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Should America be proactive in the world wide looming food shortage? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 9, 2018
Reaction score
I am hearing and seeing warnings about potential food shortages due to the war in Ukraine. The president even read something about it from his teleprompter. Google or Duck food shortages and you will see hundreds of articles talking about how the bad is going to get worse. This is a foreseeable crisis. What are we doing about it?
Now Google or duck duck food shortage bio fuels; food shortage ethanol. Crickets currently. A few food shortage articles from the late 2000s forecasting increased prices and shortages. Why is this?
What would Putin do tomorrow if Biden announced American farmers would begin transitioning away from bio fuels to wheat and food with massive public investment to "warp speed" this transition? We could totally negate ANY reliance on Russian wheat. Add a focus on American energy independence to become a net positive exporter of oil energy also at "warp speed" ? What leverage would Putin have?
Remove the regulations and subsidies propping up the production of ethanol and subsidize transition back to food. It is unconscionable that we are burning food...... common sense.
Ethanol has become the third rail amongst the political class. This crisis should be a wake up call. ( Even Trump is for Ethanol)
I am hearing and seeing warnings about potential food shortages due to the war in Ukraine. The president even read something about it from his teleprompter. Google or Duck food shortages and you will see hundreds of articles talking about how the bad is going to get worse. This is a foreseeable crisis. What are we doing about it?
Now Google or duck duck food shortage bio fuels; food shortage ethanol. Crickets currently. A few food shortage articles from the late 2000s forecasting increased prices and shortages. Why is this?
What would Putin do tomorrow if Biden announced American farmers would begin transitioning away from bio fuels to wheat and food with massive public investment to "warp speed" this transition? We could totally negate ANY reliance on Russian wheat. Add a focus on American energy independence to become a net positive exporter of oil energy also at "warp speed" ? What leverage would Putin have?
Remove the regulations and subsidies propping up the production of ethanol and subsidize transition back to food. It is unconscionable that we are burning food...... common sense.
Ethanol has become the third rail amongst the political class. This crisis should be a wake up call. ( Even Trump is for Ethanol)
Is it predicted there will be food shortages in the US? Just wondering.
i should go to heaven and ask WWII vets how much sacrifice we should endure before we snap.

like is eating frozen waffles instead of frozen pancakes a bridge too far for Americans.
Is it predicted there will be food shortages in the US? Just wondering.

No, an increase in the price of agricultural (or fossil fuel) products will not cause a shortage in wealthier nations - it will impact those in poorer nations (and possibly the poorest even in richer nations) who simply can’t afford to pay (spend) more - thus by paying (spending?) the same (all they can) they will be forced to get by with less.
That's not because of a shortage. It's because of inflation.
Actually, US food production is noticeably down in some major production areas due long term (climate change) drought, and that is contributing to inflation. I guess they don't cover that on Newsmax or Fox etc,?
Actually, US food production is noticeably down in some major production areas due long term (climate change) drought, and that is contributing to inflation. I guess they don't cover that on Newsmax or Fox etc,?

US food production is down because of inflation affecting the production - processing - distribution - retail system. That inflation is primarily driven by increasing energy prices.

It all rolls downhill.

You can thank the puppet in the WH for that.
I am hearing and seeing warnings about potential food shortages due to the war in Ukraine. The president even read something about it from his teleprompter. Google or Duck food shortages and you will see hundreds of articles talking about how the bad is going to get worse. This is a foreseeable crisis. What are we doing about it?
Now Google or duck duck food shortage bio fuels; food shortage ethanol. Crickets currently. A few food shortage articles from the late 2000s forecasting increased prices and shortages. Why is this?
What would Putin do tomorrow if Biden announced American farmers would begin transitioning away from bio fuels to wheat and food with massive public investment to "warp speed" this transition? We could totally negate ANY reliance on Russian wheat. Add a focus on American energy independence to become a net positive exporter of oil energy also at "warp speed" ? What leverage would Putin have?
Remove the regulations and subsidies propping up the production of ethanol and subsidize transition back to food. It is unconscionable that we are burning food...... common sense.
Ethanol has become the third rail amongst the political class. This crisis should be a wake up call. ( Even Trump is for Ethanol)

Biofuel is dumb.

