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RNC Votes to Block CNN, NBC from Hosting Debates..... (1 Viewer)

Sorry, this is jibberish. What are you talking about? How did Obama throw middle classers under the bus in favor of 1%ers. If you are referring to the extension of the employer mandate but the retention of the personal mandate, than I suggest you don't understand either. If you are not talking about that, I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Yeah well, your suggestion would be totally off the mark. As he did give Big Business a break. Uhm that would be those 1%ers. As well as members of Congress. So it's not to difficult to understand hypocrisy when one sees it. While throwing out all those useless platitudes about the Middle Class. ;)

Also.....its not jibberish. That's what YOUR MAN Obama is about. Jibberish stuttering hypocrisy.
So, we'd wind up with a RINO party (probably called something else) that would include most of the ex Republicans, a few more in the Libertarian Party, another party made up of far right, all with their share of the vote. I think the Democrats would applaud that idea.

I don't know about that... Both RINO's and progressives are fascists - they just believe in totally different totalitarian utopias... If anything they would break the party apart..... Classical liberals/libertarians/republicans and conservatives would benefit the most because I believe we all respect the Bill of Rights and IMO that is the only thing that matters in our present society.... We're not going to ban business, products, fat people, guns, free speech and other civil liberties etc.... We wont allow our government to spy or target political groups.... I believe we're all on the same page with it comes to those ideas. The RINO's and progressives have absolutely no problem circumventing the Bill of Rights just as long as it leads them to their idea utopia(s).
I don't know about that... Both RINO's and progressives are fascists - they just believe in totally different totalitarian utopias... If anything they would break the party apart..... Classical liberals/libertarians/republicans and conservatives would benefit the most because I believe we all respect the Bill of Rights and IMO that is the only thing that matters in our present society.... We're not going to ban business, products, fat people, guns, free speech and other civil liberties etc.... We wont allow our government to spy or target political groups.... I believe we're all on the same page with it comes to those ideas. The RINO's and progressives have absolutely no problem circumventing the Bill of Rights just as long as it leads them to their idea utopia(s).

How can you even talk about this crap when you support the idea that your government can kidnap and torture foreign citizens at will?

If you truly believe in the actual ideals themselves, as a human being they must apply to all regardless of nationality.

Otherwise what you're talking about is delusional nationalist crap, in which your beloved "bill of rights" only applies to those you want it to which in and of itself is its own form of fascism as you seem to want some kind of Homogeneous society where everyone thinks exactly as you do and anyone who doesn't is automatically up to no good and trying to "destroy your way of life".

This type of thinking is paranoia and a classic lead up to totalitarian states.

It's projecting at it's most blatant.

In the end Conservatives like you love to use the word freedom like you truly understand what it means, but when it comes to reality I use the following quote.

"It's far easier to fight for principles, than it is to live up to them."
From my perspective, having witnessed several of the GOP primary debates during late 2011 and early 2012, I'd say this is good strategy for the GOP. The less exposure some of these asshats get to a national audience, the better. The media just uses these events to focus on the most outrageous thing that the most obscure candidate says and attributes it to the majority of conservative and Republican voters in your country.

Once the nominee is chosen, and the Presidential race is on between the two chosen candidates, then is the time for the debates to be widely broadcast and CNN and NBC will be back in the game.

As for Romney.....he didn't have the plan. Ryan did.

Which promptly fell apart recently. Ryan's "budget" and I use that term loosely only works at the abstract level. The GOP abandoned it when they tried to move it to a more tangible form. Which is what many of us were saying from the day it was released. It was all smoke and mirrors for those unable to do math. Once the GOP handed it off to their staff to crunch the numbers, they quickly turned sour on it.
Sorry, this is jibberish. What are you talking about? How did Obama throw middle classers under the bus in favor of 1%ers. If you are referring to the extension of the employer mandate but the retention of the personal mandate, than I suggest you don't understand either. If you are not talking about that, I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Well, there's the bank bailout which screwed institutions and stockholders for bond holders who typically are more represented in the 1%. Plenty of 1% got screwed on their equity holdings, but not many 99% have large bond holdings stakes. His support for low interest rates is killing the 99% while benefiting the 1% who largely own the banks and corporations.

The Detroit Bailouts come to mind. The Obama Administration worked out a bankruptcy plan where all of the legacy costs are transferred to a new organization has can only pay for them via dues and GM/Chrysler Stock. Meaning that the increasing costs can only be paid for by selling off principal or hoping that GM/Chrysler does well. Now the union can't go hat in hand to GM/Chrysler asking for money. If GM/Chrysler have trouble, the union has to start selling off principal stock.

Obama hasn't been the middle classes's best friend.
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Which promptly fell apart recently. Ryan's "budget" and I use that term loosely only works at the abstract level. The GOP abandoned it when they tried to move it to a more tangible form. Which is what many of us were saying from the day it was released. It was all smoke and mirrors for those unable to do math. Once the GOP handed it off to their staff to crunch the numbers, they quickly turned sour on it.

