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Should females be allowed to specialize as infantry in the military? (1 Viewer)

Should women be allowed to specialize as infantry

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WI Crippler

DP Veteran
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning

That is the discussion that has given birth to this particular poll.

I want to be clear with the question here. I am asking if you think females should be allowed to serve as infantrymen(persons?) in the military. That means, they are not a cook or aircraft mechanic who has some basic infantry skills gleaned from either boot camp, or extra infantry training like the Marines put all personnell though.

What we are asking is if you think women should be allowed to be grunts.
Sigh, no option to study the issue to discover if it is workable in today's military...
Somtimes you have to go into a policy decision with the facts you have.
Sigh, no option to study the issue to discover if it is workable in today's military...

You could have selected the "Other" option thats most certainley been available since the threads inception. ;)
You could have selected the "Other" option thats most certainley been available since the threads inception. ;)

Done now!

10 character limit totally sucks by the way, so I give you this smiley :shock:
Sigh, no option to study the issue to discover if it is workable in today's military...
isn't Israel's military integrated and women do whatever they want
not to mention alot of them are ****ing HOT :flame:
i would love to have a woman who could kill me with one finger :2razz:
If they can go through the same training and can put as much work in as men I don't see why not. I remember somebody bringing up a link about how in the 1950s the women in the Israeli military became a hazard. It was a really different time back then and women were not anywhere near the level men were on as far as independence went. Add to that the fact that Americans have made greater strides in putting women on the same level as men and I don't see a problem with this.
isn't Israel's military integrated and women do whatever they want

No, it is not, and details are available in the linked thread.
isn't Israel's military integrated and women do whatever they want
not to mention alot of them are ****ing HOT :flame:
i would love to have a woman who could kill me with one finger :2razz:

Firefly fan detected. :mrgreen:


That is the discussion that has given birth to this particular poll.

I want to be clear with the question here. I am asking if you think females should be allowed to serve as infantrymen(persons?) in the military. That means, they are not a cook or aircraft mechanic who has some basic infantry skills gleaned from either boot camp, or extra infantry training like the Marines put all personnell though.

What we are asking is if you think women should be allowed to be grunts.

Russian women sure made damn good snipers....
I would not integrate male and female soldiers in the same companies...at least not yet. Our society is not of a type to discount gender identity entirely, and it would be inappropriate to expect that of the military.

Women can be every bit as effective in the profession of arms as men. In an all-volunteer military, there is no reason to keep women out of infantry positions.
I chose yes but that they be kept separate from the men. Reason being that the American view of life is much different from views from other countries especially in the middle east. Men would be more likely to be distracted and want to protect the women which could become a much more dangerous situation for all soldiers in that unit. So if the men and women are separated there wouldn't be that factor and women could still go out and get dirty if they wanted to.
Sigh, no option to study the issue to discover if it is workable in today's military...
No need to study the issue.

Women already train with the M16 and qualify with the M16. They serve in capacities that already put them very close to front line situations. They serve on combat vessels in the navy. They've been doing all this since the 1980s.

We're past the need for study. Should just make the decision and be done with it.
No need to study the issue.

Women already train with the M16 and qualify with the M16. They serve in capacities that already put them very close to front line situations. They serve on combat vessels in the navy. They've been doing all this since the 1980s.

We're past the need for study. Should just make the decision and be done with it.

I don't 100 % disagree with you. I strongly suspect there is nothing except social objections behind any increase in the combat roles of women. However, in the very first post in the linked thread is a link to an article that refers to a study about how women in combat caused problems with the men around them. Since we have absolutely tons of data in current combat situations, and thousands of people to interview who went through combat with women, it should be trivial to confirm that those issues from the 50's are no longer applicable.
Why not? Yes.
If they can go through the training at the same pace as a male solider I have no problem with them on the front line.

On a side note: Anyone else think Starship Troopers when reading the thread?
If they can go through the training at the same pace as a male solider I have no problem with them on the front line.

On a side note: Anyone else think Starship Troopers when reading the thread?
I was thinking more like "Friday", personally.
Sex, gender identity or sexual preference for that matter are irrelevant and inconsequential in regards to a person's ability to be an efficient killer and carry their own load.

I choose the 1st option.

That is the discussion that has given birth to this particular poll.

I want to be clear with the question here. I am asking if you think females should be allowed to serve as infantrymen(persons?) in the military. That means, they are not a cook or aircraft mechanic who has some basic infantry skills gleaned from either boot camp, or extra infantry training like the Marines put all personnell though.

What we are asking is if you think women should be allowed to be grunts.

I think you are asking the wrong question. The question should be: Should the Army change how it matches ability and aptitude to each MOS?

I say yes, it should. I served as an Artilleryman on the M109 Paladin. The lightest round for that howitzer wieghs 94 lbs. Quite often during my seven years of service I saw male soldiers come into my MOS who could not physically perform the job. This left the command with no choice but to take these soldiers out of their MOS and stick them as drivers and clerks. Meanwhile, just down the road is an MP unit full of females, some of which I'd be afraid to meet in a dark alley, who clearly possessed the physical strenght and stamina to perform in Artillery and yet because my MOS is designated combats arms this is not allowed. the true irony of the situation being that MP units have faced more direct combat and ieds than other type of unit in Iraq.
Females were not needed in combat roles during any previous war. Why do people think they are needed now?

Females should not serve in ground combat forces in other than a support role in my opinion.

This reminds me of that female fire fighter who could not pass the test and sued the department and got hired. I hope she never has to rescue anyone who weighs over 150 lbs.
Modern warfare virtually never involves hand to hand combat. The abilities needed by infantry has changed.
I think a better question would be ''how many women would want to serve as an infantryman''? I'd say, not many. I know this from talking to several female Soldiers.

An old grunt once said that if a woman could fight him off with her bare hands in any situation, then and only then would it be acceptable. If there are women out there that could do so, then it would be select few and I don't see a few women in combat MOS's being all that distracting.

BTW, anyone ever notice that civilians and military personnel(BTDT'S) ALWAYS have a different take on these matters? I wonder why that is:cool:

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