass.
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So a Muslim was talking about ISIS in Arabic, on board a plane, with his uncle from Baghdad? And that aroused suspicions?

Yeah, 'cause if people talk about ISIS, that's no big deal, but if somebody's a Muslim talking about ISIS, well, THAT mean's he's about to go around killing people (never mind that ISIS has killed FAR more Muslims than non-Muslims).

The key point is that the employee asked the student, "Why were you speaking Arabic on that plane?" Is that a freaking crime too, now?
Is that what you call it these day ? :roll:

Exactly what it is. We're a society of chicken littles who'll accept anything if mamma will protect us from the big bad jihadis. We are pitiful.
Exactly what it is. We're a society of chicken littles who'll accept anything if mamma will protect us from the big bad jihadis. We are pitiful.

The world and the crazies have changed and your stuck in the 60's . :roll:
The world and the crazies have changed and your stuck in the 60's . :roll:

No I'm able to judge risk much better than many of my countrymen. I'm also aware of and accept that the individual freedom that our country is supposed to provide comes at a cost, something that many of my fellow countrymen are either ignorant of or not willing to accept. Finally knowing history governments generally, and our's historically is no exception, use "crises" like this to expand their reach at the expense of the citizenry.
No I'm able to judge risk much better than many of my countrymen. I'm also aware of and accept that the individual freedom that our country is supposed to provide comes at a cost, something that many of my fellow countrymen are either ignorant of or not willing to accept. Finally knowing history governments generally, and our's historically is no exception, use "crises" like this to expand their reach at the expense of the citizenry.

Spoken like a person that never had to fight a battle . :shock:
Exactly what it is. We're a society of chicken littles who'll accept anything if mamma will protect us from the big bad jihadis. We are pitiful.

The chickens spoke up and tried to protect themselves. Do you see the difference?
No idea what you're driving at.

I am saying the people spoke up this time. And if we want to stop this self inflicted guilt about being suspicious it is what has to be done. If the Muslims do not understand why, they can leave.
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Considering Christian doctrine is non-violent, no.

Yeah, that's what they said during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition :doh

Btw, there is a "Christian" poster participating in this thread that believes there should be capital punishment for using birth control (and alot of other things).
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The wife was a homegrown extremist from Saudi Arabia, and that is where she was radicalized(learned Islam).

*sigh* You can be born in America and still be a Sunni Muslim.

You can be born in America and learn Islam.

To be accurate, both were Muslims, she was born abroad and he was born in America.
Or so he says.

It's possible that it was a perfectly innocent conversation.

It's also possible that the kid was being deliberately provocative.

Since all we have to go on is the kid's word, and it's unlikely he would say anything after thee fact to "incriminate" himself, I think it's best to just sorta write this one off.

Is everyone else being 'provacative' when they talk on the phone to relatives? :doh

Victim? Victim of what? Legitimate concern?

The innocent man who arrived at his destination 8 hrs late and was harrassed and humiliated (as he described the public spectacle he was subjected to).
There is NO substance , just BS . :roll:

Really? That's complete horse****. You should be more worried about getting killed by some idiot drunk behind the wheel of a car than you are about some terrorist. Know why? Because you are at this stage of the game about 200 times more likely to be killed by a drunk than a terrorist. And that's if you live in a place attractive to terrorists like New York City. If you don't live in a place that terrorists have ever heard of before it's probably more like 10,000 to 1 that a drunk gets you before a terrorist.

So what are you so afraid of?
I am saying the people spoke up this time. And if we want to stop this self inflicted guilt about being suspicious it is what has to be done. If the Muslims do not understand why, they can leave.

American Muslims should just leave? Why? Dont they have the exact same rights as other Americans?

(Yes I know this guy was not a citizen but it just as easily could have been.)
I am saying the people spoke up this time. And if we want to stop this self inflicted guilt about being suspicious it is what has to be done. If the Muslims do not understand why, they can leave.

"If you leave security to amateurs what you get is amateurish security."
American Muslims should just leave? Why? Dont they have the exact same rights as other Americans?

(Yes I know this guy was not a citizen but it just as easily could have been.)

Yeah they do. But in the same sense other Americans can form their own opinions and be suspicious of Muslims if they choose.

Have no fear, Muslims who are wronged are not quiet about it. They use lawfare just like the progressives do.
Yeah, that's what they said during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition :doh

Btw, there is a "Christian" poster participating in this thread that believes there should be capital punishment for using birth control (and alot of other things).

The Crusades were defensive wars. Chistians were being attacked by Muslims. The Spanish Inquisition was not done in accordance to Christian doctrine. Torture and other things just are not Christian.

Torture and other things(terror) are part of the Islamic doctrine and obligations for its adherents.
"If you leave security to amateurs what you get is amateurish security."

If you leave a serious problem fester the results are no better.

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