Heya OC. :2wave: You sure that was the Plan the Democrat White (CA) worked with Ryan on?
Hey.....I am not the one that uses the Stuttering thing as a tool and for the camera. That's your man. But I will call him out on it. Although if you really want to see Obama go into a total melt down of trembling stuttering. All one need do is Start using profanity while yelling at him. Then you will see that **** eating grin of a smile when he can't come back with anything off the top of his head.

As for Romney.....he didn't have the plan. Ryan did.

LOL ... Guy drives you up a wall with how well he reads a teleprompter --- the guys before him used it, including Reagan, but none nearly as well, not even Clinton ... people don't even realize he's using it ... Bush made it obvious, but in fairness to him he was a Palin-type reader and had to squint anytime he had to read actual letters ...

as far as Ryan's plan is concerned, which one are you referring to? The one in which a 12 year old girl raped and impregnated by her father can't get an abortion? I'm not so sure that plan will fly all that well ... At least Ryan delivered his state ... Oh, wait, sorry ... my bad ... he did a Gore and didn't ... oops ...
Perhaps the thinking is that it is better to remain silent and let others think your candidates to be fools than to let them talk and thus remove all doubt. ;)

I'm sure the libertarian candidates will be treated fairly by NBC.
LOL ... Guy drives you up a wall with how well he reads a teleprompter --- the guys before him used it, including Reagan, but none nearly as well, not even Clinton ... people don't even realize he's using it ... Bush made it obvious, but in fairness to him he was a Palin-type reader and had to squint anytime he had to read actual letters ...

as far as Ryan's plan is concerned, which one are you referring to? The one in which a 12 year old girl raped and impregnated by her father can't get an abortion? I'm not so sure that plan will fly all that well ... At least Ryan delivered his state ... Oh, wait, sorry ... my bad ... he did a Gore and didn't ... oops ...

Nah.....it has nothing to do with a teleprompter. Moreover all knows he uses it and even with the words in front of him he still stutters away like a hapless moron. Its easy when speaking to others and one doesn't have to answer the comeback. But I am sure when he attempts to throw that southern drawl in with it.....that most on the left just sucks it up as its a part of him naturally.

As for Ryan.....that would be the plan he worked on with Ron White the Democrat out of Cali. Ya sure ya weren't getting cornfuzzled over Atkins or Murdock on that Abortion issue?
I'm sure the libertarian candidates will be treated fairly by NBC.

No challenging candidate is likely to be treated fairly by any news organization, since what the incumbent says about any issue is frequently reported as news, while what a challenger says (on the same issue) is largely ignored as they are merely a private citizen at that point. The debates, as poorly moderated (and as selective in their invitations) as they are, present at least an opportunity for challengers to have their ideas, in their own words, introduced to the public.
Nah.....it has nothing to do with a teleprompter. Moreover all knows he uses it and even with the words in front of him he still stutters away like a hapless moron. Its easy when speaking to others and one doesn't have to answer the comeback. But I am sure when he attempts to throw that southern drawl in with it.....that most on the left just sucks it up as its a part of him naturally.

As for Ryan.....that would be the plan he worked on with Ron White the Democrat out of Cali. Ya sure ya weren't getting cornfuzzled over Atkins or Murdock on that Abortion issue?
Yeah, Obama's such a bad speaker that people are making money by publishing entire books and calendars just full of his malapropisms.

Oh, wait ... that's not Obama.
Yeah, Obama's such a bad speaker that people are making money by publishing entire books and calendars just full of his malapropisms.

Oh, wait ... that's not Obama.

Yeah and your point is? :doh Bill Clinton is running around making speeches and getting paid. All the while with publishers putting out all kinds of Journalists writings on whatever Bilbo has to say. Course Bilbo doesn't have that stuttering problem either.
Why would Republicans invite Democrat P.R. companies to their primary debates?
Yeah and your point is? :doh Bill Clinton is running around making speeches and getting paid. All the while with publishers putting out all kinds of Journalists writings on whatever Bilbo has to say. Course Bilbo doesn't have that stuttering problem either.

What I find funny is many "criticize" Obama for using a teleprompter and sometimes stuttering when they themselves have not been up before millions of people trying to speak to a crowd that is looking to criticize every word they say.

Are you saying you can do better?
Why would Republicans invite Democrat P.R. companies to their primary debates?

I think having the republican primaries on NBC and CNN have actually improved the GOP chances to get elected. Can you imagine if Santorum was picked by the GOP and then went on to NBC or CNN for the debates against Obama? Santorum would have been crushed the minute he said babies from rape are a gift from God.
Why would Republicans invite Democrat P.R. companies to their primary debates?

It is still better to have your candidates present their views in their own words than to rely totally on the MSM's "interpretation" of those words.
What I find funny is many "criticize" Obama for using a teleprompter and sometimes stuttering when they themselves have not been up before millions of people trying to speak to a crowd that is looking to criticize every word they say.

Are you saying you can do better?

