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Sign Language Ban Imposed on N.J. Girl (1 Viewer)

Revenge. Sweet revenge.

Welcome to America's civil law system.
Danica's parents say she began losing her hearing last November, when a classmate allegedly shot a bottle rocket near her ear. They have already sued the Branchburg School District over that incident.
Note that the school district goes on and on about protecting the other students and keeping them safe, but makes no attempt whatsoever as to what any threat may be.
Seems crazy on the surface of it.... but I notice the parents already have one lawsuit going on now...
Note that the school district goes on and on about protecting the other students and keeping them safe, but makes no attempt whatsoever as to what any threat may be.

How the **** is anyone gonna ban ASL? That's a damn shame. I would take it to court get money and send my daughter to a school for the deaf while moving out of the school district.
Revenge. Sweet revenge.

Welcome to America's civil law system.

Seems crazy on the surface of it.... but I notice the parents already have one lawsuit going on now...

I caught that, too, and I don't discount the revenge aspect, but it still seems like a flimsy angle. Unless she's signing while driving the bus, I cannot think of how this could possible pose a danger to anybody.
Yeah, it looks to me like the school district is retaliating for the lawsuit. Thing is, they have opened themselves up to be sued for violating the Disabilities Act, among other things.

Some stuff doesn't make sense to me. If she is so hearing impaired that she must sign to communicate, how can she hear what's going on in a classroom, where sign language is not being used?

I think there are definitely two sides to this story, and there's more going on than meets the eye... or ear. Whatever. :lol:
No, it's pure bull**** revenge and that it is ridiculous won't stop them from using this as harassment. They'll regret this later.

I caught that, too, and I don't discount the revenge aspect, but it still seems like a flimsy angle. Unless she's signing while driving the bus, I cannot think of how this could possible pose a danger to anybody.
A deaf infant responds to the dumbassery of "educators" in New Jersey and their idiocy concerning American Sign Language:

"She has a hearing problem, and now she's being punished for using sign language," Mary Ann Lesko, Danica's mother, told The Star-Ledger of Newark."

Yes, I'd venture to say some hearing people are Danica's hearing problem. As an adult I've been down that road myself over the years.

Bless little Danica's heart. She's fortunate that she has strong and supportive parents. Danica and her parents are learning that the attitudes of others are very often far more disabling than physical conditions.
Discrimination issue, easily.

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