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Sheehan? (1 Viewer)

How do you feel about Mrs. Sheehans recent actions?

  • Sympathetic

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Proud

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Angry

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 30.2%

  • Total voters
I don't really have any feelings about her. I don't think about her much. I find it amusing how much the Pro-War Party and it's adherents has decided to amplify her case. Since I don't watch TV news, if not for the Pro-War Party, I prob'ly wouldn't've heard of her as soon as I did.
I'm sorry for the loss of her son, but demanding to speak to the president? What is she going to get him to say that he hasn't already said? Her son knew what he was doing when he joined the military. He knew the risks and while it is quite a tradgedy that he lost his life, it was a decision he made and it should be respected rather than used to launch an anti-war campaign.
Can you give an account of what this matter entails so that non-US citizens unaware of internal strifes may cast an objective opinion on the matter?

It funny she sayes she is not going to pay her taxes for 2004. She sayes this like its something new. Apparently she didn't pay her taxes in the 90's either. In 1998 the IRS put a lien on her house. I guess she did it for the same reason. You know if she doesn't pay income tax for 2004 the IRS won't get around to it untill about 2007. By then she will not be as famous as she is now and her arrest won't be a big deal. Besides not paying taxes would go against her social/communist ideology. Liberal ussually set up foundations to avoid paying taxes. The concept of outright refusal to pay sounds more liberatarian/conservative to me.

When she switched her political view to Bush bashing her lien was suddenly paid. I wonder who's pocket she's eating out of. I woder if she will refuse to pay taxes on that as well.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I'm sorry for the loss of her son, but demanding to speak to the president? What is she going to get him to say that he hasn't already said? Her son knew what he was doing when he joined the military. He knew the risks and while it is quite a tradgedy that he lost his life, it was a decision he made and it should be respected rather than used to launch an anti-war campaign.

Although I fear her cause has grown beyond just the death of her son.
Simon W. Moon said:
I don't really have any feelings about her. I don't think about her much. I find it amusing how much the Pro-War Party and it's adherents has decided to amplify her case. Since I don't watch TV news, if not for the Pro-War Party, I prob'ly wouldn't've heard of her as soon as I did.

Excuse me....."Pro-War"?
Parmenion said:
Can you give an account of what this matter entails so that non-US citizens unaware of internal strifes may cast an objective opinion on the matter?


She's a woman who lost her son to the war in Iraq.
Last year, the President met with her and she said some very positive things about him and the meeting; it brought her family closer together.

As of recently, she has camped outside of his ranch, has said he terated her indifferently at their meeting and is demanding he speak to her again so she can tell him that this war is a lie and that Israel is not worth it.

In a nutshell...
Parmenion said:
Basically she is a nutjob with an axe to grind :lol:

Sounds about right, but a lot of people believe the axe was GIVEN to her by people with an agenda(Michael Moore, Moveon.org).

It may be that she's speaking out because she is being used as a pawn.
Which is generally the case where matters of politics are involved, I would definitely have to agree.
Tetracide said:

Although I fear her cause has grown beyond just the death of her son.

She is using her sons death as a weight in her political debute. Like Michael Moore i doubt she cares about her "cause" more than she does trying to make the president look stupid.
Gandhi>Bush said:
I'm sorry for the loss of her son, but demanding to speak to the president? What is she going to get him to say that he hasn't already said? Her son knew what he was doing when he joined the military. He knew the risks and while it is quite a tradgedy that he lost his life, it was a decision he made and it should be respected rather than used to launch an anti-war campaign.

I pretty much agree with you on this, but on the other hand, deaths are, and were used to start a war, as well as rumors of a threat of deaths to start another war, so why not use a death or deaths to protest or try and stop a war?

Just because it was a military death? Those killed are highly respected by me, but then again so are the lives of the live troops.

Just thinking again, I guess this could be dangerous if it becomes a habit.
Parmenion said:
Which is generally the case where matters of politics are involved, I would definitely have to agree.

Her spin stoped being about her son and started to be about her and her BS. Is is a sad day when a mother uses her dead son as an excuse to get on TV.
cnredd said:
Excuse me....."Pro-War"?
Well, it's not like the they all officially belong to the same party.

And from William Kristol, neocon godfather:
"If we have to make common cause with the more hawkish liberals and fight the conservatives, that is fine with me... If you read the last few issues of the Weekly Standard, it has much more in common with liberal hawks than traditional conservatives."

And, if you'll note, the best intel available at the time said that Saddam was deterred. Our American Intel Community specifically said that Huussein wasn't likely to attack us with WMD or conventional weapons, directly or by proxy. So attacking a country that's not likely to attack us is pretty much solely a position of "pro-war".
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C.J. said:
but on the other hand, deaths are, and were used to start a war, as well as rumors of a threat of deaths to start another war, so why not use a death or deaths to protest or try and stop a war?