For one thing, making one gallon of fuel from corn produces 50 gallons of high-alkaline water, and making 1 gallon of fuel requires the use a total of about 4000 gallons of water, all told.
Biofuel is dumb.

For one thing, making one gallon of fuel from corn produces 50 gallons of high-alkaline water, and making 1 gallon of fuel requires the use a total of about 4000 gallons of water, all told.
Not just dumb.....unconscionable.

US food production is down because of inflation affecting the production - processing - distribution - retail system. That inflation is primarily driven by increasing energy prices.

It all rolls downhill.

You can thank the puppet in the WH for that.
No. You are wrong. Do some research on what is happening to food production in major multi year drought impacted areas in the west. Your problem is that you are so politically bigoted that you've lost your ability to recognise reality.
I'm split on this one. I don't like us using corn to make fuel. Stupid to mess with the food supply. However, if we stop ethanol production, would it cause gas prices to go higher? Higher gas prices are something we can't really stand right now...
Something that could help food prices would be to get the federal government out of the business of limiting production of many food commodities. I believe this has been happening for decades and decades. For example, Michigan is one of the largest producers of tart cherries. In some years when the yield is high, they are forced to essentially throw away a significant percentage of their crop in an attempt to control prices.

A Traverse City tart cherry farmer is leaving 14% of his crop this year to rot on the ground to comply with an industry marketing agreement intended to keep cherry prices stable. And he's not happy about it.

A frustrated Marc Santucci, who grows about 30 acres of cherries on his 80-acre Traverse City farm, put a photo of the dumped cherries, thick on the ground, on Facebook Tuesday — and the photo had been shared nearly 38,000 times as of Thursday afternoon.

"These cherries are beautiful!" Santucci posted with the photo. "But, we have to dump 14% of our tart cherry crop on the ground to rot. Why? So we can allow the import of 200 million pounds of cherries from overseas! It just doesn't seem right."

Contacted Thursday, Santucci said limitations on the amount of cherries he can sell are "a vain attempt to prop up the price of cherries."

"My concern is, we're trying to limit the supply here, but all that does is increase imports," he said.

At issue is a marketing order imposed through the U.S. Department of Agriculture as part of the federal Agricultural Agreement Act of 1937. But that law only applies to the tart cherry industry because growers and processors opted into the order in 1995....

"If I have to sell these excess cherries for less, I might not make that much more," he said. "But if we're ever going to stop the increase in imports, we've got to compete with them head to head on every cherry we produce. If we don't do that, we're leaving the market wide open to them."

Hedin, however, said the American tart cherry industry has focused on retail markets, rather than the industrial markets the foreign producers tend to target.

"We don't produce enough concentrate in the entire United States to satisfy the demand of the import product," he said. "The import product is coming in at 200 million pounds per year, and we're producing 30 million to 50 million pounds.

"Even if we took our whole crop in many years, we couldn't satisfy that demand. It's not a competitive market for us."

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Biofuel is dumb.

For one thing, making one gallon of fuel from corn produces 50 gallons of high-alkaline water, and making 1 gallon of fuel requires the use a total of about 4000 gallons of water, all told.
Easy big boy. Corn is used because of the agricultural lobby in America, and guess what? It is one of the least efficient ways to make biofuel. Hemp and switchgrass don't need fertilizer tilling or much of anything really. Have farmers start using their fallow fields with these and biofuel is a whole different animal.
go to your favorite conservative "blog" and they will give you the "truth."
Yeah, from the "right-wingers" at The Hill quoting the POTUS....


