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Should Sex Work Be Legal? (1 Viewer)

Should Sex Work Be Legal?

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DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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Should sex work be legal?
I do not see where that leads to a better society, and I see many ways in which it leads to a worse, more degraded one.
Yes, there should be little to no government involvement in the decisions made between consenting adults in this area. Even if it involves an arrangement of "sex work" in exchange for money.
Yes. Sex Work should most definitely be legal.
Yes but highly, highly, highly regulated with substantially more resources put into policing trafficking.

Elaborate on that a little, if you will please.
Elaborate on that a little, if you will please.

I think they should be subjected to strict licensing schemes, should be forced to submit to routine STD testing, should be required to procure substantial liability insurance, there should be background checks on all sex workers to ensure they haven't been coerced or trafficked into the business, etc. Also I would subject it to a hefty sin tax on the part of the buyer to generate revenue.
Yes it should. If consenting adults want to trade money for sex it is no one's business but their own (and perhaps the IRS).
As long as it's between consenting adults entering into the business transaction, on a completely voluntary basis, then I see no reason at all why anyone should have a problem with it.

Legalize it. Tax it. Protect the workers and the clients from each other. Zone it for specific areas like other businesses.

Seems to work just fine in other places in this world.
Making Sex Work legal would pretty much rid of the illegal sex trafficking that goes on in this country.
Criminalizing prostitution is so stupid and counterproductive that even the uptight ever-moralizing Victorians wouldn't do it.
As long as it's between consenting adults entering into the business transaction, on a completely voluntary basis, then I see no reason at all why anyone should have a problem with it.

Legalize it. Tax it. Protect the workers and the clients from each other. Zone it for specific areas like other businesses.

Seems to work just fine in other places in this world.

How about for once we just make something legal and not tax it? Why does our rights always have to be taxed? WTF kind of country legalizes something just so they can tax it? Do we somehow not have enough things that are taxed?

I think that it will encourage social degradation, decrease familial cohesion, and create a legal cover industry for more abuse. Everyone focuses in on the "young-middle/upper-middle class women in Vegas making a killing and getting college paid for" when discussing this for some reason, but those women aren't going to be the ones servicing truckers for $10-for-a-thrust at a truck stop. That labor will be performed instead by the same people who we use for our other dirty, ugly, painful labor - easily exploited illegal immigrants and (in this case) drug addicts desperate for their pimp to provide them with another hit. Legalization results in normalization which results in increased usage, which has a host of social ills. It's a socially destructive industry that does some immense harm to those who participate, and those who are the victims of it.
Making Sex Work legal would pretty much rid of the illegal sex trafficking that goes on in this country.

Much like making regular employment legal means that we have no regularly employed illegal immigrant population.
Making Sex Work legal would pretty much rid of the illegal sex trafficking that goes on in this country.

You mean like how no one is buying pot on the black market in Washington or Colorado? :cool:
I think they should be subjected to strict licensing schemes, should be forced to submit to routine STD testing, should be required to procure substantial liability insurance, there should be background checks on all sex workers to ensure they haven't been coerced or trafficked into the business, etc. Also I would subject it to a hefty sin tax on the part of the buyer to generate revenue.

Gosh. It kinda seems like you're going to make it expensive. That's before we even start requiring companies to buy health insurance, maternity leave, retirement plans, etc.

TheGoverness said:
Making Sex Work legal would pretty much rid of the illegal sex trafficking that goes on in this country.

What happens when we make something significantly more expensive, but a cheaper black market version is available?
I think that it will encourage social degradation, decrease familial cohesion, and create a legal cover industry for more abuse. Everyone focuses in on the "young-middle/upper-middle class women in Vegas making a killing and getting college paid for" when discussing this for some reason, but those women aren't going to be the ones servicing truckers for $10-for-a-thrust at a truck stop. That labor will be performed instead by the same people who we use for our other dirty, ugly, painful labor - easily exploited illegal immigrants and (in this case) drug addicts desperate for their pimp to provide them with another hit. Legalization results in normalization which results in increased usage, which has a host of social ills. It's a socially destructive industry that does some immense harm to those who participate, and those who are the victims of it.

I disagree. I don't think legalisation of prostitution will cause social degradation in the slightest. If people want to be prostitutes then let them be prostitutes. Live and Let Live, I say.

And legalizing sex work will probably put many of those illegal sex trafficking networks out of business, since there would be a easier, legal alternative available.

But then again, prostitution and sex trafficking are two entirely different things.
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I think that it will encourage social degradation, decrease familial cohesion, and create a legal cover industry for more abuse. Everyone focuses in on the "young-middle/upper-middle class women in Vegas making a killing and getting college paid for" when discussing this for some reason, but those women aren't going to be the ones servicing truckers for $10-for-a-thrust at a truck stop. That labor will be performed instead by the same people who we use for our other dirty, ugly, painful labor - easily exploited illegal immigrants and (in this case) drug addicts desperate for their pimp to provide them with another hit. Legalization results in normalization which results in increased usage, which has a host of social ills. It's a socially destructive industry that does some immense harm to those who participate, and those who are the victims of it.

Can you quantify anything you've just said with studies?

You're also conflating the illegality of human trafficking with a specific profession, forgetting that human trafficking is used in relation to a great number of professions unconnected with prostitution. Also, you use the "Vegas making a killing" example where prostitution is legalized. It seems that where prostitution is legal, monitored and regulated, prostitutes aren't treated anywhere near so badly as their counterparts in other states.
Yes, because it would significantly decrease violence against the workers as they would have agency to report without fear of reprisals.

It would also open up the avenue for sex therapy which is very much needed in continental North America.
How about for once we just make something legal and not tax it? Why does our rights always have to be taxed? WTF kind of country legalizes something just so they can tax it? Do we somehow not have enough things that are taxed?

Oh please... if I open a liquor store I have to pay taxes.
If I start a business in my home as baker of wedding cakes and birthday cakes I have to pay taxes.

Why would you allow a person who makes money through a business to NOT pay taxes?

Are you suggesting providing orgasms in exchange for cash might be a religious endeavor?
I would assume plenty of "oh god's" would be uttered during business hours.
Should sex work be legal?
Sure why not. People should be allowed to do what they want when it comes to their own bodies. That includes selling them for carnal pleasure. It's the world's oldest profession.

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