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Ruth Bader Ginsburg? (1 Viewer)

when will Ruth Ginsburg be off the court?

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.

Didn’t vote. You guys should really consider expanding beyond two options in these polls. The simple answer is that she’ll sooner die in her seat than step down under a president she doesn’t trust to replace her.

Edited to add: FWIW, she apparently wanted to step down under Obama, but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate. This was before the nuclear option was extended to the SCOTUS.
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Didn’t vote. You guys should really consider expanding beyond two options in these polls. The simple answer is that she’ll sooner die in her seat than step down under a president she doesn’t trust to replace her.

i could have added more, sure, but the point was when will she go, she refuses to go under Trumps first term, however health may dictate if he has a second term. i believe she will seek to go if a democrat is elected in 2020.

if trump is in office i see continued protest and outrage by the left and the media

if a democrat is in office i see the right in state of disappointment .
If Ginsburg was wanting to keep the balance of the court she would have resigned during Obama's 1st term. I don't think she will leave the SCOTUS unless a Democrat is there to replace her. I think it's highly likely she'll die on the court. Stephen Breyer is also one to consider too as he is 79. Both should just retire gracefully.
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i could have added more, sure, but the point was when will she go, she refuses to go under Trumps first term, however health may dictate if he has a second term. i believe she will seek to go if a democrat is elected in 2020.
If by “health may dictate,” in a hypothetical Pence or Trump second term, you mean “death,” sure. Barring death, I imagine she otherwise will step down the next time a democrat is in the WH.
Didn’t vote. You guys should really consider expanding beyond two options in these polls. The simple answer is that she’ll sooner die in her seat than step down under a president she doesn’t trust to replace her.

Edited to add: FWIW, she apparently wanted to step down under Obama, but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate. This was before the nuclear option was extended to the SCOTUS.

Funny stuff (but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate) A new requirement for a justice... approval from Ginsburg? What a hoot!
The republicans will control the senate after the next election so I don't see her going anywhere by her choice.
If Ginsburg was a humble woman wanting to keep the balance of the court she would have resigned during Obama's 1st term. She will probably die on the court during Trump, and most certainly if Trump wins in 2020. Stephen Breyer is also one to consider too as he is 79.
What does that even mean? What do we know about her humility. I met her once in college and she seemed humble enough. The court turned over two liberal justices in Obama’s first two years. Maybe she thought a third would be too taxing on continuity. And as noted, she reportedly didn’t think Obama could get another liberal through in his second term—especially after the Senate flipped after the 2014 midterms.
What does that even mean? What do we know about her humility. I met her once in college and she seemed humble enough. The court turned over two liberal justices in Obama’s first two years. Maybe she thought a third would be too taxing on continuity. And as noted, she reportedly didn’t think Obama could get another liberal through in his second term—especially after the Senate flipped after the 2014 midterms.

I had since edited my post since we can't really know of her humility. My perception of her though due to her comments about Trump are that she is an entirely biased judge, I think it's highly likely that she uses her political bias to warp the laws of our country with her judicial rulings. She stays on the court to be a critical liberal vote.
If Ginsburg was wanting to keep the balance of the court she would have resigned during Obama's 1st term. I don't think she will leave the SCOTUS unless a Democrat is there to replace her. I think it's highly likely she'll die on the court. Stephen Breyer is also one to consider too as he is 79. Both should just retire gracefully.

I think RBG has plenty of gas left in her tank. She exercises daily, is mentally acute, and just hired four law clerks for 4 year stints. I don't think she plans on going anywhere, and especially not while the current occupant of the WH is around. I would worry more about his health. He's no spring chicken himself and has been looking a little out of sorts lately.
i could have added more, sure, but the point was when will she go, she refuses to go under Trumps first term, however health may dictate if he has a second term. i believe she will seek to go if a democrat is elected in 2020.

if trump is in office i see continued protest and outrage by the left and the media

if a democrat is in office i see the right in state of disappointment .

Your poll is about what you believe and not an honest attempt to find out what we believe.
Funny stuff (but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate) A new requirement for a justice... approval from Ginsburg? What a hoot!
The republicans will control the senate after the next election so I don't see her going anywhere by her choice.

