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Short-Circuit: Trump Promises To Cut Regulation For 'Titties' (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Is Trump having a short-circuit moment, or was it all for attention? In his economic speech this morning, which was basically all of the billionaires' wish lists -- lower taxes, less regulation, and the like, he had a bit of a short-circuit.

"I am going to cut regulations massively. Massively," declared the candidate. The very BEST cuts in regulations, I'm sure. "Our lower business tax will also end job-killing corporate inversions and cause trillions in new dollars and wealth to come pouring into our country," he continued.

He added, "And, by the way, into titties like right here in Detroit."

I tried with and without headphones to hear that last line any other way, but it just wasn't there for me. Titties it is.

OK, folks. Donald Trump may have just won my vote. LOL.

Article is here.
OK, folks. Donald Trump may have just won my vote. LOL.

Article is here.

Yea, his Economic Advisory Team are his biggest donors.

I saw one of those dip****s bring interviewed this morning.

Just more dancing rather than answering questions bull****.
:lol: Ok so I'm not the only one who heard that.
He meant what he said. I'm sure he has invested plenty of money in titties.
"cause trillions in new dollars and wealth to come pouring into our country," he continued.

He added, "And, by the way, into titties like right here in Detroit."


Donald wins the strip-club vote.
Is there any demographic this man can't win?
He will probably get Bill'S vote now.

Maybe he is looking to pander to lesbian couples.
You do got a point. Heck Bruce Jenner liked them so much He got himself a pair of C cups to have.

Even with Bruce there's millions of more men in the US who like titties than there are lesbians and Bruce who like them.

But maybe he was talking about his many wifes and their boob jobs. IDK.
"I am going to cut regulations massively. Massively[.] Our lower business tax will also end job-killing corporate inversions and cause trillions in new dollars and wealth to come pouring into our country[.] "And, by the way, into titties like right here in Detroit."

I admit that I have never encountered this use of the term "titties". What the hell does he mean by stating that wealth will pour into titties such as those in Detroit? Is "into titties" some kind of phrase now?

I've heard of "ripped to the tits" (completely sozzled) but not this.
"I am going to cut regulations massively. Massively[.] Our lower business tax will also end job-killing corporate inversions and cause trillions in new dollars and wealth to come pouring into our country[.] "And, by the way, into titties like right here in Detroit."

I admit that I have never encountered this use of the term "titties". What the hell does he mean by stating that wealth will pour into titties such as those in Detroit? Is "into titties" some kind of phrase now?

I've heard of "ripped to the tits" (completely sozzled) but not this.

Hell, I'll just chalk this up to Trump being a typical man. Maybe he saw a woman with big boobs in the audience. And, if I were in his shoes and she came up to me and asked me why I was looking at her, and did I like her, I would reply "Yes I am deeply in love with both of you". LOL.
With Donald Trump as president, Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at the Superbowl will be the new norm. All the more reason to vote for Trump.
This was genius on Trump's part. We're all talking about how he said "titties" instead of how horrendous his policies are. This is his entire campaign strategy: keep us focused on how dumb he says things instead of how dumb what he says is.
This was genius on Trump's part. We're all talking about how he said "titties" instead of how horrendous his policies are. This is his entire campaign strategy: keep us focused on how dumb he says things instead of how dumb what he says is.

It's a good move on Trump's part. he keeps all us guys focused on titties, and then we forget to vote. LOL.
It's a good move on Trump's part. he keeps all us guys focused on titties, and then we forget to vote. LOL.

Sure, if only women vote, Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton in a landslide!
Sure, if only women vote, Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton in a landslide!

it will be a landslide if only the blondes turn out. LOL.

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