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Ruth Bader Ginsburg? (1 Viewer)

when will Ruth Ginsburg be off the court?

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Old Ruth will probably sleep through the next couple of presidents.

She'll register her left-wing vote on everything and quickly go back to her almost constant nap.
Just FYI.... Scalia's confirmation was unanimous. Ginsberg was 96 -3. Roberts 78 -22. There was a time that the Senate did their job. Advise and consent.

It might help to remember that Thurgood Marshall, a uniquely liberal justice was replaced by Clarence Thomas by HW Bush. It is not unique to Scalia's replacement that he would be replaced by a president from an opposite party.

It obvious that this new game being played by the right is going to be defended by gun enthusiasts, religious zealots and various others. But this is not how it's always been.

There continues to be no moral or false equivalence between the sum total of what McConnellism has done with federal judges since Clinton’s last two years and anything Democrats have done. This continues to be one of the most successful gop games.

At the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, we would be the clear blue Mississippi, they would be the muddy Ohio. It’s been this way with their cultural warfare since Reagan and the Religious Rightists.
Old Ruth will probably sleep through the next couple of presidents.

She'll register her left-wing vote on everything and quickly go back to her almost constant nap.

Please supply some evidence that she naps during SC hearings. She readily admits taking a nap at the State of the Union Address in 2015. An address Scalia skipped because he knew he'd nap.
Please supply some evidence that she naps during SC hearings. She readily admits taking a nap at the State of the Union Address in 2015. An address Scalia skipped because he knew he'd nap.

Oh, come on.

They have a terrible time getting a picture of the Justices with her awake.
Those are all pictures of her taking a nap at the State of the Union...which she readily admits to doing. Please supply a picture of her napping at a Supreme Court hearing, as you state she does all the time.

They don't take pictures there......but here's one you might like.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


As long as Trump is president, Ginsburg will hang on unless she dies first. She ain't going anywhere.
If that's the best you got, you don't got much.

One Commie Senator down.......that will warm your heart.

Just FYI.... Scalia's confirmation was unanimous. Ginsberg was 96 -3. Roberts 78 -22. There was a time that the Senate did their job. Advise and consent.

It might help to remember that Thurgood Marshall, a uniquely liberal justice was replaced by Clarence Thomas by HW Bush. It is not unique to Scalia's replacement that he would be replaced by a president from an opposite party.

It obvious that this new game being played by the right is going to be defended by gun enthusiasts, religious zealots and various others. But this is not how it's always been.
It started with Bork and has progressively gotten worse

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There continues to be no moral or false equivalence between the sum total of what McConnellism has done with federal judges since Clinton’s last two years and anything Democrats have done. This continues to be one of the most successful gop games.

At the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, we would be the clear blue Mississippi, they would be the muddy Ohio. It’s been this way with their cultural warfare since Reagan and the Religious Rightists.
We don't call the left snowflakes because they are as pure as the undriven snow but you keep thinking that they are all you want.

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Oh, come on.

They have a terrible time getting a picture of the Justices with her awake.
It's all the vodkas fault

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


If it were not for Obamas arrogance, Obama could have requested she step down and I believe she would have so Obama could pick her successor instead of Hillary. A conservative or Trump for that matter was never a concern.

After Trump became the candidate, she had to be as convinced as Obama that the destruction of Trump was a sure thing. Why else would the left leave a liberal seat to chance?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


The only way she is going to leave while Trump is in office is if she dies. If a Democrat is elected then she may step down. As it stands currently she hates Trump too much to step down while he's in office.
If Ginsburg was wanting to keep the balance of the court she would have resigned during Obama's 1st term. I don't think she will leave the SCOTUS unless a Democrat is there to replace her. I think it's highly likely she'll die on the court. Stephen Breyer is also one to consider too as he is 79. Both should just retire gracefully.

That's a most interesting assertion. Thanks for that.

Tell me, why should both 'just retire gracefully'?

Please be very specific if you're up to actually backing up your claim.
The only way she is going to leave while Trump is in office is if she dies. If a Democrat is elected then she may step down. As it stands currently she hates Trump too much to step down while he's in office.
Has she voiced an opinion about trump?

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You know the meaning of hyperbole, yes? But still write. as above... ?

Hyperbole from the alt-right wishing RBG dead is what you’re seeing in this thread. There is no low the gop won’t go.
Has she voiced an opinion about trump?

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Of course not. It must be disturbing for you to see this.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.

do you see her leaving during Trump's term in office, which could [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]be until 2024 or she will leave if a democrat is elected in 2020 ........ its not likely for her to be on the court in 2024[/FONT]

what will be the fallout of her leaving if Trump is still in office, what will we see in the media and among the people?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.


I should like to point out that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. made it to 90 years of age serving on the Supreme Court, and that was from 1902 to 1932. Now, I realize that Justice Holmes was a man of extraordinary constitution even in his day and age, but with today's medical technology that Mrs. Ginsberg has access to and the healthy lifestyle she leads, I do not think it is outside of the realm of possibility to say that she could quite possibly remain on the bench even if President Donald Trump were to achieve a second term in office and remain their until his successor was elected.

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