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Sanders: Time to for common ground laws: Ban all guns not used for hunting. (1 Viewer)

Is gun crime in Hawaii some of the lowest in the nation or not?

Crime with guns is the lowest in Hawaii. Crime in general Hawaii doesn't make the top 5 safest, it does make the top 10

But 5 states with non existent or lenient gun laws are lower violent crime then Hawaii. Three states with low gun regulation have lower rates of murder
Crime with guns is the lowest in Hawaii. Crime in general Hawaii doesn't make the top 5 safest, it does make the top 10

But 5 states with non existent or lenient gun laws are lower violent crime then Hawaii. Three states with low gun regulation have lower rates of murder

That's going to hurt in the morning.
You have to keep them in your house. It's almost impossible to get a CWP

Of course you do. The average citizen in Hawaii cannot be trusted with a CWP as most are not capable of handling a firearm safely in a public setting. At least that is what your laws assume....
You have to keep them in your house. It's almost impossible to get a CWP

'Have to'? Law abiding citizens choose to. Thats the problem with your arguments. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens and you will never need to know a seconds fear from them. What Hawaii has had the good fortune to be is insulated from the inner city gangs and violence that every mainland state and major city experiences (without regard to strict or lax laws, majority political sway, etc).
Yeah but Hawaii's population is mostly Asian and we're more civilized than the rest of you.

Correction, you're more civilized then most Americans except the exclusively white populations of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Idaho

Seriously guy, you are just grasping at straws
Yeah but Hawaii's population is mostly Asian and we're more civilized than the rest of you.
The Poly asian culture is strongly family oriented. Thats a positive protective factor. If you are smart you will zealously guard against the Hispanic drug culture that is currently working to make inroads into Hawaii. They already are your single biggest trafficking threat. Let them establish population bases and you will start to experience in an increase in organized violence that accompanies the competing drug gang culture. Then you wont be so insulated anymore.
1) I said for the most part
2) I live in the present time not sure about you
3) People lived for millennia without guns (see how that works?)

Arms have been with mankind since its inception.

Anyone would know that. Arms today of course are in the form of firearms.

No I don't see how idiocy works.
Yeah but Hawaii's population is mostly Asian and we're more civilized than the rest of you.

The citizens of Nanking Circa 1939 or so might disagree with that

or those who survived "the Killing fields" or the Maoist massacres

Every ethnic group has evidence of brutality
Yeah but Hawaii's population is mostly Asian and we're more civilized than the rest of you.

Mao and Pol Pot were gentlemens gentlemen eh?

Perhaps that heritage is why Hawaii will not allow the common citizenry to carry firearms....you simply cannot be trusted with dangerous things.
The Poly asian culture is strongly family oriented. Thats a positive protective factor. If you are smart you will zealously guard against the Hispanic drug culture that is currently working to make inroads into Hawaii. They already are your single biggest trafficking threat. Let them establish population bases and you will start to experience in an increase in organized violence that accompanies the competing drug gang culture. Then you wont be so insulated anymore.

That kind of talk is racist. There is nothing inherent that makes people of certain races do one thing or another. One of my best friends is Hispanic and he is not a drug runner.
The citizens of Nanking Circa 1939 or so might disagree with that

or those who survived "the Killing fields" or the Maoist massacres

Every ethnic group has evidence of brutality

Talking about Asian-Americans brah
That kind of talk is racist. There is nothing inherent that makes people of certain races do one thing or another. One of my best friends is Hispanic and he is not a drug runner.
Factual...not in the least racist. If you don't believe the Hispanic drug culture is working today to make inroads into the Hawaiin drug scene you know nothing about Hawaii.

"In Hawaii there are more than 140 street gangs with over 1,500 members. Most gang-related crime is attributed to Filipino, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, and Tongan street gangs. These gangs distribute most drugs at the retail level throughout Hawaii. Hispanic street gang activity is increasing. Some street gang members have relocated from Los Angeles and San Francisco to Hawaii, particularly Honolulu."
Overview - Hawaii Drug Threat Assessment

Guard against it or get ready to deal with the same problems faced in every major city in America. Feel free to wet yourself over the facts if you like though.
Talking about Asian-Americans brah

you started it claiming Asians are more civilized than the rest of us. That appears racist to me and has no basis in fact
you started it claiming Asians are more civilized than the rest of us. That appears racist to me and has no basis in fact

Nope, just a fact. We're the best educated. We commit the least amount of crime and have the least amount of people on public assistance.
Nope, just a fact. We're the best educated. We commit the least amount of crime and have the least amount of people on public assistance.

I tend to see people as individuals. My sister in law is full blood Chinese so my two lovely nieces are half Asian. and yes they are all well educated. But then again so is my white brother. The fact is your anti gun arguments demonstrate a COMPLETE lack of education in this area and your understanding of history leaves a great deal to be desired.
I tend to see people as individuals. My sister in law is full blood Chinese so my two lovely nieces are half Asian. and yes they are all well educated. But then again so is my white brother. The fact is your anti gun arguments demonstrate a COMPLETE lack of education in this area and your understanding of history leaves a great deal to be desired.

I graduated near the top of my class in high school and I'm currently in my second year of college with a 3.9 GPA
I graduated near the top of my class in high school and I'm currently in my second year of college with a 3.9 GPA

good for you. education can never be taken away from you and one of the things I admire with many of my Asian (and Jewish) friends is how their cultures value and honor education and educational achievement.
I graduated near the top of my class in high school and I'm currently in my second year of college with a 3.9 GPA

You should take some classes on the Constitution.
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Nope, just a fact. We're the best educated. We commit the least amount of crime and have the least amount of people on public assistance.

Compliant and subservient to those in power too.
Nope, just a fact. We're the best educated. We commit the least amount of crime and have the least amount of people on public assistance.

But cannot be trusted with firearms in Hawaii. Virginia Tech shows that pretty clearly.
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The citizens of Nanking Circa 1939 or so might disagree with that

or those who survived "the Killing fields" or the Maoist massacres

Every ethnic group has evidence of brutality
Nice post, always love when someone bursts the myth that Asians are somehow more civilized and less prone to violence, only someone that knows Nothing about history or has been to Asia would even makes such ignorant statements. I would also point out that there are Violent Asian Gangs here in the USA and that includes Hawaii.
I graduated near the top of my class in high school and I'm currently in my second year of college with a 3.9 GPA

Hit the History books a bit harder, then get back to us.

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