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So The NRA DID Fall For The Russian Cutie! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 19, 2012
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So that Russian spy was indeed infiltrating the NRA as patsies for political manipulation.


WASHINGTON – Maria Butina, a Russian national charged with conspiracy and acting as the agent of a foreign government, joined prosecutors Monday in asking a judge to schedule a hearing for her to change her plea.

Butina had pleaded innocent in the case in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. She has been jailed since July, largely in solitary confinement. But now lawyers for both sides are asking for a plea hearing Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

It's all closin in now. Our country has the best damn people in the world to uncover this kind of crap.

Apparently, as it was reported some weeks back, the Republicans were chosen by the Russian government as the weak link.

"NO!, she was trying to help Russian gun freedom".

Yeah, sure she was.
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So that Russian spy was indeed infiltrating the NRA as patsies for political manipulation.


It's all closin in now. Our country has the best damn people in the world to uncover this kind of crap.

Apparently, as it was reported some weeks back, the Republicans were chosen by the Russian government as the weak link.

"NO!, she was trying to help Russian gun freedom".

Yeah, sure she was.

Lame that you would actually see a Russian spy trying to hurt our country as a partisan issue.
Lame that you would actually see a Russian spy trying to hurt our country as a partisan issue.

WHAT partisan dude: it's a fact! MAYBE the right-wing should learn from this. Russia has been ****ting all over this country because of the Republicans.
Lame that you would actually see a Russian spy trying to hurt our country as a partisan issue.

Huh??? What so spies do that is not an attempt to "hurt" us?
Thoughts and prayers for the NRA....:lamo
So that Russian spy was indeed infiltrating the NRA as patsies for political manipulation.


It's all closin in now. Our country has the best damn people in the world to uncover this kind of crap.

Apparently, as it was reported some weeks back, the Republicans were chosen by the Russian government as the weak link.

"NO!, she was trying to help Russian gun freedom".

Yeah, sure she was.

Regarding the title:

If some people want to think that potato-faced ginger bitch is a cutie, they must be pretty hard up.
As for her status as a foreign spy, the NRA has cooked its own goose in its own drippings.
I am a former NRA member and you will never ever convince me that they are a patriotic organization committed to American rights and freedoms after this.
Huh??? What so spies do that is not an attempt to "hurt" us?

That might be your interpretation of my words, but that's not what I wrote above.

Spies should never be a partisan issue. IOW, no need for the above poster to mention Republicans as though they are too stupid to figure it out that they have been infiltrated by those wishing to hurt our country.
It was because of the Republicans that the Russian spy was outed...
That might be your interpretation of my words, but that's not what I wrote above.

Spies should never be a partisan issue. IOW, no need for the above poster to mention Republicans as though they are too stupid to figure it out that they have been infiltrated by those wishing to hurt our country.
It was because of the Republicans that the Russian spy was outed...

Lame that you would actually see a Russian spy trying to hurt our country as a partisan issue.
I think Russia made it a partisan issue.

That is in fact the entire point, actually.

To undermine our system.

And the catch-22 of it all is that it worked, and has exposed weaknesses in the Republicans.
Lame that you would actually see a Russian spy trying to hurt our country as a partisan issue.

It's far more lame that you would play dumb about it. She helped launder Russian millions through the NRA to help the GOP. It is a partisan issue because its about your party having used it to benefited from it.

Why do you hate America?
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anybody know of an attorney who is also a republican and a gun expert with a fondness for the NRA who could offer to help that organization defend itself in what appears to be imminent litigation

me neither
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anybody know of an attorney who is also a republican and a gun expert with a fondness for the NRA who could offer to help that organization defend itself in what appears to be imminent litigation

me neither
Why do I think you're attempting to troll a specific DP member.
Keep playing stupid GOP sheeples. I'm not going to give you any wiggle room come time when you later on say, "How could I have known?" Because I ****ing told you. THat's how.

GOP operative boyfriend of alleged Russian agent receives ‘target letter’ from feds

The boyfriend of alleged Russian agent Maria Butina, GOP political operative Paul Erickson, has been told he may face similar accusations of acting as a covert agent, The Daily Beast reports.

The publication reviewed a "target letter" federal investigators sent to Erickson's lawyer, which said they are considering charging him for acting as an agent of a foreign government and for conspiracy.​
I think Russia made it a partisan issue.

That is in fact the entire point, actually.

To undermine our system.

And the catch-22 of it all is that it worked, and has exposed weaknesses in the Republicans.

I don't see any weakness in the Republicans...
If I am wrong, prove your points.
So that Russian spy was indeed infiltrating the NRA as patsies for political manipulation.


It's all closin in now. Our country has the best damn people in the world to uncover this kind of crap.

Apparently, as it was reported some weeks back, the Republicans were chosen by the Russian government as the weak link.

"NO!, she was trying to help Russian gun freedom".

Yeah, sure she was.
Huh? She's fighting her case.
It's far more lame that you would play dumb about it. She helped launder Russian millions through the NRA to help the GOP. It is a partisan issue because its about your party having used it to benefited from it.

Why do you hate America?

Why do you keep creating strawman fallacies?
The NRA and Republicans are not in bed with Russian spies.

We're all country loving Americans here... time for you to start realizing this.
I apologize if I offend anybody from the "metoo" movement, but she isn't really a cutie.
I apologize if I offend anybody from the "metoo" movement, but she isn't really a cutie.
That's what I haven't quite figured out. I'm thinking people want to believe she is cute more to sell the story than to deal objectively.

She's not hideous, but she's hardly the stuff of spy movies. There's no shame in that, no one confuses me (or anyone else on this forum, I'd guess) for Brad Pitt, but I think media is romanticizing her looks for the story.
Why do you keep creating strawman fallacies?
The NRA and Republicans are not in bed with Russian spies.

Uhhh. Yes. Yes they are. That is what this whole Butina plea deal is about.

We're all country loving Americans here... time for you to start realizing this.

The **** you are. You are all about loving your party. America is but a mere afterthought.
Uhhh. Yes. Yes they are. That is what this whole Butina plea deal is about.

The **** you are. You are all about loving your party. America is but a mere afterthought.

You don't even know what the spy's plea says yet! :lol:

All you have are personal attacks. That much is true enough though...
That's what I haven't quite figured out. I'm thinking people want to believe she is cute more to sell the story than to deal objectively.

She's not hideous, but she's hardly the stuff of spy movies. There's no shame in that, no one confuses me (or anyone else on this forum, I'd guess) for Brad Pitt, but I think media is romanticizing her looks for the story.
The potential for profit beats presenting reality every time.
My guess is her cooperation and testimony would be more interesting than her guilty plea. We'll see...

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