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Sounds about right... (1 Viewer)

Your desperation is obvious since youve proven nothing because Christianity started out in Judea and not in England- a simple fact that you are apparently unaware of. Try again.

No, YOU try again, the gaping holes in your knowledge would be embarrassing to anybody else.

If you are just going to follow me around saying idiot things I am just going to make fun of you.
No, YOU try again, the gaping holes in your knowledge would be embarrassing to anybody else.

If you are just going to follow me around saying idiot things I am just going to make fun of you.

Ive stated facts, something that you repeatedly have been unable to refute, so you resort to your usual name calling. If you want to keep digging a bigger hole for yourself, go right ahead.
Ive stated facts, something that you repeatedly have been unable to refute, so you resort to your usual name calling. If you want to keep digging a bigger hole for yourself, go right ahead.

None of your alleged facts go together.
Ive stated facts, something that you repeatedly have been unable to refute, so you resort to your usual name calling. If you want to keep digging a bigger hole for yourself, go right ahead.

You'll find deniers of the truth on all sides of the spectrum...no matter how often they are confronted with it...
The point is, nobody knows what the ministry is like unless they have lived it. The people who come here and tell us what we think, believe, and do dont know wth they are talking about. Personally, I dont think anybody can know what motivates another person other than the basic survival instincts. This forum is becoming too crowded with amateur mind readers, remote viewers, and armchair psychologists. If you want to know what I think, ask me, don't tell me.

I did ask you something once, but you dodged. It was "are you just against abortion, or are you against all (or most) forms of contraception?"

You are an actual minister - yes I believe you on that. The others here are mostly armchair types like myself. I fully understand that and adjust accordingly.

My attitude about the religious right isn't something that I broad-brush on every believer, just as I know full well most Muslims are decent people despite the few that get in the media by doing rotten things. I wouldn't care about the RR if they hadn't gotten so powerful within out political and legal system. As THAT begins to negatively impact my life and freedom, I definitely get an attitude.
You'll find deniers of the truth on all sides of the spectrum...no matter how often they are confronted with it...

I know, I just read one.

Doesn't it bother you the least little bit that all of a sudden atheists are on your side?

So why don't you give me your take on the history of the Church of England, POS has nothing.
I did ask you something once, but you dodged. It was "are you just against abortion, or are you against all (or most) forms of contraception?"

You are an actual minister - yes I believe you on that. The others here are mostly armchair types like myself. I fully understand that and adjust accordingly.

My attitude about the religious right isn't something that I broad-brush on every believer, just as I know full well most Muslims are decent people despite the few that get in the media by doing rotten things. I wouldn't care about the RR if they hadn't gotten so powerful within out political and legal system. As THAT begins to negatively impact my life and freedom, I definitely get an attitude.

I don't think that was me, I would have answered that. I don't hold to the anti-contraception position the Catholics do but I understand why they feel that way and they might even be right, but my biggest problem is abortion as birth control. More later.
I don't think that was me, I would have answered that. I don't hold to the anti-contraception position the Catholics do but I understand why they feel that way and they might even be right, but my biggest problem is abortion as birth control. More later.

Okay, sorry. My bad. I don't agree with "abortion as birth control", either, fwiw. I think the Catholic attitude towards contraception is counter-productive to the "pro-life" (pro health) cause, so even if it's somehow correct as they interpret the Bible, I'm against it. To me it seems that the best way to minimize abortion is to help people who don't want to be pregnant not get pregnant.
I know, I just read one.

Doesn't it bother you the least little bit that all of a sudden atheists are on your side?

So why don't you give me your take on the history of the Church of England, POS has nothing.

Doesn't bother me in the least...truth is truth, regardless of who states it...as for the COE, my take is too long to get into...in summary, I am not a fan of people who lie, no matter who they are...
Doesn't bother me in the least...truth is truth, regardless of who states it...as for the COE, my take is too long to get into...in summary, I am not a fan of people who lie, no matter who they are...

So you've got nothing...got it.
All my facts are true. Go ahead and try and refute them, if you dare.

