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Ruth Bader Ginsburg? (1 Viewer)

when will Ruth Ginsburg be off the court?

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Yup its possible trump will get to replace both of them which will be a nuclear level meltdown on the left.

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McConnellism’s behavior on judges, supported by gops, has caused permanent and irreparable harm to our Nation.
Hyperbole from the alt-right wishing RBG dead is what you’re seeing in this thread. There is no low the gop won’t go.

I don't think I have been hyperbolic - have I?
And low.?..that would depend on your view of Rightness, yes?. Many on the right would argue that preservation of the Country is their goal.
McConnellism’s behavior on judges, supported by gops, has caused permanent and irreparable harm to our Nation.

Only if we look at history beginning and ending with the last election cycle. I think the vicious politicization of the Supreme Court started long before McConnell and goes back to the Robert Bork confirmation hearings.
Didn’t vote. You guys should really consider expanding beyond two options in these polls. The simple answer is that she’ll sooner die in her seat than step down under a president she doesn’t trust to replace her.

Edited to add: FWIW, she apparently wanted to step down under Obama, but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate. This was before the nuclear option was extended to the SCOTUS.

Doesn't her attitude give proof to the fact that the SC is in no way some "impartial" interpreter of the law? A tacit acknowledgement that the members of the court are politically biased? I hope I never again hear someone demanding the appointees be impartial judges who simply consider the facts, or that the best person should be chosen based on judicial merit, not their personal politics.
Doesn't her attitude give proof to the fact that the SC is in no way some "impartial" interpreter of the law? A tacit acknowledgement that the members of the court are politically biased? I hope I never again hear someone demanding the appointees be impartial judges who simply consider the facts, or that the best person should be chosen based on judicial merit, not their personal politics.
It’s a devastating revelation on the whole. I always assumed that partisanship never penetrated the courts or the appointment process. And then I got my library card.

The late 80s were heady times.
Maybe she'll retire in the run up to the 2020 election. Would be interesting to see if the GOP still think a President shouldn't appoint a new judge in an election year.
I don't think there's any chance she'll leave during Trump's first term.

If a Democrat gets elected in 2020 I see her leaving. I could see Breyer leaving if a Democrat gets elected in 2020 as well.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


She will do her best to make it through 2020 anyway, even if she has to be on the bench hooked up to life support.
Of course not. It must be disturbing for you to see this.
What I find disturbing is the irrationality of the TDS crowd

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


She'll die before she leaves under Trump. If a Democrat gets elected in 2020 she will leave. If she dies while Trump is still President then left will utterly lose their minds and have a meltdown that will just leave the normal people even more shocked than they currently are of their tantrums.
I think RBG has plenty of gas left in her tank. She exercises daily, is mentally acute, and just hired four law clerks for 4 year stints. I don't think she plans on going anywhere, and especially not while the current occupant of the WH is around. I would worry more about his health. He's no spring chicken himself and has been looking a little out of sorts lately.

Yeah...the lady who can't stay away in the SOTU address is the picture of health.
I don't think that there's a chance that she will survive through President Trump's next term.
I had since edited my post since we can't really know of her humility. My perception of her though due to her comments about Trump are that she is an entirely biased judge, I think it's highly likely that she uses her political bias to warp the laws of our country with her judicial rulings. She stays on the court to be a critical liberal vote.

You have no business making those claims unless you have the necessary education and legal experience, AND are prepared to argue you case with detailed analysis of her decisions.

If there's bias, it's what underlies your accusation. It's probably also why I don't need to ask whether you think judges who hand down positions that favor the very conservative end of the political spectrum are making unbiased and correct decisions.
I had since edited my post since we can't really know of her humility. My perception of her though due to her comments about Trump are that she is an entirely biased judge, I think it's highly likely that she uses her political bias to warp the laws of our country with her judicial rulings. She stays on the court to be a critical liberal vote.

i do know she does not care for the u.s. constitution and likes the South African constitution instead
No, I don't think that she will leave under the current administration. I believe that it will probably be a long time until she can retire that is fine but, I think that she's worried that President Trump will put up another conservative judge and, frankly I think we should have a equal balance beach. If we get this replacement and, then we should look into a liberal judge

Can’t censor this Patriot
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


Judges on SCOTUS need to have a term limit... that they do not is utterly unacceptable.
Just out of curiosity, what length would you propose for them? What about age, should there be a limit on that as well?


10 years... 20 years... I am not too worried about that.

Yes... off the top of my head nobody that would be into their 80's at the end of whatever term limit was chosen.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


She will leave when she croaks,some debilitating medical condition, or when there is a democrat president with a democrat controlled house and senate. I don't see her stepping down on her own accord while Trump is president. Sure some could argue that since there is already a conservative majority in the supreme court it would be pointless for her to hold out. But some of those conservative justices are getting up in age themselves.

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