Heya TNE. :2wave: Yeah I could.....but I would have to cut more comedian like due to the profanity I would use. That's the thing you talk about millions. Hundreds, thousands.....a handful. Whatever it is.....speech or show. You always want to be at your Best and the top of your game. Always!

Never step up onto the Stage.....if you aint willing to be the Xzibit.
Yeah and your point is? :doh Bill Clinton is running around making speeches and getting paid. All the while with publishers putting out all kinds of Journalists writings on whatever Bilbo has to say. Course Bilbo doesn't have that stuttering problem either.

My point couldn't be more obvious. How did you not get it? There was no speaker worse than Dubya. Books and calendars were filled with his flubs. It cracks me up how righties try so desperately to paint Obama as a poor speaker after the right gave us two terms of Mr. is our children learning. :shrug:
Heya TNE. :2wave: Yeah I could.....but I would have to cut more comedian like due to the profanity I would use. That's the thing you talk about millions. Hundreds, thousands.....a handful. Whatever it is.....speech or show. You always want to be at your Best and the top of your game. Always!

Never step up onto the Stage.....if you aint willing to be the Xzibit.

Sorry, I call BS on that one. I've been up on stage, I've perfromed both drama and debate. It's not easy and it's silly to think you can do it multiple times during a year and not make one error.

I think those that criticize Obama for it are being quite petty when they themselves have not done it nor are doing it now.

It's more internet bravado IMO than anything else. And that includes those that criticized Bush's speeches as well. While gaffes are funny, they are hard to prevent when someone is a public speaker. I don't think there is ANYONE (especially in this internet 24-hour news era) that has not made a Gaffe or mistake.
Sorry, I call BS on that one. I've been up on stage, I've perfromed both drama and debate. It's not easy and it's silly to think you can do it multiple times during a year and not make one error.

I think those that criticize Obama for it are being quite petty when they themselves have not done it nor are doing it now.

It's more internet bravado IMO than anything else. And that includes those that criticized Bush's speeches as well. While gaffes are funny, they are hard to prevent when someone is a public speaker. I don't think there is ANYONE (especially in this internet 24-hour news era) that has not made a Gaffe or mistake.

Well now you threw a different tangent in with the bit about not making one error. No one even said anything about making errors. So really how does such a point now apply? Did you think that because Obama stutters that he is making some errors?

Yeah well I am older than Obama and like you I have been on the that big stage in front of people too. Which has nothing to do with internet bravado. Might be something if you was talking to some kid or maybe someone really young. That needs to make more of themselves than what they are.

Sounds like you assumption for those that criticize Obama is where your problem is with it.....maybe your use to hearing it all the time now.

Course you will note with his DNC speech that was the truly Historic.....didn't uh, stutter so much, huh? Like in barely at all.
*shrug* I personally think this was an excuse to do this

Yes because more staged events is truly what we need. My god, will people ever awake to the misdeeds of the Republocrats? Or are we just going to "don't throw your vote away" ourselves to hell?
Nah.....it has nothing to do with a teleprompter. Moreover all knows he uses it and even with the words in front of him he still stutters away like a hapless moron. Its easy when speaking to others and one doesn't have to answer the comeback. But I am sure when he attempts to throw that southern drawl in with it.....that most on the left just sucks it up as its a part of him naturally.

As for Ryan.....that would be the plan he worked on with Ron White the Democrat out of Cali. Ya sure ya weren't getting cornfuzzled over Atkins or Murdock on that Abortion issue?

yeah, that's why the guy will never become president ... he's such a poor speaker ... :naughty

the confusion, I'm afraid, is all yours ... Is Murdock opposed to abortion, no exceptions? I don't know if he is ... Ryan and Atkin are ... in fact,

Ryan co-sponsored legislation along with Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, called “The Sanctity of Human Life Act,” which a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.”

here's his position ...

“Specifically where you stand when it comes to rape, and when it comes to the issue of should it be legal for a woman to be able to get an abortion if she’s raped?” WJHL reporter Josh Smith wondered.

“I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that, the position that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life,” Ryan explained.

And then he runs with a guy who makes exceptions ...
yeah, that's why the guy will never become president ... he's such a poor speaker ... :naughty

the confusion, I'm afraid, is all yours ... Is Murdock opposed to abortion, no exceptions? I don't know if he is ... Ryan and Atkin are ... in fact,

Ryan co-sponsored legislation along with Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, called “The Sanctity of Human Life Act,” which a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.”

here's his position ...

“Specifically where you stand when it comes to rape, and when it comes to the issue of should it be legal for a woman to be able to get an abortion if she’s raped?” WJHL reporter Josh Smith wondered.

“I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea that, the position that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life,” Ryan explained.

And then he runs with a guy who makes exceptions ...

Oh well.....But then you already have Biden up there. So it seems your theory plays out.....huh?

Like I have always said when comparing the Right to the left.....when it comes to ethics and corruption. The Left wins hands downs. I would note that for every one or two goof balls on the Right. There are 15 on the left proving why they are the best at deception while always getting caught. :lol:

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