Do you also hoot about Kennedy's hand picked successor? That was the deal for his retirement.
Funny stuff (but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate) A new requirement for a justice... approval from Ginsburg? What a hoot!
Well since her seat is hers for life, barring her decision to resign or the initiation of an impeachment, it’s not such a “hoot”, in point of of fact, to say that barring death her approval will be required to name a new justice in her stead. There is plenty of precedence for SCOTUS Justices dying in office. There is none for their removal.

Do you even constitution, bro? History?

Just hoots?
I think RBG has plenty of gas left in her tank. She exercises daily, is mentally acute, and just hired four law clerks for 4 year stints. I don't think she plans on going anywhere, and especially not while the current occupant of the WH is around. I would worry more about his health. He's no spring chicken himself and has been looking a little out of sorts lately.

At age 85 and being a pancreatic cancer survivor though there are no guarantees. I commend her trying to stay healthy and hope it inspires others to do so, but I still think her mortality may be imminent regardless. If Trump serves through 2024 I highly doubt she will still be on this earth.
At age 85 and being a pancreatic cancer survivor though there are no guarantees. I commend her trying to stay healthy and hope it inspires others to do so, but I still think her mortality may be imminent regardless. If Trump serves through 2024 I highly doubt she will still be on this earth.

Are you sure Trump will be on this earth in 2024? No one has a crystal ball or guarantees. I'm sure Scalia's example bears that out.
Your poll is about what you believe and not an honest attempt to find out what we believe.

Ruth Ginsburg will not be around in 2024. she will leave in trumps first term or after the next election.

does anyone see her on the court in 2024?

and i stated my opinion on what the outcome of her leaving will be....as you can see i asked for peoples opinions
Are you sure Trump will be on this earth in 2024? No one has a crystal ball or guarantees. I'm sure Scalia's example bears that out.

He may not, he's up there too. Pence would likely be here though.
RBG will not leave the court unless she dies (and even then they may just keep her on life support) as long as Trump is president.
Ruth Ginsburg will not be around in 2024. she will leave in trumps first term or after the next election.

does anyone see her on the court in 2024?

and i stated my opinion on what the outcome of her leaving will be....as you can see i asked for peoples opinions

Sentence one is not a fact. Sentence two is not a fact.

Your poll was not written as a query into the potential outcomes of her leaving. That makes it dishonest.
Sentence one is not a fact. Clause two of sentence one is not a fact.

Your poll was not written as a query into the outcome of her leaving. That makes it dishonest.

why is this hard for you?

she will be leaving either in this term or the next, or do you believe she will be on the court until 91

what will be the ramifications of her leaving from the left and right.

the poll was not hard, you just made it that way.
RBG will not leave the court unless she dies (and even then they may just keep her on life support) as long as Trump is president.

I had the same thought. That ole gal ain't leaving on her own for sure.
why is this hard for you?

she will be leaving either in this term or the next, or do you believe she will be on the court until 91

what will be the ramifications of her leaving from the left and right.

the poll was not hard, you just made it that way.

She COULD be leaving...

What WOULD be the...

Words matter.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.

I don't know her health well enough to predict when she will retire. At the very most I think she can last is another 10 years. I don't see her voluntarily retiring if trump is in office.

If trump does get to nominate her replacement it will depend on which party holds the Senate. If republicans hold the majority another judge from his list will be put on the bench

If dems control the senate they hold the seat open if they think they can hold the majority until they get another Democrat in the WH. If it looks like they are in jeapordy of losing the majority with an open seat on the bench they might settle for a moderate. of course then trump may not nominate anyone till after the midterms if it looks like the go will win control of the senate.

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At age 85 and being a pancreatic cancer survivor though there are no guarantees. I commend her trying to stay healthy and hope it inspires others to do so, but I still think her mortality may be imminent regardless. If Trump serves through 2024 I highly doubt she will still be on this earth.

trump won’t serve through 2020. Numerous gop posters on this board openly wish for the death of RBG. Thats a fact. That’s just another example of what the gop has become, the party of Charlottesville.
Didn’t vote. You guys should really consider expanding beyond two options in these polls. The simple answer is that she’ll sooner die in her seat than step down under a president she doesn’t trust to replace her.

Edited to add: FWIW, she apparently wanted to step down under Obama, but didn’t feel that he could get someone she’d approve of through the Senate. This was before the nuclear option was extended to the SCOTUS.
Yup its a complex question for a poll

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