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Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Says Slaughter in Bucha Is a ‘Fake Attack’ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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The Russians are denying they carried out any massacres in Bucha, and claiming this is a fabrication

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Says Slaughter in Bucha Is a ‘Fake Attack’​

Mr Lavrov claims Russian troops completely withdrew from the town on March 30

The Russian Defence Ministry has rejected Ukraine’s accusation of an alleged massacre of civilians in Bucha, saying that Russian armed forces completely left the town as early as March 30.

Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, has called the situation in the Ukrainian town a “fake attack” aimed at undermining Moscow, the TASS news agency reported.

Ukrainian authorities said on Sunday they were investigating possible crimes by Russian forces after finding hundreds of bodies scattered around towns like Bucha outside the capital Kyiv, after the Russian troops withdrew from the area.

The Russians have called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to take up the issue of the Bucha allegations -- but strangely, the UK which currently chairs the UN Security Council, is refusing to convene a session to discuss it.

Why is the UK blocking a UNSC meeting on Bucha? What kind of game is Britain playing? I'm worried it's a game called Fake News. Otherwise why would UK be blocking the meeting?
I suppose all those bodies just dumped themselves in a ditch.

People have been putting bodies in ditches since the start of the war. That's been shown on the news plenty of times before this.
People have been putting bodies in ditches since the start of the war. That's been shown on the news plenty of times before this.

Did all those people have their hands tied behind their backs?

Keep defending war crimes, dude. Gotta make those rubles.
The Russians are denying they carried out any massacres in Bucha, and claiming this is a fabrication

The Russians have called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to take up the issue of the Bucha allegations -- but strangely, the UK which currently chairs the UN Security Council, is refusing to convene a session to discuss it.

Why is the UK blocking a UNSC meeting on Bucha? What kind of game is Britain playing? I'm worried it's a game called Fake News. Otherwise why would UK be blocking the meeting?
Sounds about like something Joseph Goebbels said during the Nazi's acts of enacting the Holocaust.
Russian pieces of shit are fleeing in mass. What a pack of wimps these Russians are.

Did all those people have their hands tied behind their backs?

Keep defending war crimes, dude. Gotta make those rubles.

War crimes should certainly be investigated. The United Nations can certainly form an investigation committee for this.

Why is Britain blocking the UN Security Council from convening to discuss what's happened in Bucha?
Russian pieces of shit are fleeing in mass. What a pack of wimps these Russians are.

Watch Putin instead threaten to nuke Kyiv unless Ukraine surrenders completely.
Ukraine's pretty much cleared out Putzin from the North. Now it's time to clean up in the South and East.
Mariopul needs help but I'd love to see Ukraine turn south and wipe out the Russian military in Crimea.
War crimes should certainly be investigated. The United Nations can certainly form an investigation committee for this.

Why is Britain blocking the UN Security Council from convening to discuss what's happened in Bucha?
Every heard the word "Timing" ?
Mariopul needs help but I'd love to see Ukraine turn south and wipe out the Russian military in Crimea.
That would be incredibly difficult, since Russian ships control that part of the Black Sea, and Russia built a bridge from Crimea to Russia large enough to support the rapid movement of tanks and heavy artillary. :(
Why is the UK blocking a UNSC meeting on Bucha? What kind of game is Britain playing? I'm worried it's a game called Fake News. Otherwise why would UK be blocking the meeting?
According to Reuters, the UK, which chairs the committee for April (this is April 4) said they would not call a meeting on Monday (today), as it already has a meeting scheduled Tuesday (tomorrow). Doesn't sound like they are "refusing" to meet - only to call an early meeting. I'm not familiar with the UN scheduling, but I wouldn't be surprised if Monday is considered a travel day with respect to significant meetings, and some of the key people may not be available.

April 4 (Reuters) - Russia's foreign ministry said it would reiterate its request for the U.N. Security Council to meet on Monday over what Moscow called the "criminal provocations by Ukrainian soldiers and radicals" in the town of Bucha near Kyiv.

Britain's mission to the United Nations, which holds the presidency of the 15-member council for April, had said the Council would hold a scheduled discussion on Ukraine on Tuesday, and not meet on Monday as requested by Russia.
I will withhold judgement until a 3rd party investigation is carried out. Bucha was recaptured on the 31st. Yet we only hear of this massacre on the 3rd. Why? My conclusion is that this narrative was made up. It is entirely possible there were killings, also bodies from the crossfire as this was previously the front line and was subjected to heavy artillery and grad fire from the Ukrainian side, as well as the bodies of pro-Russian collaborators with white armbands that were shot. That's why it took so long for this news to come out, Ukraine was trying to form a narrative from this to aid their PR war and gain more material support, and they succeeded.

On a side note, Ukrainian media reported that specialist units and SBU had begun clearing the area of "saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops" on April 2nd.

Bucha mayor announced the recapture on the 31st, but no mention of the "massacre".

Furthermore, we have yet to see first-hand evidence of this from eyewitnesses, just like in the supposed Mariupol "theater bombing".

There are also pictures from Bucha that show dead bodies with white armbands. Those are to signify pro-Russia locals, and yet they turn up dead?

There's also a video titled "The work of the Bossman boys in Bucha" where in the opening seconds, one of the territorial defence guys says,

– There are guys without blue armbands, can I shoot at them?
– Sure, f**k!

If you do not try to refute my argument in good faith, then I will not respond.
The Russians are denying they carried out any massacres in Bucha, and claiming this is a fabrication

The Russians have called an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to take up the issue of the Bucha allegations -- but strangely, the UK which currently chairs the UN Security Council, is refusing to convene a session to discuss it.

Why is the UK blocking a UNSC meeting on Bucha? What kind of game is Britain playing? I'm worried it's a game called Fake News. Otherwise why would UK be blocking the meeting?
No surprise there, Russian lies about atrocities committed by Russians. Same old same old from the fascist scums running that country
War crimes should certainly be investigated. The United Nations can certainly form an investigation committee for this.

Why is Britain blocking the UN Security Council from convening to discuss what's happened in Bucha?

Why did Russia block the UN Security action regarding Ukraine?
Russia was and is the aggressor in this war.

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