Biden warns of ‘real’ food shortage risk over Russia’s invasion into Ukraine​

by Alex Gangitano - 03/24/22 6:03 PM ET

President Biden warned Thursday that there could be global food shortages resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and announced steps to prevent a potential crisis.

“We did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real. The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well,” Biden said at a press conference from Brussels, where he is meeting with NATO leaders. '
go to your favorite conservative "blog" and they will give you the "truth."
Why should I? It's the OP's claim. It's what he's been "hearing and seeing".

US food production is down because of inflation affecting the production - processing - distribution - retail system. That inflation is primarily driven by increasing energy prices.

It all rolls downhill.

You can thank the puppet in the WH for that.
Wrong, inflation isn’t the only reason. Part of it is climate (all president are to blame). Part of it is the decades long practice of paying farmers not only grow (all presidents to blame). And that trade war with China that hurt US agriculture (that one is on Trump).

Should get that Biden Derangement Syndrome checked on….
Why should I? It's the OP's claim. It's what he's been "hearing and seeing".
I heard from Biden's own mouth as he read of the teleprompter. What is he going to do about it. Be empathetic?
I heard from Biden's own mouth as he read of the teleprompter. What is he going to do about it. Be empathetic?
Yeah, I posted it in #17, no reply.

Biden warns of ‘real’ food shortage risk over Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

President Biden warned Thursday that there could be global food shortages resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and announced steps to prevent a potential crisis.“We did talk abo…



Biden warns of ‘real’ food shortage risk over Russia’s invasion into Ukraine​

by Alex Gangitano - 03/24/22 6:03 PM ET

President Biden warned Thursday that there could be global food shortages resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and announced steps to prevent a potential crisis.

“We did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real. The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well,” Biden said at a press conference from Brussels, where he is meeting with NATO leaders. '
Yeah, I posted it in #17, no reply.

Biden warns of ‘real’ food shortage risk over Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

President Biden warned Thursday that there could be global food shortages resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and announced steps to prevent a potential crisis.“We did talk abo…



Biden warns of ‘real’ food shortage risk over Russia’s invasion into Ukraine​

by Alex Gangitano - 03/24/22 6:03 PM ET

President Biden warned Thursday that there could be global food shortages resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and announced steps to prevent a potential crisis.

“We did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real. The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well,” Biden said at a press conference from Brussels, where he is meeting with NATO leaders. '

Not sure that a reply was warranted.

Seems like we agree that there are signs of food shortages and that nothing is being done.
Not sure that a reply was warranted.

Seems like we agree that there are signs of food shortages and that nothing is being done.
of course "nothing is being done" This is the mind set of a conservative when a democrat is in the WH
I am hearing and seeing warnings about potential food shortages due to the war in Ukraine. The president even read something about it from his teleprompter. Google or Duck food shortages and you will see hundreds of articles talking about how the bad is going to get worse. This is a foreseeable crisis. What are we doing about it?
Now Google or duck duck food shortage bio fuels; food shortage ethanol. Crickets currently. A few food shortage articles from the late 2000s forecasting increased prices and shortages. Why is this?
What would Putin do tomorrow if Biden announced American farmers would begin transitioning away from bio fuels to wheat and food with massive public investment to "warp speed" this transition? We could totally negate ANY reliance on Russian wheat. Add a focus on American energy independence to become a net positive exporter of oil energy also at "warp speed" ? What leverage would Putin have?
Remove the regulations and subsidies propping up the production of ethanol and subsidize transition back to food. It is unconscionable that we are burning food...... common sense.
Ethanol has become the third rail amongst the political class. This crisis should be a wake up call. ( Even Trump is for Ethanol)
Since when does the Ukraine feed the world?

It was not that long ago (1973) when the US was selling millions of tons of wheat and corn to the Ukraine in order to feed them. Then came Carter's grain embargo against the USSR in 1980 after they invaded Afghanistan, so the Ukraine wasn't feeding anyone outside of the USSR.

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