The deaths that were used to start this war were the deaths of civilians who did not provoke anyone into attacking and who weren't willing to die. These soldiers know what is in store for them and they know that they could die over there. They still go. Their deaths should not be used as a political/popularity stunt.
guns_God_glory said:
She is using her sons death as a weight in her political debute.
guns_God_glory said:
Like Michael Moore i doubt she cares about her "cause" more than she does trying to make the president look stupid.
And trying to make a big book deal.
guns_God_glory said:
The deaths that were used to start this war were the deaths of civilians who did not provoke anyone into attacking and who weren't willing to die. These soldiers know what is in store for them and they know that they could die over there. They still go. Their deaths should not be used as a political/popularity stunt.

Oh, what - so the death of a soldier isn't a tragedy?
guns_God_glory said:
The deaths that were used to start this war were the deaths of civilians who did not provoke anyone into attacking and who weren't willing to die.

That wasn't my point. My point was that deaths from any cause, will because of human nature instill in individuals a desire to not let it happen again, either by "killing them first," or by not participating.

guns_God_glory said:
These soldiers know what is in store for them and they know that they could die over there. They still go. Their deaths should not be used as a political/popularity stunt.

Sure, they know the possibilities, and I agree that their deaths should not be used as a "political/popularity stunt," but when deaths are seen as needless, those who see it that way not only have a right, but an obligation to speak up, a parent especially, regardless who rides their coattail.
Originally Posted by Parmenion
Can you give an account of what this matter entails so that non-US citizens unaware of internal strifes may cast an objective opinion on the matter?

Originally Posted by VTA:
She's a woman who lost her son to the war in Iraq.
Last year, the President met with her and she said some very positive things about him and the meeting; it brought her family closer together.

As of recently, she has camped outside of his ranch, has said he terated her indifferently at their meeting and is demanding he speak to her again so she can tell him that this war is a lie and that Israel is not worth it.

In a nutshell...
That's bullshit, VTA!
Originally Posted by Parmenion:
Basically she is a nutjob with an axe to grind

Originally Posted by cnredd:
Sounds about right, but a lot of people believe the axe was GIVEN to her by people with an agenda(Michael Moore, Moveon.org).

It may be that she's speaking out because she is being used as a pawn.
Parmenion, I wouldn't be so quick to draw a conclusion when you are hearing from only one side of the fence. The pro-war side, so far. You can decide for yourself if you care to read on and see what Cindy has to say directly.

cnredd, I'm glad you brought this up, Battle-Boy. Why don't we here this from the horses mouth. Here's what she had to say today:

Hypocrites and Liars By Cindy Sheehan Saturday 20 August 2005

I haven't had much time to analyze the Camp Casey phenomena. I just read that I gave 250 interviews in less than a week's time. I believe it. I would go to bed with a raw throat every night. I got pretty tired of answering some questions, like: "What do you want to say to the President?" and "Do you really think he will meet with you?" However, since my mom has been sick I have had a chance to step back and ponder the flood gates that I opened in Crawford, Tx.

I just read an article posted today on LewRockwell.com by artist Robert Shetterly who painted my portrait. The article reminded me of something I said at the Veteran's for Peace Convention the night before I set out to Bush's ranch in my probable futile quest for the truth. This is what I said:

I got an email the other day and it said, "Cindy if you didn't use so much profanity ... there's people on the fence that get offended.
And you know what I said? "You know what? You know what, god damn it? How in the world is anybody still sitting on that fence?

If you fall on the side that is pro-George and pro-war, you get your ass over to Iraq, and take the place of somebody who wants to come home. And if you fall on the side that is against this war and against George Bush, stand up and speak out.
If you care to read the rest of her letter, you can find it here:

How do you all feel about Mrs. Sheehan? I'm sympathetic to her situation although her cause I am not. Let me know what you think.

I am angry that a mother would prostitute her dead son like that in order to get 15 minutes of fame.She has a right to be a scumbag liberal and protest and I have a right to call her scum.I think right now her son is rolling over in his grave over the fact of what his mother is doing.
I'm sympathetic to her loss, but her political activism is pathetic and the behavior of those who exploit her loss is despicable.
Originally posted by jamesrage:
I am angry that a mother would prostitute her dead son like that in order to get 15 minutes of fame.She has a right to be a scumbag liberal and protest and I have a right to call her scum.I think right now her son is rolling over in his grave over the fact of what his mother is doing.
No, her son is pissed-off right now because he died in vain over bad, war mongering Americans!
Originally posted by Diogenes:
I'm sympathetic to her loss, but her political activism is pathetic and the behavior of those who exploit her loss is despicable.
Care to comment on the 1800+ GI's George Bush has exploited to annex Iraq oil exports.
No, her son is pissed-off right now because he died in vain over bad, war mongering Americans!

If her son was pissed off about Iraq then why on earth did he re-up?Why earth would he even join the Army if he was such a chicken **** anti-war liberal?
Military equals the strong possibility of going to war.I knew this when I signed my name on the dotted line.I knew that when I joined up for infantry I could get sent to war for any reason.He knew this as well.He was not under some retarded delusion that he would never be sent anywhere to fight for any reason.

DO you know that when you join the military you could go to war for any reason?Apparently I have to ask such a retarded question because there are morons who do not know this.MILITARY EQUALS WAR.

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