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Sanders: Time to for common ground laws: Ban all guns not used for hunting. (1 Viewer)

Black people have the freedom to go to church without being slaughtered by angry white guys.

How did race get into this? Is this the direction you go when your argument is going down the ****ter?
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How did race get into this? Is the direction you go when your argument is going down the ****ter?

His argument started there and has degraded since then
His argument started there and has degraded since then

It started with his first post. It is a cycle. Ask questions that they don't know the answers to. Think they have a solution until they get answers. Ignore the Constitution aspect and give the "dead babies" argument. Divert to the "if it will save one life" argument. Jump to "don't need an assault weapon to hunt" argument. This diversion was just stupid. Not many go race card like that.

I need some ice cream and we don't have any. I am cranky.
It started with his first post. It is a cycle. Ask questions that they don't know the answers to. Think they have a solution until they get answers. Ignore the Constitution aspect and give the "dead babies" argument. Divert to the "if it will save one life" argument. Jump to "don't need an assault weapon to hunt" argument. This diversion was just stupid. Not many go race card like that.

I need some ice cream and we don't have any. I am cranky.

Here is how it works

1) start with someone is is a LW Democrat, socialist, progressive: i.e. someone who sees that NRA as supporting politicians they oppose.

2) attack gun owners and the NRA on the pretense that these entities are causing harm to public safety because that sounds better than whining about the opposition to "progressive" politics

3) post some mindless nonsense that patently is an attack on lawful gun owners rather than criminals

4) get upset when the mindless attacks are obliterated by people who can see through the facade
I don't need to walk around with a gun on my hip to feel like a man, brah. Why do you?

It doesnt make me feel like a man. Why would I want to feel like a man?

Not very well educated on this subject, are you? Your 'assumptions' are all emotional & fear-based, which you attempt to cover with derision.
It doesnt make me feel like a man. Why would I want to feel like a man?

Not very well educated on this subject, are you? Your 'assumptions' are all emotional & fear-based, which you attempt to cover with derision.

Good one
why do you ask stupid questions like that that assume facts not in evidence?

why don't you cut the crap and tell us why you are so hostile towards legal gun ownership?

I'm tired of seeing psychopaths walk into crowded places and shoot people up. Aren't you??

It doesn't happen in other countries like it does here.
I'm tired of seeing psychopaths walk into crowded places and shoot people up. Aren't you??

It doesn't happen in other countries like it does here.

I am tired of gun banners pretending that such incidents can be cured by stupid laws that harass honest people. Its rather inane to think someone who commits massive cases of capital murder will worry about the consequences of a stupid gun law

what I am also tired of is people disarmed by mendacious liberal politicians, and thus those disarmed victims are sitting ducks for hard core premeditated murderers.
I am tired of gun banners pretending that such incidents can be cured by stupid laws that harass honest people. Its rather inane to think someone who commits massive cases of capital murder will worry about the consequences of a stupid gun law.

And yet for the most part it's worked in Europe and Australia
The Constitution says well regulated militia, which means the government can decide you don't need an AK-47

that's idiotic. if you aren't part of the federal militia, the federal government has no say what you can own. The only time the federal government has a proper say is when you are in the federal militia-and the government can tell you what sort of weapons YOU USE in service

its the same as being told you have to wear same Camo Pattern #4 BDUs but that does not give congress to tell you what you wear while not in active duty or what sort of clothes you can wear off duty or when not serving
And yet for the most part it's worked in Europe and Australia

You should move there an tell the French

we have constitutional rights that many moon bats on the left want to discard
that's idiotic. if you aren't part of the federal militia, the federal government has no say what you can own. The only time the federal government has a proper say is when you are in the federal militia-and the government can tell you what sort of weapons YOU USE in service

Then you agree if you aren't part of the federal militia you have no right to own a gun. Glad we cleared that up brah! :peace
That was one incident hence the reason I said for the most part. How many shooting happen in France? In this country they are daily.

Not relevant: the rate of white gun violence in the USA is about the same level as white gun violence in European nations
Then you agree if you aren't part of the federal militia you have no right to own a gun. Glad we cleared that up brah! :peace

that is beyond moronic. In fact its so stupid it permanently disqualifies ANYTHING you say on second amendment issues from being taken seriously. How do people appear ready willing and able to serve in a militia without having arms beforehand?

I realize you have not completed college, let alone law school. but the fact remains-what NATURAL RIGHT did the founders see as pre-existing all government and which they sought to guarantee with the second amendment?

Hint-a natural right that exists PRIOR to the formation of government cannot be dependent on membership in a government organization
Black people have the freedom to go to church without being slaughtered by angry white guys.

Most black people are killed by black people and abortion.
I'm tired of seeing psychopaths walk into crowded places and shoot people up. Aren't you??

It doesn't happen in other countries like it does here.

you live in my hometown.... in a state that consistently received an "F" from anti-gun rights groups.....you're simply in the wrong city, wrong state, and wrong country if you don't enjoy our rights.

Cuba has strict gun control, very few rights, and no political opposition..... coupled with a tropical climate, it's the perfect place for a "very liberal" person who isn't actually "very liberal"
you live in my hometown.... in a state that consistently received an "F" from anti-gun rights groups.....you're simply in the wrong city, wrong state, and wrong country if you don't enjoy our rights.

Cuba has strict gun control, very few rights, and no political opposition..... coupled with a tropical climate, it's the perfect place for a "very liberal" person who isn't actually "very liberal"

I've only lived in Vegas for five years. I was born and grew up in Hawaii and we had very low gun crime compared to the other states and Hawaii has strict gun control.
My god what a bunch of lunatics

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