You're right about one thing: Arius existed. Everything else you claim is out of order and out of context, so if you think I am going to waste my time on yet another one who thinks he knows everything and knows very little, forget it.
You're right about one thing: Arius existed. Everything else you claim is out of order and out of context, so if you think I am going to waste my time on yet another one who thinks he knows everything and knows very little, forget it.

So you cant refute anything Ive stated. Noted.
Show it then. You just talk around in circles since you have nothing to say.

You think I'm talking in circles because you know nothing about the topic. You are one of those guys who reads one paragraph and thinks you know everything. Educate yourself instead of playing expert.
I keep trying to put it into perspective for you and here it is again:

Trump is in office not because he doesn't have warts that many Christians and conservatives have noted and discussed, but because even with all his baggage he was STILL a much better choice for president than that lying, greedy, corrupt, immoral, left-wing, incompetent, cellulite-infested, walking gas bag Hillary Clinton.

People ask how evangelicals can call themselves Christians and vote for Trump? However, the real question is how can we call ourselves Christians and vote for Hillary?

Got it now? If not you never will.

Why would you think a Christian can't support Hillary?
Okay, sorry. My bad. I don't agree with "abortion as birth control", either, fwiw. I think the Catholic attitude towards contraception is counter-productive to the "pro-life" (pro health) cause, so even if it's somehow correct as they interpret the Bible, I'm against it. To me it seems that the best way to minimize abortion is to help people who don't want to be pregnant not get pregnant.

I know two women who smoked cigarettes for years. They also took birth control pills, and both ended up having strokes in their 40s. One was in a coma for a week and nearly died. It took years of rehab for her to get back to what passed for normal. The other is still alive but has the threat of another stroke hanging over her head. My wife has never taken oral contraceptives because she didn't want to mess with her hormones.

So how do you prevent unwanted pregnancy? Well, I did it by practicing abstinence, not out of religious conviction, but out of a desire to avoid the hassle of having to take care of a woman and her child when I could barely take care of myself.

As harsh as it sounds, it's not my job to keep you from getting pregnant, it's my job to tell you what the Bible says because it tells you what it does about sex so you can avoid the trouble I mentioned.

People say "abstinence doesn't work". On the contrary, it works every time. They say young people have no willpower. Well, it's amazing how much willpower they can find when there is a cop walking up to the car or your dad is pulling into the driveway.
You think I'm talking in circles because you know nothing about the topic. You are one of those guys who reads one paragraph and thinks you know everything. Educate yourself instead of playing expert.

Still waiting for you to show anything that proves me wrong. So far its all hot air coming from you.
Still waiting for you to show anything that proves me wrong. So far its all hot air coming from you.

I could (and have) shown all kinds of things that prove you wrong. If you haven't gotten it by now you're not going to. Now quit stalking me.
I could (and have) shown all kinds of things that prove you wrong. If you haven't gotten it by now you're not going to. Now quit stalking me.

Well since you keep persisting in telling lies that you claimed to have proven me wrong, then I'll keep calling you out on it. Lying is a sin, btw. But then again, since when do Christians follow Jesus's teachings anyway.
Why would you think a Christian can't support Hillary?

She has a 30-40 year history of being corrupt. And she trashed women whom her husband assaulted and/or raped. That's the very short list.

Why would even a liberal or an independent vote for a woman like that?
I know two women who smoked cigarettes for years. They also took birth control pills, and both ended up having strokes in their 40s. One was in a coma for a week and nearly died. It took years of rehab for her to get back to what passed for normal. The other is still alive but has the threat of another stroke hanging over her head. My wife has never taken oral contraceptives because she didn't want to mess with her hormones.

So how do you prevent unwanted pregnancy? Well, I did it by practicing abstinence, not out of religious conviction, but out of a desire to avoid the hassle of having to take care of a woman and her child when I could barely take care of myself.

As harsh as it sounds, it's not my job to keep you from getting pregnant, it's my job to tell you what the Bible says because it tells you what it does about sex so you can avoid the trouble I mentioned.

People say "abstinence doesn't work". On the contrary, it works every time. They say young people have no willpower. Well, it's amazing how much willpower they can find when there is a cop walking up to the car or your dad is pulling into the driveway.
from the portions of your post i emphasized, it appears your absistinence resulted from telling your spouse she was responsible for not bearing children

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